AKB48’s First Single in Half A Year Will Be Released on September 18! The Center Is Moeka Y...

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AKB48 invites viewers into the secret harem of a Japanese feudal lord in the MV for their 10th anniversary single “Kimi wa Melody” (release date: March 9). Graduated members Atsuko Maeda, Yuko Oshima, Mariko Shinoda, and Tomomi Itano once again returned to commemorate the historic occasion.
Participating Members: (Team A) Anna Iriyama Anna, Haruna Kojima, Haruka Shimazaki, Minami Takahashi, Yui Yokoyama, (Team K) Minami Minegishi, Mion Mukaichi, (Team B) Yuki Kashiwagi, Rena Kato, Yuria Kizaki, Mayu Watanabe, (Team S) Jurina Matsui, (Team N) Sayaka Yamamoto, (Team H) Rino Sashihara,
(Team KIV) Sakura Miyawaki, (Team NIII) Rie Kitahara, (Team SII) Sae Miyazawa,
(Graduated) Tomomi Itano, Yuko Oshima, Mariko Shinoda, Atsuko Maeda
Center Sakura Miyawaki’s comment
For me, I felt that the way that Mika Ninagawa presented the concept of “wa” (Japanese-style) was really fresh. Because the theme of the MV was “Ōoku”, we got to wear kimonos but, because the hairstyles were so different than our usual ones, hair and makeup was pretty difficult to deal with.
However, when I saw the completed MV, I was surprised to see that the Ōoku had such a cute and poppy atmosphere to it on the screen. Seeing all the graduated members again, I thought, “This is the AKB48 that I know!”, and so I was filled with many complex emotions.
I would be really happy if everyone would watch this MV celebrating AKB48’s 10th anniversary and get to see the graduated members having fun with the current members. In closing, there’s a scene where Atsuko Maeda and Yuko Oshima kiss right in front of me; being able to witness that is something I will remember for the rest of my life.
私にとって、「和」の蜷川実花さんの世界観がとても新鮮でした。 「大奥」がテーマということで、着物を着させていただきましたが、髪型も普段と違うので、撮影前の準備がとても大変でした。
でも、完成したミュージックビデオを観て「ポップでかわいらしい大奥」という雰囲気の映像に驚きました。 そして、久しぶりに卒業生の皆さんの姿を見て、「私が知っている AKB48 だ」と思いつつ、そのうちのひとりとして私も参加している、というのは、不思議な気持ちでした。
最後に…。 私の目の前で前田さんと大島さんがキスをするシーンがあるのですが、それを目撃できたことは一生の思い出になりました(笑)。
Director Mika Ninagawa’s comment
This time, I think I was able to capture the determination of the current members who have inherited AKB48. I think there are similarities between AKB48 and the Ōoku as they are worlds full of young women who are being trained and nurtured. Because the graduated members were making an appearance, there is a homage to “Heavy Rotation”. I would be happy if people are able to enjoy it.
今回、AKB48 を受け継いでいく現役メンバーの決意を表現できればと思いました。 女の園で、お互い切磋琢磨しあって行く姿は大奥と AKB48 で似ている部分があると思います。 せっかくの OG メンバー出演なのでヘビーローテーションのオマージュも入れています。 楽しんで頂ければ嬉しいです。
“Kimi wa Melody” will be released in 5 limited edition and 5 regular CD/DVD versions.
The coupling song for all versions is “LALALA Message” by the Next Generation AKB48 Senbatsu. The Type-A exclusive song is “Gonna Jump” by SKE48. The Type-B exclusive song is “Shigamitsuita Seishun” by NMB48. The Type-C exclusive song is Make noise by HKT48. The Type-D exclusive song is “Max toki 315-go” by NGT48. The Type-E exclusive song is “Mazariau-mono” by Nogizaka AKB. All versions include the MVs and instrumentals for their respective songs.
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Related link
AKB48 official site: http://www.akb48.co.jp/
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