
REPORT : Tokyo Girls’ Style U.S. Debut Performance in J-POP SUMMIT Festival

REPORT : Tokyo Girls’ Style U.S. Debut Performance in J-POP SUMMIT Festival

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Tokyo Girls’ Style performed at the “J-POP SUMMIT Festival” on July 19 and 20 in San Francisco. Displaying a fresh performance style and high quality dance moves, they captivated the local crowd.
For this venue, Tokyo Girls’ Style had 2 performances at separate locations, and also starred in 2 films, “Kotodama – Spiritual Curse” and “Count Five to Dream of You,” which were both screened at the Japan Film Festival of San Francisco(a prominent feature at the above-mentioned J-POP SUMMIT Festival). Attending on-stage greeting ceremonies as well as autograph sessions, they were extremely busy.


For their live performances, they unveiled the premiere of their English lyric rendition of “Himawari to Hoshikuzu,” during which they distributed 5000 himawari(sunflowers) to the audience as part of their “Let’s Make San Francisco Blossom With ‘Girls’ Style Himawari’ Project,” saying that they “wanted to wear the himawari accessories on their hands and dance together with the audience.” Distributing the himawari to a crowd of over 3000 packed into Union Square, as well as over 1500 audience members at Japantown Peace Plaza, the venue was filled with himawari.
Several local fans were seen holding banners, indicating their long-awaited anticipation at seeing Girls’ Style visit to America. And many San Franciscans came away with favorable impressions of Tokyo Girls’ Style after seeing them perform for the first time in concert, saying for example, “they were great dancers, and their songs were funky too. I really like them.”

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