“intohersoulgem”, a Never Before Seen Experience-Based Cosplay Photo Exhibition !!

Today we’re launching our new series, Tokyo Girls’ Guidebook!
Here are some of Tokyo’s favorite cities that active young girls often visit in their private lives.
In this series you’ll discover a vibrant Tokyo that can’t be found in ordinary guidebooks!
新連載「Tokyo Girls’ Guidebook」がスタート!
Let’s go to Roppongi with Kuriemi!
In commemoration of the first issue, we have a popular gravure model and cosplayer Kuriemi-san to guide us through Tokyo. She shows us around Roppongi, a city with a variety of faces, from high society art galleries and shopping malls to nightspots.
The meeting place is Tokyo Midtown, a representative complex facility of Roppongi.
Kuriemi: There are many restaurants and shops I like in Roppongi, so I often come here in my private life. I often come to Midtown in particular. I like this area because it’s like a quiet adult town.
くりえみ: 六本木には好きなご飯屋さんやお店が多いのでよくプライベートで遊びにきています。特にミッドタウンはよく来ます。この辺りは落ち着いた大人の街って感じで好きですね。
Kuriemi: Roppongi has a strong image as an entertainment district where there are many nightspots, but the people around midtown are also adults, so it is attractive that it is calm and comfortable.
くりえみ: どうしても六本木というとナイトスポットが多い歓楽街の方のイメージが強いですけど、ミッドタウン周辺はいる人の層も大人なので、落ち着いていて過ごしやすいところが魅力です。
Kuriemi: There is a lot of greenery, so it’s good for a walk.
くりえみ: 緑も多くてお散歩にもいいですね。
Kuriemi: You can also enjoy cherry blossoms in spring.
くりえみ: 春は桜も楽しめます。
Kuriemi: I usually eat, go to a pet shop or come to watch a movie.
くりえみ: 普段はご飯を食べたり、ペットショップに行ったり、映画を見に来たりしていますね。
Kuriemi Roppongi Recommended Gourmet
Kuriemi: I recommend “French fries and black truffles” of Champagne Bistro “Orangje” in Tokyo Midtown.
くりえみ: おすすめはミッドタウン東京にあるシャンパン・ビストロ「オランジェ」の「フレンチフライと黒トリュフ」です。
Kuriemi: I’ve been addicted to it since I ate it after being recommended by my favorite person, and I’ve been repeating it. They put truffles in front of me, but the scent is addictive! The truffle mixes with the potatoes for an exquisite harmony. Please eat it thinking you were deceived.
くりえみ: 好きな人に薦められて食べてからハマってしまいリピートしています。目の前でトリュフをかけてくれるのですが香りが癖になります!トリュフがポテトと絡んで絶妙なハーモニーがたまりません。騙されたと思って食べてみてください。
Kuriemi: By the way, curry for lunch is also delicious.
くりえみ: ちなみにランチのカレーも美味しいですよ。
The DVD out!
Kuriemi: Gravure DVD “Birari” went on sale on July 19.
I shot it in Okinawa, so you can watch me go crazy for once haha.
DVD Details→https://tokyolily.jp/products/detail.php?product_id=18006
くりえみ: 7月19日にグラビアDVD「美らり」が発売になりました。
Kuriemi: I will hold an event to celebrate the release of the DVD on August 3, so please come and see me.
Event Details→https://event.sofmap.com/all/event/01kwg210dtkmn
くりえみ: 8月3日にはDVD発売記念イベントも実施しますので、会いに来てくださいね。
Kuriemi: Are you planning to do it in the future?
I will sell new photo books and new ROM at Summer Comic Market96. There are a lot of pictures filled with fetishes.
くりえみ: 今後の予定ですか?
Kuriemi: I can’t say in detail yet, but there are photo books lined up in bookstores and I will go abroad for cosplay work. Please look forward to it!
くりえみ: あとはまだ詳しく言えないのですが、書店に並ぶ写真集が出たり、コスプレの仕事で海外に行くことになったりします。楽しみにしていてください!
Won the Grand Prix for “Nippon Telegenic 2012” “Miss Action 2014”.
She is active as a gravure model and cosplayer. A beautiful girl who is in the spotlight as a photographer and creator.
「日テレジェニック2012」「ミスアクション2014」 グランプリを受賞。
Related Links
Kuriemi Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/kurita__emi
Kuriemi Official Instagram: https://instagram.com/kurita__emi
Interviewer & Photos: Nessie