Breaking News : PALET will Breakup on December 2017 after the Graduation Performance

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7 girls idol group “palet” held their a year‐end concert at Shinjuku ReNY on December 28. The venue was filled with a lot of fans and heated with their hot atmosphere. 7人組アイドルグループ「palet」が12月28日、新宿ReNYにて年末を締め括るワンマンコンサートを行った。会場には多くのファンが駆けつけ、熱気に満たされていた。 The group performed 18 songs including their latest single “SNOW DISTANCE” and also, of course, beloved songs from their indie era. During the first MC section, a member Mizuki Kimoto told fans “Today’s theme is omnibus of 2014! We’d like to share the memories of this year!”
最新シングル「SNOW DISTANCE」や、もちろんインディーズ時代から愛されて続けている曲も含めて計18曲を披露。 まず最初のMCでは、メンバーの木元が「今日のテーマは2014総集編です!皆さんと一緒に一年を振り返りたいです!」とコンセプトを伝えた。
As she commented, their performance was kind of heart-warming so that we could feel the strength of the 7 girls’ bond that has got stronger through the activities of this year. This year, the members experienced meaningful things such as new member Yumi Nakano joined in June, they held the first-ever concert tour in 3 big cities in Japan in summer, and they finally took five place in Oricon Weekly Ranking.
彼女がそう宣言した通り、今年より一層深まったメンバー同士の絆が生むチームワークを随所に垣間見せる心温まるステージが繰り広げられた。 今年、彼女達はいくつかの重要な出来事を経験した。6月には新メンバー中野佑美の加入、夏には自身初となる3都市コンサートツアーを経験、そしてついに念願のオリコン週間チャート5位入りを果たした。
Kimoto’s partner Riona Igusa commented while looking back this year, “I want to continue palet with this member now and forever, and also become more big idol group! So, please support us from now on.” To hear her words, other members and audience were very impressed because everyone there could feel the growth of the youngest member.
In the middle section of the concert, Yumi Nakano surprised fans greatly. She played a guitar (a blue green telecaster) with live band on the stage! Maybe, no one could expect that. According to her comment, it was her very first time to play a guitar on stage. However, her guitar playing was amazingly good like Jimmy Page!
実は、SEを流田projectさんと一緒に演奏させて頂いたのですが人前でギターを弾いた事が無かったので本当に緊張して吐きそうでした。。毎日毎日必死に練習したのですが、どうだったでしょうか?ピックを最後に投げましたが、受け取れましたか? pic.twitter.com/PuhhdxihoU — palet 中野佑美 (@Nakan01998) 2014, 12月 28
After that, Nagareda Project joined the concert as a guest band and performed “Shake My Soul”, “Zankoku Na Tenshi No These (Cover)”, and “Believe in Yourself!” with palet members. Especially, the band version of their major debut single “Believe in Yourself” was super fantastic. This was the very first time for palet that their best cheer song was performed in live band style. It was perfect for the special year-end concert.
そして、ゲストバンドとして流田プロジェクトがライブに合流し「Shake My Soul」カバー曲「残酷な天使のテーゼ」「Believe in Yourself!」を披露。特に、palet史上最高の応援ソングである「Believe in Yourself!」の初のバンドバージョン披露は非常に素敵で、年末スペシャルライブの締めくくりにふさわしいものとなった。
At the last moment of the concert, some surprise announcement was made. Firstly, they will release the 1st major album titled “LOVE n’ ROLL !! (read Love and Roll)” on March 4, 2015. Then, they will hold 3 cities concert tour again from March to April. Moreover, their 3rd anniversary concert is confirmed to be held at Ebisu The Garden Hall on June 21. The capacity of the venue is over 1,000, that is the largest ever than before for the group. The anniversary concert has a subtitle “~ Time to Change ~.” It sound highly meaningful.
コンサートの最後の最後に、いくつかのサプライズ発表が行われた。まず、3月4日に初のフルアルバム「LOVE n’ ROLL !!」が発売、それに伴い3月から4月にかけて2度目となる東名阪ツアーを開催する。更に、3周年ライブはグループ史上最大キャパ1000人越えとなる恵比寿ザ・ガーデンホールでの開催が6がウ21日に決定した。その3周年ライブには「〜Time to Change〜」という副題がつけられており、なかなか意味深である。
Anyway, the members carried out their 1st year after major debut. The bond of them has been tied strongly, now is a good time to be a big idol group for them. As if Warring States period, still there are a lot of idol groups in Japan. However, we’d like to bet that palet will be a popular idol group as the “ultimately pure” idol.
palet official website : http://palet7.jp/
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