11th Wave of @JAM EXPO 2017 Performers Announced!

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Senkou Roadshow began a new episode of their story at their 5th one-man live titled “Road of the Ringo” at Shinjuku club science on October 22, 2016.
10月22日、閃光ロードショーのワンマンライブ「ロード・オブ・ザ・リンゴ」が新宿club scienceにて開催された。
With more than 4 months since their previous one-man live, it was a day that the members and fans had both been looking forward to with great anticipation, amplified with promises by the members via Twitter that, “the live will be our important milestone” and “we’ll make change on the day!”. Perhaps the expectations were the highest in the group’s short history?
The venue, keeping with the Lord of the Rings reference in the name of the live, was located deep underground on a Shinjuku street corner. The undecorated stage before the performance began gave off a strong feeling of anticipation to the audience.
After a short delay, Senkou Roadshow’s brand-new intro music rang out from the speakers, conjuring up the mood of a film beginning. The members appeared on the stage wearing black outfits, and kicked things off with “matrix”. I almost cried out, “So awesome!” as I was caught up in the enthusiastic atmosphere, the mood intensifying with “Roman Weekday” and “School orz”.
開演予定時間を少し過ぎた頃、登場SEが鳴り響いた。映画の始まりを思い起こさせる、新たなSEだった。真新しい黒の衣装を身にまとったメンバーが登場し、ライブは会場全体がうごめく「matrix」からスタート。その熱量の高さに、一曲目から「最高かよ!」と叫んでしまいそうになった。「ローマの平日」「School orz」と続くロードショーの幕開けは、まるで最初からクライマックスを見ているような感覚だった。
Adding to their “dignified youth beauty” combined with their black outfits, the serious expressions on the faces of the members gave a different impression to the fans during the performance. Although it had not yet been a full year since the debut of Senkou Roadshow, the results of their diligent efforts were evident in the maturity that their performance had achieved.
Makoto Maishi surprised the fans with her new short hair cut.
In the past, each member had a “Senkou Subject” assuming the role of teacher for a subject but, the group’s concept had been changed to “Senkou Movies”, with their live performances to be henceforth known as “roadshows”, the commonly used Japanese term for film screenings. It became more clear that the group’s concept is “film” which showed the group’s strength even more.
In the middle of the live, Senkou Roadshow had a battle to see who could hold their breath the longest underwater!
Angenana Jolie lost the game, resulting in her being made to wear an ill-fitting joke wig on her head during the next song “Yume Kawaii Keshiki”.
In the latter half, they performed their new song “I’ll Be Back”, a homage to the classic film “Terminator” and a tune overflowing with the power of rock which may have come back from the future to change history.
後半戦では、映画ターミネーターをコンセプトにした新曲「I’ll be Be Back」が披露された。疾走感のあるロック楽曲だが、体力が重要となる後半に新曲を持ってきても勢いが全く止まらない。むしろ加速していく。
Blasting through “Gakuen Jigoku” and “Fire Cyber” in quick succession, Senkou Roadshow brought down the curtain with fan favorite “Mission Impossible”, the lyrics “impossible doesn’t exist” reflecting the steadfast commitment toward their dreams. The “Yay tiger” call after the last chorus uplifted the audience’s feeling.
The encore brought with it a surprise in the form of another new song “X-WOMEN”. Inspired by the “X-MEN” franchise, it features choreography that begins with an X formation and jumps with arms crossed in an X. Combined with the music that shifts dramatically between tranquility and turbulence, it is probably not a coincidence that there was another “X” that was meant to be invoked by it.
The members seem to have learned a lot during the process of creating the live, taking care to share their experiences with the fans through their performance while giving them a show that they will not soon forget. It should be of great interest to see what Senkou Roadshow’s next coming attractions will be.
Senkou Roadshow’s 6th one-man, “Sen to Hikari no Kamikakushi” will be held on February 12th at Hatsudai DOORS, the venue where their story began. There are high expectations that it will be a performance that will leave fans “spirited away” by a group poised for breakthrough in 2017!
1. matrix
2. Roma no Heijitsu
3. School orz
5. Ghost ~Shibuya no Maboroshi~
6. Taisetsu na Oshirase
7. Yumekawaii Keshiki
8. Ikenai koto kana
9. NO Netsu no Arashi
10. Jojo ni Suteki na Bouken
11. Roman Hikou
12. I’ll be Back
13. Gakuen Jigoku
14. Fire Cyber
15. Mission Impossible
EN-2. Seishun Kakusa Survivor
Senkou Roadshow ~1st Anniversary live~
Date: December 23, 2016 (Friday)
Open: 2:30pm Start: 3:00pm
Senkou Roadshow 6th One-Man Live “Sen to Hikari no Kamikakushi”
Place:Hatsudai DOORS
Date: 2017 February 12, 2017 (Sunday)
Open: 12:30pm Start: 2:00pm
『閃光ロードショー ~結成1周年ライブ~』
開場 14:30/開演 15:00
閃光ロードショー 6th ワンマンライブ「閃とヒカリの神隠し」
会場 初台The Doors
開場 12:00/ 開演 12:30
Related Links
Senkou Roadshow Official website:
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