Spring into the New Season with Limited Edition Sakura Sweets

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The essence of the charm of Japan’s beautiful cherry blossoms lies in their fragile life which they bloom only for a brief moment in spring.
They bloom only for a short period, from the end of March to the beginning of April. In Japan, this is a season of meetings, farewell and graduations. It is when emotions flow as new journeys begin and footsteps fade.
I get the feeling that there is something similar about the transience of cherry blossoms and an idol’s moment to shine.
Even if I stand in the same place next year, I will never meet this year’s same “you” again for sure.
Maybe you will no longer be someone as close as to stand next to.
With the April cherry blossoms budding in the background, we photographed Momonesu Chan a.k.a Momo Wakabayashi, an idol continuing to perform while hiding fragileness within herself.
model : Momonesu Chan (Momo Wakabayashi) – Senkou Roadshow
photo : Mayuko Yamaguchi
モデル:モモネス・チャン (若林萌々) – 閃光ロードショー
Related Links
Senkou Roadshow official website: http://sparkroadshow.com/
Momonesu Chan – Momo Wakabayashi (twitter) : https://twitter.com/MOMOW_421
Mayuko Yamaguchi (photographer) : http://www.yamaguchimayu5.com/
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