Dance Vocal Unit PINK CRES. LIVE TOUR 2019 ~CONFUSION~Report in Japan

Here are some of Tokyo’s favorite cities that active young girls often visit in their private lives.
In this series you’ll discover a vibrant Tokyo that can’t be found in ordinary guidebooks!
写真連載「Tokyo Girls’ Guidebook」。
Let’s go to Shinjuku with Hikaru Kobayashi and Yu-ka Nihei from PINK CRES.!
PINK CRES.の小林ひかる、二瓶有加と新宿へ行こう!
The dance and vocal group PINK CRES., whose popularity has been growing, was formed with Hello! Project OG Miyabi Natsuyaki at the center.
This time, we will walk through Shinjuku, a town full of memories for PINK CRES. members Hikaru Kobayashi and Yu-ka Nihei.
ハロプロOGの夏焼雅を中心に結成された今注目のダンス&ボーカルグループPINK CRES.。
今回はPINK CRES.のメンバーである小林ひかる、二瓶有加の思い出の詰まった街・新宿を歩きます。
(Yu-ka Nihei / 二瓶有加)
Nihei: Since my student days Shinjuku has always been the place to hang out in.
Also, the tour final of PINK CRES.’s first live tour will be at Shinjuku ReNY.
It’s a city full of memories both in private and business.
二瓶: 学生の頃から遊ぶ場所といえば新宿でした。社会人になっても友達と集まるのは新宿が多いです。
また、PINK CRES.としてのファーストライブ、今回のツアーファイナルは新宿ReNY。プライベートでも仕事でも思い出が詰まっている街ですね。
Kobayashi: I often come to Shinjuku for shopping. I think it’s a city that has everything you want to buy from high brands to affordable clothes, cosmetics, and home appliances.
There are many cafes, so it is here in Shinjuku where you can meet your friends from college.
小林: 新宿は買い物でよく来ます。洋服はハイブランドからプチプラまで、コスメや家電も買いたいものが何でも揃ってる街だと思います。カフェも充実しているので、大学時代の友達と集まるのもここ新宿ですね。
The recommended spot of Hikaru Kobayashi is TOKYO MYSTERY CIRCUS.
TOKYO MYSTERY CIRCUS is a new entertainment spot where you can experience game events such as “Real Escape Game” where you solve puzzles and escape, and “Real Indoor Game” where you become a spy and perform missions.
Kobayashi: I got hooked on it when I went there with Risa Yamaki from Country Girls, who I am friends with even in my private life.
I thought that you need to be smart to play escape games and sneak in games, but it’s fun to use your body and improve your skill level once you get the hang of it. So I go there quite often in private! I think you can enjoy not only with your friends but also with your family!
小林: プライベートでも仲の良いカントリー・ガールズの山木梨沙さんと一緒に行ったらハマってしまって。
There is also a cafe, so you can take a break!
You can also rent costumes at the current “The Magic Library’s Bizarre Encyclopedia”.
TOKYO MYSTERY CIRCUS OFFICIAL SITE (EN): https://mysterycircus.jp/en/
東京ミステリーサーカス 公式サイト: https://mysterycircus.jp
The recommended spot of Yu-ka Nihei is Sanagi Shinjuku.
Sanagi Shinjuku is a cafe and creative space where events, food, and culture are transmitted from Shinjuku.
It is an eccentric spot where you can enjoy unique food shops themed on Asian and Japanese food stalls and many tourists visit.
Nihei: I often go with my friends in private. The inside of the shop is photogenic, so I get excited.
The food is delicious and good value for money!
二瓶: プライベートで友達と来ます。店内も写真映えするのでテンションも上がります。
サナギ東京 ウェブサイト: http://sanagi.tokyo
Talk about the memories of Shinjuku
Kobayashi: It was also Shinjuku where we went out for the first time after we passed the audition of PINK CRES.. We took a Purikura.
小林: PINK CRES.のオーディションに受かって二人で初めて遊びに行ったのも新宿。プリクラを撮りました。
Nihei: It was also Shinjuku where we went drinking together for the first time. After drinking, I took a Purikura after all haha. We talked about each other for the first time there.
二瓶: 初めて二人で飲みに行ったのも新宿でしたね。飲んだ後やっぱりプリクラを撮りました(笑)。そこで初めてお互いのことを話しましたねー。
Kobayashi: We don’t drink so many times just one on one, we always go to Shinjuku when I drink.
小林: そんなに二人で飲むわけではないんですけど、飲むときはいつも新宿ですね。
What kind of people are Hikaru Kobayashi and Yu-ka Nihei?
Nihei: My appearance is flashy so I often get called “Gal Nihei”, but I’m actually more of a gloomy indoor person. I’ve been watching a lot of YouTube videos recently about crushing slime haha.
Actually, I don’t come from the local area very much. I recently bought a takoyaki machine, so I often invite my local friends to my house.
I also like to save money and buy things that look expensive but are cheap and reasonable.
二瓶: 見た目が派手なのでギャル二瓶ってよく言われるんですけど、実際は結構インドア派で根暗かもしれません。最近はYouTubeでスライムを潰す動画をよく見てます(笑)。
Kobayashi: I like fashion. I auditioned for PINK CRES. because the concept was song, dance, and fashion!
I’m also in charge of rap at PINK CRES., so recently I started listening to rap songs. I like music, and I sing in the park with a friend who is singing and go to Shimokitazawa to watch a live concert by myself.
And when I went to the gym, I got hooked on building my muscles and squeezing them haha.
小林: ファッションが好きです。PINK CRES.のオーディションを受けたのもコンセプトが歌とダンスとファッションだったからです!
PINK CRES.ではラップも担当しているので最近ではラップの曲を聴くようになりました。音楽は好きで、弾き語りをやっている友達と公園で歌ったり、一人で下北とかでライブを見に行ったりしてます。
Nihei: Her upper arm muscles are amazing!
二瓶: 二の腕の筋肉とかすごいんですよ!
Nihei: PINK CRES. is 4 years old, and the live tour started on 7/27 (Sat).
The tour is titled “CONFUSION”. PINK CRES is a tour packed with songs from various genres, cute, cool, and mellow.
二瓶: PINK CRES.は結成4年目なのですが、7/27(土)よりライブツアーがスタートしました。
ツアータイトルは「CONFUSION」。PINK CRES.は色々なジャンルの曲、可愛いやかっこいい、しっとりなど様々なものを詰め込んだツアーになっています。
Kobayashi: We are making efforts to create a sense of unity so that customers and we can work together to create a single live performance. Even if you don’t know the song, you can still enjoy Miya-chan’s (Miyabi Natsuyaki) long-time fans.
小林: お客様と私たちが一体になって一つのライブを作り上げられるように、一体感を楽しんでもらえるような工夫をしています。曲を知らない人でも、みやちゃん(夏焼雅)の昔からのファンも楽しめる内容になっています。
Nihei: I want you to see what we’ve built over the last four years, and I want you to be excited so that you can look forward to it. I want it to come with me from now on.
二瓶: 4年間積み上げたものを見てもらいたいですし、これからに期待してもらえるようにワクワクしてもらえるようにしたいです。これからも付いてきて欲しいです。
Kobayashi: I think their individuality is getting stronger year by year. Everyone loves live music, and our individuality comes out in live music, so I want our fans to enjoy it as a group while showing our individual attractiveness.
小林: 三人の個性は年々強くなってきてる気がします。ライブはみんな大好きで、ライブでこそ個性が出るので、個々の魅力を出しつつ、グループとして楽しんでもらえるようにしたいと思っています。
August 17th (SAT) Kichijoji CLUB SEATA (Tokyo)
OPEN/START ①14:00 / 14:30 ②17:30 / 18:00
September 7th (SAT) ell.FITS ALL(Aichi)
OPEN/START ①14:00 / 14:30 ②17:30 / 18:00
September 8th (SUN) Shinyokohama NEW SIDE BEACH!!(Kanagawa)
OPEN/START ①14:00 / 14:30 ②17:30 / 18:00
September 29th (SUN) Sendai space Zero (Miyagi)
OPEN/START ①14:00 / 14:30 ②17:30 / 18:00
October 14th (MON) Shinjuku ReNY(Tokyo)
OPEN/START ①14:00 / 14:30 ②17:30 / 18:00
8月17日(土) 吉祥寺CLUB SEATA(東京)
OPEN/START ①14:00 / 14:30 ②17:30 / 18:00
9月7日(土) ell.FITS ALL(愛知)
OPEN/START ①14:00 / 14:30 ②17:30 / 18:00
9月8日(日) 新横浜NEW SIDE BEACH!!(神奈川)
OPEN/START ①14:00 / 14:30 ②17:30 / 18:00
9月29日(日) 仙台space Zero(宮城)
OPEN/START ①14:00 / 14:30 ②17:30 / 18:00
10月14日(月・祝) 新宿ReNY(東京)
OPEN/START ①14:00 / 14:30 ②17:30 / 18:00
LIVE TOUR 2019 Detail: http://www.pinkcres.com/event/detail/1669bc759423e986b927c8bf3808ddb87883fc1a
(RIGHT:Hikaru Kobayashi, MIDDLE:Miyabi Natsuyaki, LEFT:Yu-ka Nihei)
With Miyabi Natsuyaki at the center, the dance and vocal group was formed by Hikaru Kobayashi and Yu-ka Nihei who were chosen by auditions. We aim to be a fashionable girls group that not only men but also women will fall in love at first sight, and we give lessons every day.
Related Links:
PINK CRES. Official Site: http://www.pinkcres.com/
PINK CRES. Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/pinkcres_staff
PINK CRES. Official Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pinkcres_staff/
Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/hikaru_pinkcres
Official Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hikaru_pinkcres0419/
YU-KA NIHEI / 二瓶有加
Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/niheiyu_ka1020
Official Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/niheeeey.pink1020/
Interviewer & Photos: Nessie
【Tokyo Girls’ Guidebook vol.1】Summer Roppongi Walking with Kuriemi