Momoiro Clover Z to Hold a Live Concert at AKIBA Cultures Theater! It Will be Streamed Live on Ni...

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It was announced that Memoir Clover Z will hold the live event called “Momo Kuno” at Sabae-city, Fukui Prefecture on October 10, 2015. This event has been conducted several times and it has been two years since the last time.
Momo Kuno stands for Momoiro Clover Z and Kunoichi (female ninja). This title is derived from its special rule. The rule is that the live concert finishes in only 60 minutes. The music stops even in the middle of the song when the time comes. Kunoichi comes from this quickness. The songs performed there are selected by the fans, and a lot. This event has been very popular among mononofu (fans of Momoiro Clover Z).
There is a unique dress code to attend the live. The audience must wear eye glasses since Sabae-city where the event will be held is famous for eye glasses-producing centre and also the appointed day is known for the day of eye glasses. It will be very a very special live concert, so do not miss this chance!
Event Information
Date:October 10, 2015
1st set open 11:00~ start 12:00~
2nd set open 14:00~ start 15:00~
Place:SUNDOME FUKUI, Fukui-Prefecture
Dress Code:eye glasses
Related Links:
Momoiro Clover Z Official:http://www.momoclo.net</a
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