Exclusive Interview with ANGERME : Standing 9 Strong for a Final Time!

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Tsunku♂, the producer of S/mileage revealed his deep love and current thoughts for the members.
The original has posted on April 16.
This translation is a sequel to the article about S/mileage “Mystery Night! / Eighteen Emotion” Enjoy along with the Tsunku♂’s comment for members below.
(Ayaka Wada)
Funya funya (physically/mentally fluffy) elementary school child has become a solid talent.
Still there are lots of funya funya parts inside of her though.
Her eyes sparkle when a topic shifts to Art and Buddha statues.
I wonder if she could turn on a switch for S/mileage as the same raw passion as Buddha statues. (laugh)
In “Mystery Night!”, I gave her a relatively-longer solo part.
Her voice which is sounded as if it flips a bit, stands out in a good sense.
(Kanon Fukuda)
She is busy in being a girl, guy, mature woman, or Cinderella inside of her.
As well as Ayaka Wada, she has worked for a long time including H!P egg era.
This year for her and Wada will be a critical time.
Advancing her ability is up to her.
She learns a choreography and song real quick.
However, if her innate sense that she thinks or sees the world from different angle naturally emerged as a performance, Fukuda would shine more .
How much could she bring it for the single?
(Kana Nakanishi)
She looks she always smiles but, she has guts in fact.
There’s an appetite inside of her for sure.
Although she often gets a failing grade on both singing and dancing, she always gains something out of her experience.
Turning anything into profit, is this characteristic features of people in and from Osaka? (laugh)
This time she acted sexy Nakanishi and Rock Nakanishi in her way.
It was also good for her to get bangs.
(Akari Takeuchi)
I didn’t think the costume of “Mystery Night!” suits her that much, because I have sought a way for her a while.
She surprised me the most in the group. Even she surprised that I was surprised but, she didn’t find it altogether bad.
I guess she got a clue, an opprtunity.
When people gain more confidence, it will appear on the surface.
From in the middle of its MV shooting after the recording, she had a change of heart a lot!!
(Rina Katsuta)
She has grown up. I sometimes worry her poor posture, but it is her color at the same time.
I want her to improve standing and siting posture, but now is about time for her to kick things into gear. She has a good figure, good personality, and has the potential to become a smash hit.
Getting more confidence brings a positive change in dancing and singing.
All she need is training! This year is the time!? Fight!
(Meimi Tamura)
I had an image of her only “a hyper girl” up until a few years ago, but, yes, still she is.
She behaves like 5 years old hyper child in a backstage but, when she turns off
she is so cool it’s frightening.
A conversation we have sometimes is very cool as well.
I wonder if she can stay there all the time, but that’s not fun, that’s boring.
I have nothing to say about her performance unless she puts more color in singing.
written by Yuji Hara
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