TIF 2019: TOKYO GIRLS’ STYLE Shines on Stage With a Veteran-worthy Performance

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TOKYO GIRLS’ STYLE finally returned to Tokyo Idol Festival after three years of absence. This live report focuses on their performance at SMILE GARDEN in August 6, 2017. However, before noting their overwhelming performance, the reasons for their three year absence should be explained.
東京女子流が3年ぶりにTokyo Idol Festivalに帰ってきた。この記事では3日目のスマイルガーデンでのパフォーマンスを主にレポートする。だが、彼女らのパフォーマンスがいかに素晴らしかったかを述べる前に、彼女らがアーティストであった3年間について補足すべきだろう。
TOKYO GIRLS’ STYLE declared themselves to be “artists” on January 5, 2015. They announced that they had pursued the concept of “girls dance and vocal group” since their beginning, and that they would henceforth refrain from performing at idol festivals, appearing in idol-specific magazines, and singing idol-like songs including their signature piece “Onnaji Kimochi”. This announcement made a huge impact on idol fans at the time and true to their word, TOKYO GIRLS’ STYLE disappeared from the idol scene. For more details, read the article below.
Then, what has TOKYO GIRLS’ STYLE actually done since their “artist declaration”? Their 5th album “REFLECTION” was released on December 23, 2015 and included the songs which Miyu Yamabe and Mei Shoji wrote the lyrics for. It fostered the members to become engaged in producing tracks. In addition, the group often had solo concerts overseas in London (2015), Taiwan and Hong Kong (2016 and 2017).
On June 10, 2017, TOKYO GIRLS’ STYLE was announced as one of the performers at Tokyo Idol Festival 2017, which gave rise to a controversy among idol fans. The members directly revealed how this appearance came about. They said that the “artist declaration” as a result narrowed their scope of activities, and that the group can be regarded as both an idol and an artist. In other words, TOKYO GIRLS’ STYLE is nothing but TOKYO GIRLS’ STYLE. This is the circumstance that brought the group back to Tokyo Idol Festival.
そして来たる2017年6月10日、東京女子流がTokyo Idol Festivalに出演することが発表された。アーティストであるはずの東京女子流がなぜアイドルフェスの代表とも言えるTokyo Idol Festivalに出演するのか、とアイドルファンの間で話題になった。26日に公開された動画にて彼女たちの口から直接その答えは語られた。結果的にアーティスト宣言が活動の幅を狭めてしまったこと、東京女子流はアイドルでもアーティストでもどちらでも構わないこと、そして東京女子流は東京女子流であること。このようにして彼女たちはTokyo Idol Festivalのステージに再び立つことになったのだ。
Tokyo Idol Festival 2017 TOKYO GIRLS’ STYLE @SMILE GARDEN 18:50 ~ 19:10
SMILE GARDEN was packed with fans who had come to see TOKYO GIRLS’ STYLE in their return to Tokyo Idol Festival. To meet those expectations, the group performed their masterpiece “Onnnaji Kimochi” first. The choreography that makes people wave their hands from side to side made me feel that they had returned in triumph. However, as this song was released in 2010 and there were those who did not know of it. There were also those watching with suspicious glances at the group who left behind being an idol group for years.
アイドルフェスに帰ってきた東京女子流を一目見ようと、SMILE GARDENは最後尾まで人で埋め尽くされていた。そんな観客の期待に応えるべく、1曲目から誰もが待ち望んでいた代表曲「おんなじキモチ」を披露する。両手を左右に上げる振り付けが視界に飛び込んできた瞬間に、東京女子流がアイドルフェスに帰ってきた喜びを強く感じさせられた。しかし、この曲は2010年に発売された曲であり、その場の観客全員が知っている訳ではない。一時はアイドルから遠ざかっていた彼女らに対して懐疑的な目を向けている者もいたのは確かだ。
Followed by “Chiisana Kiseki”, Shoji Mei said “you may have not listened to this song” and the group burst into “Shinkai -Hira mix-” which was released in August of 2016. This was not their latest tune but she chose the phrase. The members should have become conscious that the group was no longer seen as one of the headliners of idol festivals and some even gave them an icy glare. Regardless, they were full of confidence on the big stage, emboldened by the strength of their performance.
「ちいさな奇跡」を披露した後に、リーダーの庄司芽生が「たぶん初めて生で見るって方も多いんじゃないかなと思うんですが」と前置きをし、「深海 -Hira mix-」へ。2016年8月にこの曲は発売されており、新曲でもなんでもないのだ。けれども彼女はこの言葉を言い放った。もはや東京女子流はアイドルフェスの中心にはおらず、一部のファンからは冷たい眼差しで見られることを自覚していたのだろうか。それでも、この大舞台に戻ってきた彼女たちは自身に満ち溢れているように見えた。それは彼女らのパフォーマンスによるところが大きいだろう。
Although “Shinkai -Hira mix-” is not up-tempo, the audience gradually got lively. This was due to their power of expression, singing skills, and the quality of the song. They proved how they had continued training as an artist, not as an idol. The group put on full display the overwhelming performance level of an artist.
「深海 -Hira mix-」は決してアップテンポの曲ではない。だが観客の熱は次第に大きくなっていくばかりだった。それは楽曲の良さによってであり、ダンスの表現力によってであり、歌唱力によってである。彼女らがアイドルではなくアーティストとして、どれだけ努力してきたかを証明するのに十分すぎるパフォーマンスであった。アイドルにありがちなストーリーではなく、単純なパフォーマンスの熟練度で魅せる、という”アーティスト東京女子流”がそこに存在した。
The curtain closed with “Attack Hyper Beat POP”, a song known for its distinctive use of flashlights during the performance. The audience gave thunderous applause to TOKYO GIRLS’ STYLE as they bowed deeply in thanks. Personally speaking, I consider TOKYO GIRLS’ STYLE to have been the best performance of Tokyo Idol Festival 2017.
間奏のライトパフォーマンスが特徴的な「Attack Hyper Beat POP」でステージは締めくくられた。深く深くお辞儀をする彼女らには観客から鳴り止まぬ拍手が送られた。個人的な話になってしまうが、このステージが私のTokyo Idol Festival 2017のベストステージだと確信するほどの圧巻のステージであった。
Their extraordinary performance embarrassed me as I had personally wondered whether they were idols or artists. TOKYO GIRLS’ STYLE is both an artist and an idol. More specifically, TOKYO GIRLS’ STYLE is nothing but TOKYO GIRLS’ STYLE. Their unique presence is necessity for idol festivals. I honestly welcome their return and eagerly look forward to what they will do next!
Other Photos @HOT STAGE
01.Onnaji Kimochi
02.Chiisana Kiseki
03.Shinkai -Hira mix-
04.Attack Hyper Beat POP
Related Links:
TOKYO GIRLS’ STYLE Official Website:
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