5 Japanese Commercial Series You’ll Want to Watch to the End

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If only I had ~ then… The anticipated summer blockbuster Uchiage Hanabi, Shita kara Miru ka? Yoko kara Miru ka? (Fireworks, Should We See It from the Side or the Bottom?) heavily deals with the theme of “if”, or “moshi mo” in Japanese. Its story is about Norimichi Shimada (voiced by Masaki Suda) and Yuusuke Azumi (Mamoru Miyano) who are at school during summer vacation, and begins with the two of them leaving to clean the school pool. Standing before them, as they both hold cleaning supplies, is their classmate Nazuna Oikawa (Suzu Hirose), who they both have a crush on. Nazuna always carries around a mysterious ball (let’s call it an “if ball”), which she found by the sea.
もしも、あのときこうしていればーー。この夏の期待の日本アニメーション映画『打ち上げ花火、下から見るか? 横から見るか?』は、「if(もしも)」の強さに貫かれた物語だ。物語は島田典道(声:菅田将暉)と安曇祐介(宮野真守)が夏休みの登校日に、プール清掃へ出かける場面から滑り出す。掃除道具を持った二人の目の前には彼らが思いを寄せるクラスメイト・及川なずな(広瀬すず)がいた。なずなの手にはいつも、彼女が海で拾ったという不思議な玉(仮にこれを「もしも玉」と名付けてみよう)が握られている。
Nazuna decides to participate in Norimichi and Yuusuke’s 25m swimming relay. She makes a promise with Yuusuke, who finishes second, to go see the fireworks together. However, on the day of the event, Yuusuke and Norimichi, along with their classmates, head to the lighthouse to see if fireworks will look round or flat when viewed from the side.
As Nazuna gets ready for the event, she thinks about leaving everything behind and running away from home. Because of her mother is getting remarried, she’s being forced to transfer schools. However, when Nazuna gets stood up by Yuusuke, she is convinced by her parents to leave town. Norimichi, considering his feelings for Nazuna, thinks, “If only I had beat Yuusuke then…” Then, with all his might, he throws the “if ball” that Nazuna had been carrying around. After, he realizes time has been distorted, and he’s back at the pool again like before.
As the movie goes on, every time Nazuna’s parents try to separate her from Norimichi, he throws the “if ball” to turn back time and warps back to scenes where he thinks, “If only I had done this then, I could have had just a little more time with Nazuna.” Inside this time loop, the world’s space-time becomes gradually distorted. Worlds that could have been repeat over and over again. So what exactly is the “if ball”’s true form, and do Norimichi and Nazuna they find a world where just the two of them can be together?
© 2017「打ち上げ花火、下から見るか?横から見るか?」製作委員会
I’ll leave you with this synopsis, though I’ll say that I personally enjoyed it as the ultimate “idol” film. Most striking is the sexy portrayal of Suzu Hirose’s Oikawa. It’s hard to imagine she’s only a first-year junior high school student. It’s almost as if she was played by an expressive, seductive actress like Scarlett Johannson from the movie Lucy. This is apparent in the way she lays on her side by the poolside, and scenes where she’s changing in the bathroom and heading toward the festival in her yukata. And then finally, the way the water drops splash as her youthful, glowing silhouette dives into the ocean waters. It completely strikes me as being like a gravure image. Could this be a film where Nazuna, a girl, transforms into an “idol” inside this time loop? The longer time passes in the loop, the more beautiful, more “idol-like” she becomes in it.
There’s a scene that proves and symbolizes this. During the third loop, trying to escape from her parents’ reach, she suggests to Norimichi that the two of them should run off to Tokyo and elope. Norimichi is puzzled, and asks her how they’re going to make a living there. Nazuna replies, “Tokyo has a ton of night entertainment, cabarets, girl bars, and the like, right? I could always find work as an idol, too.” (Norimichi finds this response strangely beautiful as well.) Then, on the train, she sings Seiko Matsuda’s “Ruriiro no Chikyuu”. Naturally, it’s a traditional idol song. Seeing her sing it so casually is somehow beautiful. There, the Nazuna the girl, lives in another world distorted in space-time, where she is an idol. It leaves quite the impression.
そのことを証明・象徴する場面がある。3度目のループのとき、両親の手から逃れようとするなずなは典道に、東京へ駆け落ちしよう、と持ちかける。典道は戸惑い、東京でどうやって暮らすつもりなのかと尋ねる。すると、なずなは、「水商売、キャバクラ、ガールズバー、いくらでもあるでしょ? アイドルとして食い扶持を探すという手もあるよ」と答える。(典道に対して、そう返答するなずながまた妖しくも美しいのだ。)そして、電車のなかで、松田聖子の「瑠璃色の地球」を歌い上げる。もちろん「瑠璃色の地球」といえば、「アイドルソング」の元祖だ。それを軽やかに歌うなずなの、なんとも華麗なこと。そこでは、なずなという少女が、時空間の歪められたもう一つの世界で「アイドル」として生きている。そんな印象を受けるのだ。
The movie is an animated remake of a legendary short film released 1993, by modern-day master director Shunji Iwai. The original script earned a deal of praise for describing the period where one becomes popular to the opposite sex. Moreover, the general director is none other than Akiyuki Shinbo, who led the animation production company Shaft, responsible for the legendary anime Puella Magi Madoka☆Magica, as the producer is Genki Kawamura, who worked on 2016 acclaimed hit Your Name. So you can be sure that Uchiage Hanabi, Shita kara Miru ka? Yoko kara Miru ka? is sure to sweep Japan 2017 summer.
本作品は今や名匠として知られる映画監督・岩井俊二が原作として、1993年に公開した伝説の短編映画のアニメーションリメイク。脚本は「モテキ」で高評価を得た大根仁だ。そして、総監督にこれまた伝説のアニメ「魔法少女まどか☆マギカ」を送り出した新房昭之率いるアニメ制作会社シャフトが、プロデューサーにはあの2016年の大ヒット映画『君の名は。』を手がけた川村元気が加わっている。『打ち上げ花火、下から見るか? 横から見るか?』2017年夏、日本を席巻することまちがいない。
Finally, “Uchiage Hanabi”, the ending theme sung by prominent artist DAOKO and Kenshi Yonezu, unintentionally turns over a new page in the book of j-pop, and is something that will not soon be forgotten.
Related Links
Fireworks, Should We See It from the Side or the Bottom? Official site:http://www.uchiagehanabi.jp/index.html
Fireworks, Should We See It from the Side or the Bottom? Official Twitter:https://twitter.com/uchiage_movie
映画『打ち上げ花火、下から見るか? 横から見るか?』公式サイト:http://www.uchiagehanabi.jp/index.html
映画『打ち上げ花火、下から見るか? 横から見るか?』公式Twitter:https://twitter.com/uchiage_movie
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