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moumoon‘s new song “I’m Scarlet” has been released on their official Youtube channel.
moumoonの新曲「I’m Scarlet」のミュージックビデオが公式YouTubeチャンネルにて公開された。
This powerful and serious style is found on their album “LOVE before we DIE“, and showcases moumoon’s true worth, as they juxtapose the despair and hope within people’s hearts.
アルバム「LOVE before we DIE」で発揮されたシリアスかつ、人間の内面にある絶望と希望という隣り合う心の葛藤を歌うmoumoonの真骨頂を継承した力強い楽曲となっている。
I’m Scarlet / Music Video
YUKA’s vocals give us a glimpse into her true personal feelings with her honest lyrics. Piercing into the hearts of her listeners, her voice is an expression which is on a mission to deliver us a message.
YUKA has left us a comment regarding this song, written below:
This song “I’m Scarlet”,
takes some dark feelings that are ready to rupture, and releases them under a bright light.
I’m filled with the feeling that I’m burning. When I fall down,
when I don’t have the will to stand back up.
Even then, I don’t stop, I keep walking, I keep going forward, and I keep running; this is the kind of determined song that this is.
I’m Scarletという楽曲、
The guitarist MASAKI who carries the band, said the following about the feeling of ambivalence which this song conveys.
This song combines the minimalistic sounds of the guitar and electronic sounds with organic rhythms.
We were aiming for a song which placed feelings of coldness and warmth together. Please enjoy.
After moumoon’s tour of Japan, they held a public performance in France for the second time, and experienced performing in Singapore for the first time too. They made the crowd wild with excitement at Japan’s biggest rock festival “ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL 2014” the other day.
Being particular about resonance of their venues for their music, the pair’s quality of presentation is increasingly becoming refined, creating a whole new experience through their collecting of polished sounds.
Will you surrender yourself to the music which moumoon have brought forth?
moumoonは国内でのツアー終了後、2度目のフランス公演、また、自身初となるシンガポールでのパフォーマンスも経験。先日は国内最大級のロックフェスティバル「ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL 2014」に出演し、オーディエンスを熱狂させた。
written by Kenji Harada
Related Links
moumoon official website : http://www.moumoon.com/
moumoon official YouTube channel : http://www.youtube.com/user/moumoonchannel
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