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Athletic competition on Lotion (=means sexual lubricants in English), or the Lotion Dai-Undoukai, will be holding in Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka this July! Although it’s titled as “Lotion,” there will be no adult or pornographic aspect to it what so ever, but it is a fun and healthy event.
At the event, there will be divided in to four different teams, red, blue, white and yellow, and the four teams will be battling for their first prize, A splendid Nuru-nuru (slippery) Prize, by sports like “Lotion Sumo,” “Lotion Tug of War,” all being held on a slippery floor where the lotion is covered.
Also, there will be “Nuru-nuru Beer Garden,” which was well received last year, will be there as well! So how about having fun covered in lotion this summer?
Event Information
Date: July 4 (Sat) & 5 (Sun) 2015
Start/Close: 11:30/15:00
Venue: LAGUNASIA(Lagunatenbosch)in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture
Date: July 18 (Sat) & 19 (Sun), 2015
Start/Close: 13:30/17:00
Venue: Shinkiba 1stRing, Tokyo
Date: July 25 (Sat) & 26 (Sun), 2015
Start/Close: 13:00/16:00
Venue: Creative Center Osaka in Osaka
One-day Ticket: 10,800yen
What to Bring: Clothes that are easy to move in (worn during the event), Bath Towel and change of clothes (used for after the event)
Related Links
Athletic Competition On Lotion(Lotion Dai-Undoukai) Official Site: http://lotion.event-kikaku.com/
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