TIF 2019: TOKYO GIRLS’ STYLE Shines on Stage With a Veteran-worthy Performance

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Mako (makomina) and Hitomi Arai (TOKYO GIRLS’ STYLE) brighten up winter with an adorable “twin dance” (双子ダンス, futago dance) set to the folk song “Yuki Yakonko”!
Part of a promotion for SUPER SPORTS XEBIO, Mako and Hitomi dance around one of the stores while showing off different fashionable looks for fun times in a winter wonderland.
With everything a beginner would need for their first time snowboarding, at the very least SUPER SPORT XEBIO will have you looking good regardless of how many times you might fall down out on the slopes this winter?
Special site: http://www.supersports.co.jp/special/winter/makohitomi/
TOKYO GIRLS’ STYLE Official site: http://tokyogirlsstyle.jp/
TOKYO GIRLS’ STYLE Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/TokyoGirlsStyle
makomina Official site: http://makomina.com/
makomina Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/makoxmina
makomina YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeh_Qw-cjkiLw1lxQFD1kfw
makomina Mix Channel: https://mixch.tv/u/44841
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