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Dorothy Little Happy reunited for one day on the “EXPO Dream Stage” of @JAM EXPO 2017!
Dorothy Little Happyが@JAM EXPO 2017の目玉企画「EXPO Dream Stage」に出演した。
As the title says, performances like a dream can be done in the EXPO Dream Stage. Party Rockets and GALLETe appeared on the stage on the first day August 26th and Dorothy Little Happy appeared on the final day August 27th with all 5 members, Mari Takahashi (Dorothy Little Happy), Mimori Tominaga (callme), Koumi Hayasaka (callme), Ruuna Akimoto (callme), and Kana Shirato who graduated from the group on July 23, 2017.
EXPO Dream Stageは読んで字の如く、今となっては夢のようなパフォーマンスが見られるステージである。初日はParty RocketsとGALLETeがそれぞれ一夜限りの復活を果たした。そして最終日にはDorothy Little Happyの5人体制でのパフォーマンスが実現した。現在唯一のメンバーである髙橋麻里、callmeで活動している富永美杜、早坂香美、秋元瑠海、そして2017年7月23日に卒業した白戸佳奈の5名が再び集結した。
The special performance was held on the main stage of Yokohama Arena which accommodates about 17,000 people. Opening the doors with excitement and nerves, there can be seen the full extent of the audience gathered and even many idols were huddled on the edges of the arena. Throughout the weekend event, this was the first time I have seen such a packed venue. Then, why did the group gather huge attention?
EXPO Dream Stageの企画は収容人数17,000人を誇る横浜アリーナのメインアリーナで行われた。期待と緊張を胸にアリーナの扉を開けると、目に飛び込んできたのは会場に溢れるばかりの観客だった。さらに関係者席に入りきらなかったアイドルたちが通路に所狭しと並んでいた。このイベントを通じて、このような光景を見たのはこれが初めてである。なぜ彼女らはこんなにも注目を集めたのだろうか。
Dorothy Little Happy was formed with Mari Takahashi, Michiyo Suzuki, Runa Akimoto, Mimori Tominaga, and Kana Shirato on July 7, 2010. Michiyo graduated from the group and Koumi Hayasaka joined the group in November of the same year. Runa, Mimori, and Koumi graduated from the group on July 12, 2015 to devote themselves to their activities as callme. Kana graduated on July 23, 2017, leaving Mari as the only remaining member of the group.
Dorothy Little Happyは2010年7月7日に髙橋麻里、鈴木美知代、秋元瑠海、富永美杜、白戸佳奈の5名で結成。同年11月に鈴木が脱退、早坂香美が加入し、今回のパフォーマンスの5人体制となる。2015年7月12日に秋元、富永、早坂がグループを卒業し、callmeを結成。2017年7月23日に白戸が卒業し、現在は髙橋のソロユニットとして活動している。
This is not a simple story that the current and old members would come together and perform songs. This was a special performance that became a hot topic soon after the information about it was released. The reason for controversy was because of the graduation concert of Rumi, Mimori, and Koumi held at Nakano Sun Plaza. However, this article does not explain what happened there, since I think that people should face the incident uniquely.
As the stage lights dimmed, the members appeared on the stage to their intro music, the audience shouting out in joy seeing them going into a huddle as they had many times before. Who could imagine seeing them wearing the same outfits which they wore at their last concert again? Feeling like being in a dream, the performance which would likely be remembered as legendary started with “Story”.
ステージ上部のモニターが暗転し、オープニングSEに乗って、ステージ下手からcallmeの3人が、そして上手からはDorothy Little Happyの2人が中央まで歩いてくる。5人が円陣を組む姿に客席からは歓声が響いていた。5人でのラストツアーの衣装を身にまとった彼女らを再び見られる日が来ることを誰が予想できただろうか。まるで夢を見ているような感覚に捉われながらも、後に伝説と語り継がれるであろうステージは「Story」にて幕を開けた。
Followed by “Tell me tell me!”, the nostalgic sound of piano rang out through the hall and the group performed “STARTING OVER”. Mari’s opening verse “I can not say good bye. I can not live by myself” seemed to express her current situation that she is the only member of the group. Her figure looked like a single lily blooming on the still surface of a pond, leaving the audience positively speechless.
“Tell me tell me!”の後に、イントロで切ないピアノの旋律が会場に響き渡る「STARTING OVER」へ。「さよならなんて言えないよ 一人じゃ生きて行けないの」という髙橋の歌い出しが、現在1人でグループを支えている髙橋そのものを表しているようであった。その姿はまるで気高く咲き誇るユリの花のように儚く美しかった。”ASIAN STONE”、”sky traveller”、”未来へ”などを披露し、一糸乱れずに歌い踊る彼女らに会場の誰しもが息を飲んで見惚れていた。
As they lapped over chorus, joined hands together, and made eye contact each other during “colorful life”, I doubted to myself that what happened at that day at Nakano Sun Plaza was all a lie. The members rushed into “Akiramenaide”, “Life goes on”, and “Jump!” as they had no time to spare and the audience repaid them with enthusiastic calls. The volume of their calls including, “D!L!H! Let’s Go!” in “Akiramenaide” and the choruses of “Jump!” created an illusion of being back at their solo concert.
「colorful life」でコーラスを重ねる度に、手を合わせる度に、目を合わせて微笑む度に、あの日の出来事はすべて嘘だったのではないかと自分を疑ってしまう。それほどまでにDorothy Little Happyの世界観は完成されていた。1秒でも時間が惜しいと言わんばかりに次々と曲を畳み掛けていく彼女らに対して、観客は際限ない愛と期待をコールに変えて彼女らに答えていく。「諦めないで」の「D!L!H! Let’s Go!」や「Jump!」の掛け合いなど、もはやここがワンマンライブの会場かと錯覚するほどの盛り上がりを見せた。
The venue trembled with the voices of fans singing along to the choruses of “Koi wa Hashiridashita”. The members paused to share their final remarks, Mari thanking those who worked to make the special stage possible and the audience for coming to see them. Kana thanked Takahashi for working hard as the only member of the group as well as Ruuna, Mimori, and Koumi. At long last, the moment everyone had been eagerly waiting for arrived as they performed their final song “Demo Sayonara”.
「恋は走り出した」での盛大なシンガロングでアリーナを震わせ、最後のMCへ。髙橋がこの場を用意してくれた関係者と来てくれた観客への感謝を、白戸がDorothy Little Happyを一人で続けてくれている髙橋への感謝を、そして別々の道を歩んでいるcallmeの3人への感謝を述べ、誰もが待ち望んだ最後の曲「デモサヨナラ」へ。
The famous call of “Ore mo-!” was full of positive feelings of affection, especially on this day. Fans of various idol groups gathered, creating a feeling of unity and enthusiasm at their level. This was the proof that Dorothy Little Happy had been walking directly towards their goal.
Above anything else, Dorothy Little Happy showed their enduring superiority regarding their skill and expressiveness as singers. With Mari, main vocalist of the group, setting the tone, each of the members added their distinctive colors to the songs with their voices. There were many times in this performance that the lyrics lapped over their figures. “Demo Sayonara” really reminded me of the moment.
なによりDorothy Little Happyが優れているのは歌手としての表現力である。メインボーカルを務める髙橋を筆頭に、各々がその歌声で楽曲に彩りを与えていく。彼女たちの歌声を聞けば、この2年間どれだけ努力してきたかを実感するには充分すぎるほどだ。そして歌詞と現実が交差する瞬間が何度も訪れ、その度にその儚さと切なさに身震いしてしまったのである。
Love you Love you More than anyone else
Love you Love you Since the first day
Love you Love you I wanna be your side forever
Love you Love you but Good Bye
好きよ 好きよ 今まで会った誰よりずっと
好きよ 好きよ あの日のまま
好きよ 好きよ ずっとあなたのそばにいたいけど
好きよ 好きよ デモサヨナラ
Their feelings certainly reached the hearts of the audience through their songs, the audience trying their best to answer back with their cheers. The beautiful relationship reminded me of the sensation I had when seeing idols for the first time. Yes, I was convinced that this is what idol is. Saying thank you briefly, the legendary Dorothy Little Happy disappeared from the stage.
彼女たちが伝えたい想いは歌に乗って確実に観客の心に届いていた。そして観客も想いに応えるべく全力でコールする。その光景はなんとも美しく、まるでアイドルを初めて見た日の感動が蘇ってきたようだった。そうだ、これこそが”アイドル”なのだと改めて認識させられた。「ありがとうございました!」と簡潔に感謝を述べ、一夜限りの5人体制のDorothy Little Happyのステージは止まらない拍手に包まれ幕を閉じた。
The members may have been suffering from baseless conjecture and rumors over the past 2 years, their fans also feeling the lingering effects from that incident. The members came back as Dorothy Little Happy to sweep away all the nonsense. This was not an unexpected revival and could be the concert connecting to Nakano Sun Plaza. Time does not stop. They have been working hard for each of their groups since then and their efforts showed in the final performance of Dorothy Little Happy as 5 members.
これまでの2年間は様々な憶測や根拠のない噂でメンバーは苦しんできたはず。また、あの日の出来事で心にわだかまりが残っていた彼女らのファンも多かっただろう。それらを全て払拭するかのごとく、彼女たちは5人でステージに戻ってきてくれた。このステージは突発的な復活劇などではなく、2年前の中野サンプラザの続きなのではないだろうか。時が止まっていた訳ではない。それぞれが自分のグループを守るためにこの2年間必死に活動を続けてきた。その努力が最終的に5人体制としてのDorothy Little Happyを完成させたのだ。
As if awakening from a dream, it is extremely unfortunate that I will never see this form of Dorothy Little Happy again. I would like to follow them in their activities moving forward while continuing to feel drunk on their legendary performance for a while.
非常に残念ながら、夢から醒めてしまった今、もう2度とこの体制のDorothy Little Happyは見られないのである。彼女たちの今後の活躍を見守るとともに、しばらくは素晴らしかったあのパフォーマンスに酔いしれていたい。
Photo by Nathan Gey
Set List
01 Story
02 Tell me tell me!
05 sky traveler
06 Mirai e
07 colorful life
08 Akiramenaide
09 Life goes on
10 Jump!
11 Koi wa Hashiridasita
12 Demo Sayonara
Related Links
Dorothy Little Happy Official site:http://dorothylittlehappy.jp
callme Official sitehttp://avex.jp/callme/
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