7 Popular Idol Songs to Sing Your Heart Out at Karaoke

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It’s been revealed that Ami, a member of E-girls, Dream, will be releasing her solo debut single “Dress wo Nuida Cinderella” on July 15.
Ami’s solo debut was announced on April 29 at the finale of E-girls’ nationwide tour titled “E-girls LIVE TOUR 2015: COLORFUL WORLD” held at Saitama Super Arena. Specific information regarding her solo debut wasn’t announced at that time.
On Ami’s birthday May 11, her official website “Dream Ami” launched and revealed her artist photo.
This marks the 13th anniversary of the debut of Dream Ami.
She commented, “This summer it will be exactly 13 years since I entered the music world with Dream, and I want to take this opportunity to launch my solo career.
For the last two years my opportunities to work on my own have increased, but after having worked in a group for so long I was unaccustomed to running things by myself and it made me uneasy.
However, I gradually became accustomed to the new environment, and now I look forward to working alone.
I had never imagined that I would be a solo artist.
When the idea was first presented to me, I couldn’t imagine being solely responsible for expressive content, and to be honest I was a bit negative about the idea, but starting with HIRO, the staff and the other Dream members were very supportive, and through their encouragement I began to think more optimistically about the idea, and now I find myself looking forward to it.
Right now, what I really want to do is support Dream and E-girls.
Of course singing solo will be beneficial for me, but I would be truly happy if it could be beneficial for everyone.
What I truly want to do is to sing songs that will leave a deep impression on my fans and anyone else who listens to me.
I am training day and night to bring you songs that will be at times bright and flashy and at time as if I am softly whispering in the ear of the audience.
I’m going to set my sights high and give it my all!”.
Veteran J-POP fans surely realize the long-lasting contributions that she has made to the Japanese music scene. We’re looking forward to her solo debut this summer, and can’t wait to see how she expresses herself in her new environment.
Dream Ami Official Site : http://ami-ldh.jp
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