Interactive Omiyage Store “U.F.O.” Feels Like an Attraction with Photo Spots & S...

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Tokyo Girls’ Update held their first stage at Tokyo Idol Festival 2016, thanks to the cooperation of Tokyo Idol Project and gathered together a melting pot of idols who have been expanding their horizons by going overseas (or plan to).
seeDream, the fresh new group from Nippon Columbia’s idol specialty music label Label The Garden, kicked off their debut performance at Ship Stage, appearing in a flash of pastel colors. Swinging their fists through the hot midday summer air, seeDream got the fans pumping their fists and calling out to “Seed of Departure”, an upbeat light rock song.
Taking a quick break to greet the fans, seeDream wrapped of their first stage on the road of idol with “Kimi no Moto he”, their skirts fluttering as they spun around the stage. As with the first song, Aine Fujii (also of Naonetty, who Tokyo Girls’ Update interviewed in March of 2016) took the spotlight during the bridge with a solo accompanied by kechas. Having made their debut at the biggest idol event in the world, it should be interesting to watch where seeDream goes from there. Hopefully, it involves them traveling abroad to perform in the near future.
Related Links
seeDream Official site: http://columbia.jp/seedream/
Juririjuriran Mirai Gorogorogoroni 13sei, made a trip to Japan from her present day base of Taiwan as part of her farewell tour before she “goes back to the future” at the end of September 2016. “Mirai-chan” was met by a raucous welcoming party as she took the stage, flinging shurikens at them as she riled them up like vegetables cooking in a red hot wok. Finishing with her theme song “Chinpun Kanpun★Coelecanth★China Night⤴⤴”, the fans shouted out the special “Mabo Tofu” MIX and hoisted plush coelacanths above their heads. Juririjuriran Mirai Gorogorogoroni 13sei’s final appearances in Japan will take place with her first and last one-man live at Shibuya LUSH on September 10th and a fan meeting at Universal Music Japan’s headquarters on September 11th.
Related Links
Juririjuriran Mirai Gorogorogoroni 13sei Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/projectjjm
Juririjuriran Mirai Gorogorogoroni 13sei Official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ProjectJJM
One of the rising international stars of the idol scene, having made their overseas debut as Stand-Up Hearts at Japan Expo 2015 in Paris, Iketeru Hearts made a big splash during their Tokyo Idol Festival debut. Despite some technical difficulties with the audio early on, Iketeru Hearts were eventually good to go as they jumped right into their performance with the hyperactive “Happy End”, swaying from side to side along with the fans and swinging their fists in the air.
The audience became even more lively, calling out to the members and performing various wota-gei moves as the live continued uninterrupted with “Shishin Kakutei”. Moving right into “Sekai he Habatake!”, Iketeru hearts flew towards the end of their nonstop performance, singing in unison as they reached their hands towards the blue skies overhead.
Related Links
Iketeru Hearts Official site: http://stand-up-project.jp/hearts/
Iketeru Hearts Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/iketeru_hearts
Omiyage, the idol otaku unit of Resu-chu Nanao, Furikopi Naana, MIX Momokarin, and Narcis Yuu rushed onto the stage as MCs of the event, making sure that everyone was just as excited as they were to be surrounded by idols for 3 days. There was an interpreter present as well, reflecting the global intentions of the special stage and translating Omiyage’s talk into English.
Related Links
Omiyage Official site: http://omiyage-otaku.tokyo/
Omiyage Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/omiyage_OTAKU
Nagi Nemoto shouted out, “It’s very hot! Let’s party!” in English as she and the rest of Niji no Conquistador stepped out into the blazing midday sunlight and heated up the stage even more with “THE☆Uchouten Summer!!”. The sultry mood intensified as they jumped in the air and crossed their arms to the rollicking “Kagirinaku Bouken ni Chikai Summer”.
Related Links
Niji no Conquistador Official site: http://pixiv-pro.com/2zicon/
Niji no Conquistador Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/2zicon
The members of Wasuta met the audience by greeting them in different languages, showing the results of their efforts to become “The World Standard”: Nanase Hirokawa and Ririka Kodama in English, Ruka Mishina in Korean, Miri Matsuda in Chinese, and Hazuki Sakamoto in French. Firing their “Ultra Mirakurukuru Final Ultimate Choco Beam”, Wasuta energized the crowd.
Pulling out their towels and whipping them through the air, Wasuta beckoned cool breezes to the sun-baked Ship Stage during “Suikawari” as they danced to the Latin rhythms. During Wasuta’s final song, the popular “Inu-Neko. Seishun Massakari”, the members of Omiyage rushed onto the stage to dance alongside them, which must have been extra special for Resu-chu Nanao, who is a big fan of Ruka Mishina.
Related Links
Wasuta Official site: http://wa-suta.world/
Wasuta Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/tws_staff
Photos by Nathan Gey
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