“intohersoulgem”, a Never Before Seen Experience-Based Cosplay Photo Exhibition !!

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Artist Takumi Kama, known for his artworks with animal motifs, is holding an exhibition “Joshikosei Seibutsu (Schoolgirl animals)” at BAMI gallery in Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto from May 19th(Tue) to May 31st (Sun), 2015. The exhibition titled, “Schoogirl animals,” are exhibited with the concept of High school girls anthromorphicated, to animals.
Mr. Kama is here to express the “herd” in the gallery, and he has focused on high school girls who have the natural instinct of collectivity and through this artworks, it is trying to reveal the nature of the high school girls. The artist, Mr. Kama has worked on anthromorphicated animals, but this time, he is more concentrated on the human-side of the motif, to express “collectivity” of the high school girls.
Mr. Kama has written in his blog the reason why he chose the “high school girls” as a theme, “Animals that makes herd, hates the other herd. Making a herd also creates a ‘conflict’ between the herds as well. For me, ‘High school girls’ were such an unknown factor and they are the ‘other herd’ for me. Also, ‘High school girls’ are looked as if something peculiar from the the eyes of the society as well. It’s because that they are peculiar, I thought of mirroring them with animals. It’s because I wanted to reveal their unique nature with my own method, and I have completed to draw ‘them.'”
Mr. Kama is from technical high school, where mostly male students were enrolled, and for him, high school girls were something “unknown,” and soon became the impression to be “intimidating.” But, because that they are the herd of the “unknown,” he says he wants to know more about them and learn about how they live.
During the exhibition, Mr.Kama will be in the gallery except for Friday and Saturday.
Exhibition Information
Exhibition: “Joshikosei Seibutsu” (Schoolgirl animals)
Date: May 19th (Tue), 2015 to May 31st(Sun), 2015
Time: 12:00 to 18:00
Gallery: BAMI gallery
Address: 21 Ninintsukasa-cho, Shimogyou-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
Related Links
BAMI gallery Official Site: http://www.combine-art.com/html/gallery/ga_index.php
Takumi Kama Official Site: http://combine-art.com/html/artist/ar_profile.php?id=13
Takumi Kama Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/kama_takumi
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