AKB48’s First Single in Half A Year Will Be Released on September 18! The Center Is Moeka Y...

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AKB48 has released the MVs for the coupling songs for “Bokutachi wa Tatakawanai” (release date: May 20). While there is still one more MV yet to be revealed, it seems that this is the first time since 2009 (“Namida Surprise”) that there will not be a summery MV set on the sunny beaches of Guam for an AKB48 election single!
“Summer side” by Selection 16 is the coupling song for the Type-A, Type-B, and Type-C versions of “Bokutachi wa Tatakawanai” and has the members playing and dancing in a life-sized dollhouse while dressed in light summer clothes. It seems that this is the closest any of the MVs on this single will get to something like “Labrador Retriever”, “Sayonara Crawl”, “Manatsu no Sounds Good”, “Everyday, Kachusha”, or “Ponytail to Shushu”.
“Bare Bare Bushi” by WONDA Senbatsu is the coupling song for Type-D with a humorous retro-themed MV encouraging the working people of Japan.
“‘Danshi’ wa Kenkyuu Taishou” by Tentoumu Chu! is the third track for Type-A and has the members working and dancing in a lab to create a life form. Although the title translates to “‘Young man’ is the subject of research”, whatever they are attempting to bring to life does not look like a normal human being! Mako Kojima posted a picture taken on the set of the MV and you can see more of the “danshi” in it!
“Kafka to Dendenmu Chu!” by Dendenmu Chu! (Type-B) is set in a mysterious garden where the members are butterfly-like creatures who happen upon an unresponsive Nana Owada and take care of her. Will she end up metamorphosing into one of them?
“Kimi no Dai-ni Shou” is the graduation song for Rina Kawaei (Type-D) and is a sentimental farewell featuring the members of AKB48 setting up an exhibition to her time in the group. While this is only part of the MV, if you are a fan of “Ricchan” or easily moved, be prepared for some potentially heartbreaking scenes.
The MV for “Kegareteiru Shinjitsu” by Team 8 Senbatsu (Type-C) has yet to be released. Here are some scenes from the filming of the MV on the Toyota Team 8 site.
“Bokutachi wa Tatakawanai” will be sold in 4 limited edition versions and 4 regular versions. All 8 versions include DVDs which have the MVs for the 3 songs on each of the different CDs and a code which you can use to vote for your favorite member in the 2015 AKB48 Senbatsu Sousenkyo which will determine who will appear on the songs for the 41st single. The limited edition versions come with an event ticket and the regular versions come with a randomly selected “nama shashin” (bromide).
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AKB48 Official site: http://www.akb48.co.jp/
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