Breaking News : PALET will Breakup on December 2017 after the Graduation Performance

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palet announced that they will change their group name from “palet” to all capitalized “PALET”, at their regular concert on May 16 “palet Tuesday Night” at AKIBA Cultures Theater. They will use “PALET” with the release of its new best album “5th Anniversary Best ~REGENERATION” on July 6, 2017.
8人組アイドルグループpaletが、5月16日に行われた定期公演「palet Tuesday Night」in AKIBAカルチャーズ劇場で、6/7(水)に発売する5周年ベストアルバム「5th Anniversary Best ~REGENERATION」の発売をもって、現在のグループ名「palet」から、すべて大文字の「PALET」へ改名することを発表した。
The announcement was made at the end of Yuka Habara’s birthday concert as an important notice from the members. After the video of announcement, informing the intention to promote the group more, the new colorful and capitalized “PALET” logo was shown on the screen, surprising the fans at the venue.
For the reason of the name’s capitalization, the leader Miyuki Hiraguchi mentioned that with the release of the best album which includes the passage of the past 5 years, they would like to make it a new start, and grow bigger as a group as well as making the letters capitalized. She also mentioned that they were planning the expansion of “PALET”.
They already had a photo shooting time tentatively which allows the fan to post the photos they took on social media during the concert, but from now on, they will prepare a promotion time for every concert, let the fans hashtag #PALET拡大 and post. This will help members to promote PALET together with their fans.
すでにライブ中に試験的に撮影可能タイムを設け、それをファンがSNSに投稿可能としていたが、今後はPRタイムを常設し、ファンがハッシュタグ #PALET拡大 で投稿をして、ファンもメンバーとともにPALETをプロモーションできる仕組みだ。
In addition, unique Tokutenkai such as hijacking twitter accounts by the members and forming a circle to pump up themselves, will power up more.
At the end, they announced the plan to perform their new song on their first concert after becoming “PALET” on June 10, at www in Shibuya. They also released the new MV for “Believe in Yourself!” by current members.
最後には6月10日に行われるPALET大文字体制初のワンマンとなる渋谷WWWでのライブで、新曲披露することも伝えられた。この発表に伴い、現体制のライブ映像を使用したMV「Believe in Yourself!」が公開されている。
Comments from the members
Yui Fujimoto/藤本結衣
With the change of our group name, I think it will be a chance for us to change our past impressions to new ones. I’d like to show that this is the sum-up of PALET with 8 of us. We have the confidence that we can create something better than we did 5 years ago, so we will show you on stage and make you want to follow new PALET again!
Miyuki Hiraguchi/平口みゆき
I feel like I got a chance to grow more thanks to the change. I’d like more people to know about us with #PALET拡大中 and make more ideas to attract them. Through meetings, we will come up with more ideas and do our best to create something that our fans would love! We started off with making an environment where younger members can say their opinions without hesitation. I think we are in a great shape right now!
改名することで、さらに成長するチャンスをいただけたなって思っています。「#PALET拡大計画」で名前を売り込みつつ、新しいファンの人に観てもらえるような企画をやっていきたいですね。メンバー同士がもっと意見を出し合って、私たちやファンの人の目線でやりたいことを実現していけるようがんばります! 年下メンバーが増えたので、ちゃんと思っていることを話せるような環境を作ることから初めてみました。今、とてもいい状態です!
Mayu Watanabe/渡邊真由
As PALET is now capitalized, I want to make our group bigger and bigger as well! I think the only thing we have to do is keep moving forward! Like having a “All 47 prefectures tour” so that we could go to new places. With this change, I want to support each other toward our dream. We’ll do our best to be big enough to have concerts at Yokohama arena and Tokyo dome in the future.
大文字表記のPALETになったので、もっともっとグループを大きくしていきたい! これからはもう前に突き進んでいくしかないなって思ってます。例えば初めての場所にもたくさん行きたいので「全国47都道府県ツアー」に挑戦してみたいです。今回の改名を機に、この8人で同じ夢を目指して力を合わせて支えあっていきたい。いつか横浜アリーナや東京ドームでライブができるようにがんばりたいです!
Haruka Koiso/小磯陽香
I think it was a good timing to change our group name as it is also our 5th anniversary, and I am excited about our future with this new name. With #PALET拡大計画, I’d like to grow up with our group and do our best to reach our dream. Please look forward to my new acrobatic trick which I’m thinking about learning one before summer! PALET will reborn, marking its 5th anniversary!
今回の改名は5周年というキリのいいタイミングですし、改名後の私たちの未来が楽しみで仕方ないです。「#PALET拡大計画」によってグループも私自身ももっと大きく、夢に近づけるようにたくさん努力していきたいですね。あと得意のアクロバットの新技を夏までにもう1つ習得したいと考えてますので期待しててください! PALETは5周年という節目に新しく生まれ変わります!
Rito Ichinose/一ノ瀬りと
I was thinking about growing up, so I thought the timing of changing our name on 5th anniversary was great. I want to provide more interesting videos by editing behind-the-scenes videos on “#PALET拡大計画”. I want to challenge new things and discover new myself.
Yuka Habara/羽原由佳
I think that many people are counting in us now, so with this change, I’d like to grow by leaps. I love to sing, and I’ve been given opportunities to sing a lot, but it hasn’t been so long since I entered this group, and I feel that I’m not well experienced yet, so I want to be a better performer. To make PALET bigger, I want to be better and become an outstanding singer.
Hazuki Tanda/反田葉月
I feel a bit sad since I kinda liked “palet”, but this change will bring more opportunities, so I’m taking it positively. I love fashion, so I want to design t-shirts and costumes. I want to make our members look even more attractive. I’ve been relying on Senpai, but as a member of PALET, I want to help our group grow bigger.
Yurina Saito/齋藤由李名
With the change, I want to do our best to take steps forward. I think PALET changed in a good way with new structure and members, so I want more people to know about us and come to our concert. I’m sure that we’ll make things even better, so please count on us!
palet 5th Anniversary Tour ~REGENERATION~
June 10 : Shibuya WWW, Tokyo
August 19 : ESAKA MUSE, Osaka
August 20: Nagoya LIVE HALL M.I.D, Aichi
September 2 : Kashiwa ThumbUp, Chiba
September 3 : Shin-Yokohama NEW SIDE BEACH!!, Kanagawa
8/19(土)大阪 ESAKA MUSE
8/20(日)愛知 名古屋LIVE HALL M.I.D
9/2 (土)千葉 柏ThumbUp
9/3 (日)神奈川 新横浜NEW SIDE BEACH!!
Related links
PALET official website : http://palet7.jp/
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