AKB48 World Senbatsu General Election Preliminary Results: NGT48’s Yuka Ogino Takes the Lead

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On August 19, 2016, JKT48 hosted its first Janken Tournament in Jakarta to determine the 16 senbatsu members for the group’s 14th single. There is a lot at stake, as the winner of the tournament will also be able to participate in the “AKB48 Group Janken Tournament 2016”, which will be held on October 10, 2016, in Kobe.
The members poured their thoughts into their outfits and costumes, and battled one another for a precious spot in senbatsu.
Team KIII’s Sinka Juliani emerged as the winner by the end of the battles. She joined the group as a 2nd Generation Member, and is very popular among fans. She ranked 17th in the group’s 3rd Senbatsu Election and was the center for Under Girls. With skills and luck, she won the center spot in her first trip to senbatsu.
Comments from Sinka Juliani:
I was not even thinking about winning. I’m really happy with the results because I have never had the chance to be in senbatsu.
I still can’t believe that I won it all and will become center.
I’m really looking forward to meet AKB48 members, and I’m definitely aiming to be in the unit senbatsu!
In her final year, Haruka Nakagawa took the stage in full idol mode, with the costume of “Idol Nante Yobanaide”. The luck has been strong with her and this time was no exception, as she managed to make it to Top 16 and landed a spot in senbatsu.
Comments from Haruka Nakagawa:
I’ve participated in a few AKB48 Janken Tournaments, but this was my first time at JKT48, and it was interesting to do this in a foreign country. Even though “Janken” is Japanese, they used it as-is and it would be interesting to see if this word will take off in Indonesia.
I was lucky and managed to make it to the Top 16! Everyone else is new to senbatsu, so I’ll do my best to show them the ropes and make it a great single.
Rina Chikano, who has won several music awards and has been active in the the traditional Indonesian music of Dangdut unit, appeared in an elegant Dangdut outfit and received a lot of attention, despite losing in the first round.
Comments from Rina Chikano:
I wanted to win, so I participated in the JKT Janken. But I lost in the 1st round, even though I never did when I was in AKB…I’ll be back!
Just like their Japan counterparts, the Janken event ended with a surprise announcement that a group shuffle will take place in the near future.
Janken Senbatsu
Sinka Juliani (Team KIII)
Ni Made Ayu Vania Aurellia (Team T)
Viviyona Apriani (Team KIII)
Adriani Elisabeth (Trainee)
Feni Fitriyanti (Team T)
Yansen Indiani (Team T)
Nadhifa Salsabila (Team T)
Thalia Ivanka Elizabeth (Team J)
Jennifer Rachel Natasya (Team J)
Gabriela Margareth Warouw (Team J)
Riskha Fairunissa (Team KIII)
Alicia Chanzia (Team KIII)
Devi Kinal Putri (Team KIII)
Jessica Vania (Team J)
Sendy Ariani (Team J)
Haruka Nakagawa (Team T)
Related Links
JKT48 Official site: http://jkt48.com/
JKT48 Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/officialJKT48
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