Breaking News : PALET will Breakup on December 2017 after the Graduation Performance

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At the final special performance of palet’s LIVE TOUR 2015~LOVE n’ ROLL!!~ on April 5 at Yakult Hall, red member Mitsuki Kijima
announced she will graduate from palet during their 3 year anniversary concert on June 21 at Yebisu Garden Hall.
4月5日にヤクルトホールにて開催されたpalet LIVE TOUR 2015~LOVE n’ ROLL !! ~ ファイナルSP公演にて、赤担当の君島光輝が6月21日に恵比寿ザ・ガーデンホールにて開催されるpalet 3周年記念ライブの公演を以てグループを卒業する事が発表された。
After the main event, palet performed their 5th single “Time to Change” for the first time during their encore. The lyrics shown across the screen behind their stage were filled with positivity towards saying farewell, and there was a saddening atmosphere among the crowd.
After taking a deep breath, Kijima announced her graduation.
本編が終わり、ツアーラストとなるアンコールステージが始まると、6月17日(水)に発売される5thシングル「Time to Change」が初披露された。
<Mitsuki Kijima’s Graduation Announcement (Full Text)>
– 君島光輝 卒業発表コメント (全文)
I, Mitsuki Kijima, will graduate from palet on June 21 on our 3 year anniversary.
It’s been three years since I became an idol and was able to stand on the stage in front of everyone.
Every day I moment in palet was filled every day with hope.
Before I knew it, I became 20, and I came across more opportunities to think more deeply about my future.
Since I was a child, I had dreamed about becoming an actress.
Every time I was able to perform in a stage play, or experience something similar to that, I began to feel more strongly about wanting to act more, learn more, and experience more.
As I kept dreaming about my future, it’s been three years and I want to take this opportunity to challenge the
road to becoming an actress.
The members, the staff, my family, friends, and fans and everyone involved in these past three years helped push me forward and gave me the courage to come to this conclusion.
Until the very end, I want to leave my presence behind, a personality that no one can imitate.
Until my graduation on June 21st, please continue to support me as red representative Mikky, Mitsuki Kijima, of palet.
In response to this announcement, Yui Fujimoto (leader) said “Even while Mikky was in palet, she continued to perform in stage plays. The members, along with the fans, remember watching her shine during stage plays. That’s why all of us want to support you and your wonderful decision, while using your strength to push us to do our best.”
With a generous applause from the audience, palet performed “Believe in Yourself” last with a strong “Makenaide, daijyoubu” call and response throughout the venue.
palet provides seats that allow recording, but the fans sitting in those seats were unable to record as they were devoted to the performance.
惜しみない拍手が客席から送られる中、最後に「Believe in Yourself」が披露され、「負けないで、大丈夫」という力強いコール&レスポンスが会場に響き渡った。paletのライブにはステージの撮影が可能な座席が販売されているが、その席にいたファンの一人は写真の撮影を続けることができず、ただただそのパフォーマンスを目に焼き付けたと語っている。
In an event that took place before their major debut, Kijima commented: “While we sing the lyrics ‘Makenaide, daijyoubu’ to the fans, these are also very important lyrics to us as well as do our best to work towards our major debut.” These lyrics will probably continue to push her forward. Since the day palet formed, she has formed various memories along with the fans.
The fans who knew about her dream may have already known about her struggle to make this decision. Since this was a decision made before reaching the group’s third year, there probably isn’t much that she feels like she needs to do. As of now, she wants to act more than anything else. Within a whirlwind of thoughts, she made a choice and all the remaining members can do now is accept it. Time to Change. Please support Kijima as her will to succeed as an actress grows.
メジャーデビュー前のイベントで君島は「Believe in Yourself」という楽曲について、こう語っている。
様々な想いが渦巻く中で、一人のメンバーが答えを出したこと。それだけが真実であり、残されたメンバーは受け止めて前に進んでいくしかない。Time to Change。これからのpaletが君島の意志を次いで成長していくのか、見守っていきたい。
translated by Misato
Related Link
palet’s official website : http://palet7.jp/
palet’s official website (Nippon Columbia) : http://columbia.jp/palet/
palet’s official facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/palet
Mitsuki Kimijima official twitter : https://twitter.com/mimimi810
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