Sakura Gakuin 8th Concert DVD/Blu-ray “Sakura Gakuin-Sai☆2017” Release Interview

On March 3rd, 2019, Sakura Gakuin released their 9th album “Sakura Gakuin 2018 Nendo 〜Life Iro Asenai Hibi〜” commemorating their activities in the year 2018.
The group has a tradition where members graduate when they complete junior high school. On March 30, the three members by 3rd year junior high school students, Yuzumi Shintani, Maaya Asou and Marin Hidaka will graduate from the group at their farewell concert “The Road to Graduation 2018 Final 〜Sakura Gakuin 2018 Nendo Graduation〜” held at Kanagawa Kenmin Hall.
In the lead up to their graduation, we interviewed Marin from 3rd year junior high school student and Hamidase! (Breakthrough) Chairman. It was her first solo interview and conducted entirely in English with Tokyo Girls’ Update’s Singapore-born writer.
We asked her about the highlights of the new album, the group’s activities in the past year, and her experiences and memories from her time in Sakura Gakuin.
2019年3月3日、さくら学院の2018年度を締めくくる9thアルバム「さくら学院2018年度 ~Life 色褪せない日々~」が発売された。
中学卒業と同時にグループからも卒業しなければならないという鉄の掟を持つさくら学院。3月30日に神奈川県民ホールで開催される「The Road to Graduation 2018 Final ~さくら学院2018年度 卒業~」をもって、中等部3年の新谷ゆづみさん、麻生真彩さん、日髙麻鈴さんが卒業を迎える。
このたび、Tokyo Girls’ Updateでは、卒業を目前に控えた中等部3年生から、はみだせ!委員長の日髙さんに、自身初となるソロ・インタビューを実施。得意の英語を活かして、シンガポール出身のインタビュアーとの英語でのインタビューを行いました。
An album packed with Sakura Gakuin from 2018
― Congratulations on your 9th album, “Sakura Gakuin 2018 Nendo 〜Life Iro Asenai Hibi〜”. First of all, I’d like to you ask you about three of the tracks featured on the album, “Fairy tale”, “Carry on” and “Clover”.
― さくら学院9thアルバム「さくら学院2018年度 ~Life 色褪せない日々~」発売おめでとうございます。
まずは、今回のアルバムに収録される新曲「Fairy tale」「Carry on」「clover」について、一曲ずつお話しを伺いたいと思います。
― You’ve performed “Fairy tale” several times at live concerts. It’s the first Sakura Gakuin song where you use towels in the choreography and have Fukei (Sakura Gakuin fans) join in the fun with their own towels! Please tell us you and other members thoughts on this last part of the choreography.
― 今年度のライブですでに何度か披露されている「Fairy tale」ですが、最後サビでは、さくら学院の楽曲としては初めてのタオルを振る振付になっていて、父兄の方々もタオルを振って一緒に楽しめる曲ですね! 振付をつけてもらったときの気持ちや、メンバーの方々の反応を教えてください。
Marin: When I got the chance to perform this choreography, I was really happy and excited. It was the first time for us to dance spinning towels around and the other members were really happy, especially Maaya. She was shouting and jumping around.
― As for “Carry on”, the music video is being included on the album’s limited edition Sakura special Blu-ray version. What are the parts of the music video to watch out for? Are there any memorable episodes from the filming?
― 次に「Carry on」についてですが、アルバムの初回限定盤“さくら盤”の特典Blu-layに収録されているミュージックビデオの見どころや、撮影時のエピソードを教えてください。
Marin: On the day we shot the video it looked like it was going to rain, and it really did start to rain a little in the afternoon. We didn’t really feel up to shooting the video in the rain. I went outside along with the other members and we all asked the sky to stop raining (laughs).
Then the rain turned into a sun shower and soon after the weather cleared up. The scene on the terrace was filmed after the rain had stopped. I want everyone to see the beauty after the sun shower in the video.
The studio was a house studio, and the music video was shot in one cut. When I watched the finished video, the backgrounds were constantly changing. That was so interesting. It was a little difficult.
― “Clover” is sung by 3rd year junior high school students, Yuzumi, Maaya and Marin. What were your impressions of the song when you first got it, and what was it like singing as the three of you?
― 中等部3年の新谷さん、麻生さん、そして日髙さんの3名による「clover」についてお聞きします。はじめて曲を受け取ったときの印象や、3人で歌った感想を教えてください。
Marin: When we first got it we thought the song really suited us. The lyrics really matched the theme and our experiences of this year. We all liked singing the song and it felt good.
― Apart from new songs, the album also includes new versions of existing Sakura Gakuin songs. How does your perception of the lyrics and way of expressing them change as you move up in school years?
― アルバムには新曲の他に、過去に発表された、さくら学院の楽曲の新録バージョンも収録されていますね。転入して年度を重ねるごとに歌詞の受け止め方や表現方法に変化はありましたか?
Marin: I think our perception and expression have changed because each year we grow to understand these songs more and more. Because of this understanding we interpret these songs more deeply.
I felt the biggest change with the song “Jump Up ~Chiisana Yuuki” that’s in the album. For this song the dance formation is divided between the seniors and juniors. Before I used to dance the juniors’ formation, but after moving up to the seniors’ positions I began to realize the feelings of the previous seniors when they danced.
アルバムに収録されている「Jump Up 〜ちいさな勇気〜」という曲は一番成長を感じました。ダンスのフォーメーションが上級生と下級生で違うんですけど、これまでは下級生のダンスパートを踊ってきました。今年はじめて上級生のフォーメーションを経験して、今までの卒業生たちの気持ちがわかるようになりました。
― In the first limited edition Gakuin version, the special DVD includes the Sakura Gakuin 2018 nendo end of year test (annual final exam feature) . Please share with us the highlights.
― アルバムの初回限定盤“学院盤”の特典DVDには、毎年恒例の学年末テストの模様が収録されています。見どころを教えてください。
Marin: Of course I’d like to say it’s the exam, but the interaction between the members and Mori-sensei was the highlight for me. I think the reaction of the members when we were filming until the prank was fun. If you want to find out what happens, please check it out.
The standing live that made me feel the members’ bond
― Let’s talk about Sakura Gakuin 2018.
In March 2018, Aiko Yamaide, Megumi Okada and Momoko Okazaki graduated from the group, and in May Sana Shiratori, Kokona Nonaka and Yume Nozaki transferred in. From your point of view, what was last year like?
― 今年度のさくら学院についてお聞きしたいと思います。
Marin: I think this year really blew up. The personalities of Sana, Kokona and Yume were really strong and I was so surprised as to how fast they adapted to Sakura Gakuin.
― Did you have any struggles or worries after becoming the most senior in school year?
― 日髙さんは今年最高学年となり、苦労や悩みはありましたか?
Marin: It was examination year for me; it was difficult to balance Sakura Gakuin life with my school studies. I was really busy and didn’t have so much time, but because I had everyone’s cooperation I didn’t find it stressful. I like to do things at my own pace and be natural.
― Was there a moment you felt the bond among the members the most? When was that?
― メンバー同士の絆を一番感じた瞬間はありましたか?それは、いつ頃ですか?
Marin: The first time I felt this bond was at the last standing live. This was the first concert of our graduation tour. The feeling in the dressing room was tight and I could feel our bond was getting stronger.
日髙:今年初めてメンバー同士の絆を感じたのは、卒業公演までのカウントダウンライブ「The Road to Graduation 2018」の第一弾として2月に行われた「The Road to Graduation 2018~Happy Valentine~」公演でした。そのときの楽屋で絆が強くなったことを実感しました。
The unfading days in Sakura Gakuin
― I’d like to ask you about yourself now.
The year you transferred in, 2015, was the year with the most transfer students. During the entrance ceremony, Saki Shirai who was then a 3rd year junior high school students, brought you up on stage. Please tell us how you felt when you first stood on stage as a member of Sakura Gakuin.
― 日髙さんご自身についてお聞きしたいと思います。
Marin: I was really nervous. At that time I really had a wonderful overstretching smiley face. I’m embarrassed when I think about it now. But I still can’t forget the view from the stage. I felt the moment I first saw the face of Fukei, that my Sakura Gakuin life had started. I remember it like it was yesterday. Shi-chan (Saki Shirai) was very kind to me.
― What did you learn and grow in during your four years in Sakura Gakuin?
― さくら学院での4年間で学んだこと、成長したことはなんですか?
Marin: Of course I learned how to be a better performer but I really grew up over the last four years in learning to communicate with the people around me. When I was in 1st year junior high school students, I was looked after by Sara Kurashima; I had been with her all that year and loved her so much. But she graduated and I felt very lonely. After that I felt I had to be a big sister to the younger members of Sakura Gakuin.
― You’re very flexible and delicate when you perform on stage, and your hand and finger moments are particularly beautiful. Once you’ve learned the lyrics and choreography, do you then add your own interpretation to it?
― ステージでの日髙さんのパフォーマンスはとても柔らかく繊細で、特に手の動きや指先のしぐさが美しいと思っています。歌詞や振付の意味をしっかり理解し、そこから日髙さんなりの解釈を付け加えているのではないかと思いますが、そういう意識はされていますか?
Marin: Thank you so much, I’m glad to hear that. I think I’ve become more aware of performing lately. I try to convey the meaning and feeling of every lyric and dance move as much as I can.
― Your imagination shows clearly in your blog posts. What is the source of your creativity?
― 日髙さんのブログを読んでいると、想像力の豊かさが伝わってきます。想像力の源はなんですか?
Marin: Since I was little I liked reading books, watching movies, making stories and drawing pictures. These things are a big source. My mom told me that when I was a child I would love to use my imagination to sing and dance although I don’t remember it well (laughs).
I love Harry Potter and Disney movies. Apparently I used to dance along to them, so there must have been some influence. I also used to watch a lot of concert DVDs of artists such as Beyonce; I’d wear the exact same costumes and dance and sing in front of the television.
― Lastly, there’s about only a few left till your graduation. Please share with us your feelings about graduating, as well as a message to the Fukei all over the world.
― 最後に、卒業まで残りわずかとなりました。卒業に向けての今の気持ちと、世界中の父兄の方々へのメッセージをお願いします。
Marin: I have been a member of Sakura Gakuin for the last four years. I feel like it was yesterday when I was a new entrant. But now I’m a 4th year and will be graduating soon. The time went by so quick; those four years were a lot of fun and I enjoyed every minute. Every day was a colorful day with both dark but mostly bright days. I think the title of the album “Iro Asenai Hibi” reflects these colorful days I spent in Sakura Gakuin. I love Sakura Gakuin so much. I feel so sad when I feel about leaving here but at the same time I’m really excited about the future I have. After graduating I will continue to be thankful for my time in Sakura Gakuin. I hope you will continue to support me in the future. We really appreciate our Fukei.
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Concert Informaion
The Road to Graduation 2018 Final ~Sakura Gakuin 2018 Nendo Graduation~
March 30, 2019 (Saturday)
Open – 4:00pm / Start – 5:00pm
Kanagawa Kenmin Hall Main Hall (Kanagawa)
The Road to Graduation 2018 Final ~Sakura Gakuin 2018 Nendo Graduation~ Live Viewing
March 30, 2019 (Saturday)
Start – 5:00pm
Movie theaters all around Japan
Venue list: https://liveviewing.jp/contents/sakuragakuin2018/
Related Links
Sakura Gakuin Official site: http://www.sakuragakuin.jp/
Sakura Gakuin Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/sakura_shokuin
Interviewer: Sharuru