
10 Weird Diets That Were Popular in Japan

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It could be said that the obsession to be skinny is too much among young Japanese girls. Most of them think they are “debu”(fat) nevertheless they are in standard perfection. Unquestioningly they believe they can be cuter by losing their weight.
For summer, the season when you wear more exposed clothes, almost all the fashion magazines for females cover dieting contents, and even publish separated volumes covering only dieting. However, this dieting craze is not only for summer. You can find various diet products at drugstores or cosmetic shops all year around. For example, massage body creams to make your legs thinner, mouth piece to develop face muscles, green tea to lose your body fat…and so on.
As for dieting, recently “Taishibo Taiso”(Body Fat Exercise) video became hot topic, danced by idol. It’s very convincing as the girl is in good shape and cute, isn’t it?
So, it is fact that there are many girls who believe that being skinny is justice and being fat is evil. This value of beauty is highly believed especially among “Moe-kei Cafe”, restaurants or cafes where girls in cosplay wait on customers.
Roma, who used to work as a shop manager of a maid café states:
“Customers who come here are all men who are into female characters in animes. Expect girls with unrealistic girl with super large breasts like “Super Sonico”, they often prefer staffs who are like a girl still in the process of growing. That is why the people of Akihabara put so much emphasis on skinniness, to say “The Supremacy of Being Thin.”
How tough is that…!? In order to find out the culture of Akihabara, we held a discussion meeting among the workers of Moe-kei Café who struggle in such a situation. It seems that all of them have good figure though…
一体、その恐ろしさとは……!? そこで今回は、そんな独特な文化のなかで戦う秋葉原の萌え系カフェ店長3名を集め、座談会を開催することに! みな、スタイルには何の問題もないように思えるが……。
Yami/やみ (左 : Left)
Shop manager of Maid Café Bar “eternal” Second branch http://www.eternal-akb.com
The “Moe-kei Café” is open even until midnight on weekdays, and you can enjoy karaoke in the shop.
メイドカフェバー「eternal 弐号店」店長 http://www.eternal-akb.com
Roma/ロマ(中 : Center)
Former shop manager of a maid café
Jinsei Yuri/人生ユウリ(右: Right)
Shop manager of Cosplay Café Bar “Tenshi To Akuma pray” http://angeldevil-pray.com
The shop where The daughters of angels and the daughters of devils gather, to express love and to learn love . (The shop where staff in costumes of an angel or devil will wait on the customers)
コスプレカフェバー「天使と悪魔 pray」店長。人間界に愛を伝えにやってきた天使の娘と、愛を学びにやってきた悪魔の娘が集う場所。(天使もしくは悪魔のコスプレをしたスタッフが接客してくれるお店)
Please tell us your weight.
Yami : It’s about the weight of five apples.
Yuri : About 666 Death shuus (An extremely spicy cream puff sold at her Café).
ユウリ : デスシュー(店で出してる激辛シュークリーム)666個分です。
Roma It’s about… some strawberries on a triangular pyramid…umm…
ロマ : 高さ10センチの三角錐にイチゴが、えーっと、えーっと……。
― I understand very well that you don’t want to tell how much you weigh. Then, when do you feel that being thin is extremely important?
Roma : For example, when I used to tout for customers, a maid of another shop said, “Move out! The customers will move away if fatass like you are standing here!!” When I used to work there, being said like that was an everyday affair.
ロマ : たとえば、路上で客引きしていると、近くに立っている他店のメイドから「デブが立ってると道から男がいなくなるだろ! 邪魔だからどけよ!!」って言われたり。私が現役だった頃は、そういうことが日常茶飯事でした。
Yami The word that is used frequently in the fights between maids is “Debu” (Fat). My co-worker always shout at me saying, “Shut up, debu!!”, you know, but I am the shop manager…
やみ : メイド同士の喧嘩で一番使われることが多い単語は「デブ」だよね。同じ店の子にいつも「うるせーデブ!!」って罵られてる。店長なのに……。
Yuri : There are many times when the humans call us “debu” too. In the demons world, boys are kind enough to say that “You look the best just the way you are” even if it’s a lie, however, in this human’s world, people tell me things like “You got fat” or “You have a double chin” without hesitation, so I got shocked at the first time, but now I feel it’s kind of “Love”.
ユウリ: 人間様(お客様)から言われることも多いですよね。魔界の男性は女性が太っても「いまくらいがベストだよ」とかって嘘をつきますが、人間様は「太ったね」とか「二重あごになってるよ」とか正直に言ってくるので最初は驚きました。いまではそれが「愛」というものなんだと受け止めています。
Yami : um…I feel like the customers of Akihabara are strict. But I talk back to them saying, “That’s why you don’t get popular among girls!!” haha.
やみ : ・・・。秋葉原のお客さんは厳しいよね。「だからモテないんだよ!!」って言い返すけど(笑)。
Roma: One time, a regular customer told me that he will stop coming until I lose 5 kilograms. I was able to lose 3 kilograms, but he didn’t admit it and stopped coming…
ロマ : 私、常連さんに「5キロ痩せるまで来るのやめるわ」って言われたこともあります。3キロ痩せたけど許してもらえなくて、結局そのまま来なくなっちゃった……。
—That is really tough!! How do you all think about your own physique?
シビアな世界!! みなさん、自分の体型についてはどう思っているのですか?
Yami : Of course I don’t think I am thin. Never.
やみ : もちろん、決して痩せてるとは思ってないですよ。
Roma : I am SUPER FAT. I gained 10 kilograms after quitting my job as a maid
ロマ : 激デブです……。メイドやめてから10キロ太りましたし。
Yuri : I think I’ll be expelled from human’s world if I gain more weight.
— I think all of you are thin enough though…from where is a person called “Debu”?
Yuri : I believe its from when you start to look weird in knee-high socks.
ユウリ : ニーハイが似合わなくなったらじゃないですか?
Roma : I agree! When the absolute territory (section of the skin that is exposed between the mini-skirt and the over knee socks) is chubby, I feel like its over. That’s why I am working as a Mico (shrine maiden) maid. But the reason why most traditional Japanese clothes moe-kei café disappeared is probably because the customers expect maids to wear knee-high socks, as the length of the traditional one is long and you can’t see the it.
ロマ : わかります!! 絶対領域がムチムチしてるのはアウトですよね。だから私、今日はニーハイ履かなくて済む巫女メイド。でも、いま和服系の萌え系カフェがほぼ絶滅してるのは、つまりニーハイ履かなきゃ許されないってことなんですよね。
Yami : Yes, I think the same as you. Even in my café, we always expose the absolute territory to meet the expectations of the customers.
やみ : 多分、そうだと思う。うちの店でも、お客さんの期待に応えるために常に絶対領域は出してるから。
Roma : Yami’s school uniform is a design that answers to the wishes of the male customers. Like, it is low-necked, tight waist, and has a knee-high socks!
ロマ : やみちゃんの制服は萌え系好き男性の希望が凝縮されたデザインですよね。胸元が空いてるけどウエストは絞られててニーハイっていう!
Yami : Yes, the customers like girls who have small breasts, but they prefer uniforms that are low-necked. But if you gain even little weight, you will have difficulties in closing the zipper, so it’s really a disadvantage to become fat in the maid industry…
やみ : そう、胸の小さい女子が好きなのに、胸元の空いた制服が人気(笑)。ちょっとでも太ると、ウエストのファスナーを締めるときに自分の異変に気づくから、本当に萌え系って太ることに厳しい文化……。
— Being in that circumstance will encourage you to go on a diet right?
Roma : Now, I am not on a diet, but I always used to when I worked as a maid. One time I lost 15 kilograms in a week by only drinking water.
ロマ : いまはしてませんけど、現役の頃は常にしていました。水分しか飲まずに過ごすっていうダイエットして1週間で15キロ痩せたことがあります!
Yami : That is too bad for your body!! I tried to lose weight in a healthy way, like walking home instead of using trains or bycicles.
やみ : 危険だよ!! 私は家まで歩いて帰ったりとか、なるべく健康的なダイエットを心がけてるな。
Yuri : Recently, a customer told me that there’s something called the “Only-white-food diet”, and I am thinking about doing it. Apparently, you lose weight just by eating white food such as rice and cauliflower.
ユウリ : こないだ人間様に「白い物だけダイエット」っていうのを教えてもらって、始めようか悩んでいます。白米とかカリフラワーとかかまぼこしか食べないと痩せるんだって。
Yami : That doesn’t sound tasty though…But I feel like there are many customers who know well about diet. Moe-kei restaurants offer food like omlet, so customers might gain weight if they don’t pay attention to how much they eat.
やみ : なんか、味がなくて不味そう……。でも、お客さんもダイエットに詳しい人多い気がする。萌え系の店ってオムライスを始め、スタッフが手作り料理を出してあげること多いから、お客さんも気を付けてなきゃ太っちゃうからかも。
Yuri : That is true! Customers also give us gifts of snacks, so it’s really an environment that is easy to gain weight. There was a customer who brought a cake when they knew that I was in a diet, to challenge if I can resist my temptation.
ユウリ : 確かに! そして人間様からのお菓子の差し入れも多いから、とにかく太りやすい環境。私がダイエットしてるの知っててケーキ持ってきて、誘惑に耐えられるか試して楽しむ人間様もいました!!
— Self management is really important isn’t it? By the way, do you also measure your weight and body fat percentage?
Roma : I measure both of them every day. I’m especially aware of my weight.
ロマ : 私はどっちも毎日測っています。やっぱり、変動の激しい体重を重視しちゃいますけど。
Yami : I also measure both. I have to be careful of my body fat percentage for my health!
やみ : 私も両方測ってる。健康のためには体脂肪率にも気をつけなきゃダメだよ!
Yuri : I am too scared to measure my body fat percentage…I haven’t measured it for a while. I’m addicted to snacks, so I think its really high. I measure my weight twice a day. Numbers don’t lie, and I thought it would be a good recording diet.
ユウリ : 私、体脂肪は怖くて相当昔から測っていません。お菓子が大好きなので大変なことになっている気がして……。体重は1日2回測っていますね。数字は嘘つかないし、レコーディングダイエットにもなるかなと。
—So how much do you weigh now?
Yuri : About 666 Death Shuus.
ユウリ : デスシュー666個分です。
— I understand. Thank you very much!!
All of them told us that “Tourists who come from abroad say “You are skinny”, so I become relieved that my body is not considered as debu in some parts of the world”. If you have a chance visiting Akihabara, I hope you speak well of their physical appearance…
Related links
Maid Café Bar eternal : http://www.eternal-akb.com/
Tenshi to Akuma pray : http://angeldevil-pray.com/
About Taishibo Taiso Exercise : http://www.suntory.co.jp/softdrink/iyemon/tokucha/taisou/
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