All Colors Unite Again! palet’s New Dimension Begins
全ての色が揃ったpaletの「完全体」が感じさせる新たな強さ。8人新体制ワンマンライブ開催も決定!Sponsored Links
On January 17th, idol group palet unveiled three new members during “palet Tuesday Night”, their regular show at AKIBA Cultures Theater. This was their first performance with the new 8-member formation.
アイドルグループpaletが、1月17日に行われた定期公演「palet Tuesday Night」in AKIBAカルチャーズ劇場で、新メンバー3名の初お披露目を行い、新体制となる8名で初めてのライブパフォーマンスを行った。
Despite being held on a weekday, tickets were all sold out. It was also the birthday celebration for Fujimoto, Koiso and Ichinose, so everyone at the venue was pumped up and looking forward to the evening.
As the sound effect signaled the beginning of the show, members slowly took their spots on the stage.
The colors yellow, orange and purple, which were held by Hikaru Otsuka, Mizuki Kimoto and Riona Igusa respectively, were passed onto new members Yuka Habara, Hazuki Tanda and Yurina Saito. Once again, all the colors on palet’s palette are back.
The octet opened the show with “Over the Rainbow”, a song released in 2016. Their never-ending journey, which started with 7 colors, has recommenced.
8人で歌う始まりの曲は昨年リリースした「Over the Rainbow」。7色で始まったpaletは、どこまでも続く終わらない旅を、この曲から再スタートさせた。
Following the self-introduction of the 3 new members, the group performed “VICTORY”, “Run to the New Wind”, and “Believe in Yourself!” Fans surprised the group during the songs with birthday celebrations, as their penlights lit up the venue in the colors of the birthday girls in succession.
新たに加入した3人の初めての自己紹介の後は、「VICTORY」「Run to the New Wind」「Believe in Yourself !」を披露。曲中にはファンからの生誕サプライズが行われ、今月誕生日を迎えるメンバーを象徴する3色のサイリウムで次々と会場が彩られた。
With “All for One” and “Glory Days”, their first performance with the new formation ended on a very high note.
その後、「All for One」「Glory Days」を披露し、全6曲の新体制初パフォーマンスは幕を下ろした。
The first thing worth noting of the group’s new formation is the power of the octet’s performance. The fact that each member has strong and unique personalities means the group becomes increasingly more interesting and powerful as the number of members increases.
Moreover, with Watanabe, Koiso and Ichinose gaining a sense of responsibility due to new additions, they have also been able to let themselves perform more freely on stage. The 3 new members also lived up to the expectations and proved that they are a force to be reckoned with in the idol world.
Even though they have started and re-started quite a few times with different combinations, their most recent restructuring has shown that the group, in its 5th year, has built up a very solid foundation.
Going forward, the group has announced events all the way until March – their first one-man show as an octet, a Valentine’s Day event and hosting an inter-group music event, now is a great time get into them. If you can, please go see them for yourself and experience the excitement the new palet brings to the scene.
Hazuki Handa (Orange) a.k.a Ha~chan
Yuka Habara (Yellow) a.k.a Yu~tan
Yurina Saito (Purple) a.k.a Yurina
■ VIDEO / Itsudatte palet Kibun♪ #33
■ Live Information
2/12(日) paletバレンタインライブ開催決定!
公演名 palet LIVE2017 ~バレンタイン&ご新規様大歓迎SP~
日付 2/12(日)
会場 初台 The DOORS
時間 開場:17:30/開演:18:00
2/19(日) palet主催対バンライブ開催決定!
公演名 Mix Colors
日付 2/19(日)
会場 TSUTAYA O-nest
時間 開場:11:30/開演:12:00
3/26(日) 新体制初!ワンマンライブ開催決定!
会場 渋谷マウントレーニアホール
palet Official Website :
translated by 76do
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