No More Tears! Q’ulle Keep Moving Forward in the MV for “DRY AI”!

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Manako, one of the members from the idol group Q’ulle, shows her sharp “Body Fat Exercise” dance (Taishibo Taiso) through the promotion video for “Tokucha,” green tea drink that reduces body fat.
アイドルグループQ’ulleのまなこが、体脂肪を減らすお茶「特茶」のプロモーション動画で、“体脂肪体操”を披露! 相変わらずキレッキレなダンスが早速話題になっています。
▼Making Video
Manako became popular nationally through her dancing video of the anime’s “Youkai Watch’s” “Youkai Daiichi Taisou (Youkai Exercise The 1st).” Q’ulle is known as super idols of the “dance video” world and the high quality of their dance even in the idol community!
まなこと言えば、アニメ妖怪ウオッチ「ようかい第一体操」の踊ってみた動画で、かわいすぎる! と話題になった、国民的有名人。Q’ulleは元々“踊ってみた”界のスーパーアイドルとも言われており、ダンスのクオリティはアイドル界でも圧倒的!
Tokucha is green-tea product released by Japan’s Drink Industry, “Suntory.” They are hoping to make a national movement with the slogan, “Let’s reduce! Nippon’s (Japan’s) body fat.” Wow, what a grand idea! And the dance was made with that slogan, but what a weird move…?! But if you dance to it, it’s actually kind of fun!
特茶とは、日本の飲料メーカー・サントリーのお茶で、「減らそう! ニッポンの体脂肪」をスローガンに、“体脂肪を減らすこと”を国民全体のムーブメントにしていきたい! ということらしい。そ、壮大ですね! そこで作られたのがこのダンス。なんだかシュールな動きですよね……!? でも実際に踊ってみると、妙に楽しいんですよ!
We, TGU, were lucky to be able to interview at the Manako’s video shooting. It was at beginning of April and it while it was still cold (and very windy too!), Manako, struggled through the cold with her iconic sailor uniform!
After the video-shooting, we were able to get in touch with Manako!
Interview with Manako
-How was today’s “Body Fat Exercise” video shooting?
Manako : Usually, it has all been with Nico Nico Douga or to Q’ulles’ songs, but it felt fresh with this kind of exercise!
-What did you think was different from the usual Q’ulle’s dance?
Manako : Q’uelle’s dance is very along-sided with the lyrics, but the “Body Fat Exercise” is more about stretching and really moving your whole body so it really warmed me up and it was really fun!
-How do you feel about your dance videos are also seen abroad as well?
Manako : I’m not really good with foreign languages, but I went to China for concert couple of times and I’m really happy when there are people who know about me and gives me comments in Chinese. I think “Viva Hapi” is the most popular one?
あんまり外国語が得意じゃないんですが、中国には何度かライブで行っていて、私のことを知ってくれている方とかが中国語でコメントをくれるのが嬉しいです。「ビバハピ」の踊ってみたが特に人気なのかな? と自分では思っています。
-I would like to ask you about Q’ulle. What kind of group do you want it to be?
Manako : I want the group to be known in abroad too. We already have our performance in Shanghai, so from there, we want more people to know about Q’ulle and spread more about “Dance video culture” (Odottemita, in Japanese) too.
-What was your purpose to start the “dance video”?
Manako : I started to record for the audition for the group “Danceroid.” Ever since I was in middle school, there were so many dance videos on Nico Nico Douga and Youtube and I’ve been watching them a lot and I started to want to dance too and got in to it.
-By the way, since this is the promotion video for green-tea that reduces body fat, have you ever minded your body fat? (I don’t think you have…laugh)
Manako : I never measured my body fat (laugh). If I measured it now and it looks really bad, I think I will drink “Tokucha” and reduce it from there (laugh).
Yes, as Manako says, the “Body Fat Exercise” really warms you up (I mean really)! By the way, I’m at utmost lack of exercise, and when I did the “Body Fat Exercise” just a little bit, and the next day my whole body was very sore! But it did made me realize how the exercise is actually working.
そう、まなこさんの言う通り、確かに体脂肪体操を踊ると体がぽかぽかしてくるんです(マジ)! ちなみに極度の運動不足な筆者は、体脂肪体操をちょっとやっただけで次の日筋肉痛になりましたよ! でもだからこそ、ちゃんと効果があるんだな、というのを実感しました。みなさんもまなこさんをマネして踊ってみて下さい!
Also the dance videos of Baseball player, Munenori Kawasaki, and comedian Fruits Ponchi, Kenji Murakami is also online as well. Check them out too!
Fruits Ponchi Kenji Murakami ver.
Munenori Kawasaki ver.
Related links
Q’ulle official site :http://qulle.net/
Manako Twitter : https://twitter.com/Qulle_official
Tokucha official site : http://www.suntory.co.jp/softdrink/iyemon/tokucha/
Photo by kobadog
Translated by Satsuki
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