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@JAM EXPO along with Tokyo Idol Festival is one of the biggest idol events of the summer in Japan! Many idol groups appeared on the stages to demonstrate the results of their hard work from the past year. Juice=Juice set off an avalanche of performance, kicking off @JAM EXPO 2017 with an overwhelming display of energy and sharpened skills.
Tokyo Idol Festivalと並ぶ、夏のアイドルフェスといえば@JAM EXPO。この1年の活動の成果を披露しようと数多くのアイドルが渾身のパフォーマンスを繰り広げた。この大舞台の口火を切ったのはJuice=Juiceだ。メインステージの幕開けに相応しい圧倒的なパフォーマンスを披露した。
As Mirin Furukawa, the overall host of this festival, called the members of Juice=Juice out, the lights dimmed and their intro music rang out. The color of penlights whose number had recently increased from 5 to 7 glowed vividly inside Yokohama Arena. The members except for Karin Miyamoto, who was absent due to functional dysphonia appeared on the dark stage, exuding confidence.
@JAM EXPOの総合司会であるでんぱ組.incの古川未鈴がJuice=Juiceを呼び込むと、ステージが暗転しオープニングSEが流れる。5色から7色に増えたペンライトが客席を鮮やかに染めていく。薄暗い照明に照らされ、機能性発声障害によって休養している宮本を除いた6人がステージ中央に現れる。その立ち振る舞いは威厳すら感じさせる堂々としたものであった。
Photo by Natan Gey
The stage opened with their latest tune “Fiesta! Fiesta!”, a song known for its distinctive use of back chorus by Eric Fukusaki. The spicy Latin rhythms mixed with the sexy choreography made for a song burning with passion. Juice=Juice, who is known for their high-powered performances even among the groups of Hello! Project, backed up their reputation with their actions. What surprised the audience first was the powerful singing voice of Ruru Danbara, the 16-year-old new member of the group. Already valued as one of the songstresses of Hello! Project, it took only a short time to pull the audience in.
エリック・フクザキのバックコーラスが特徴的な新曲「Fiesta! Fiesta!」で圧巻のステージは始まった。ラテンのリズムとセクシーなダンスも相まって、Juice=Juiceの中でも非常に情熱的な曲となっている。パフォーマンスに秀でているハロー!プロジェクトの中でも、そのクオリティに定評のあるJuice=Juice。歌唱力でまず驚かされたのは、意外にも新メンバーである16歳の段原瑠々であった。「我が軍の歌姫」とも称される彼女の力強い歌声が広い会場に響き渡った瞬間に観客を魅了してしまった。これからの成長が非常に楽しみな逸材である。
Photo by Natan Gey
Followed by “Goal~Ashita wa Acchidayo~”, they introduced themselves briefly. Dambara said “I was very nervous of appearing on @JAM EXPO for the first time but I will do my best”. Nanami Yanagawa also stated “I am a new member of Juice=Juice. The words “Juice” and “new” sound really fresh, right? So, I would like to make the audience cheer with fresh power! Are you ready for being excited?”. She showed the audience a sample of a “Momochi-ism” which proved to be an entertaining moment for the audience.
Photo by Natan Gey
Juice=Juice rushed into several songs packed with the high level of singing and dancing they are known for. “Karada dake ga Otana ni Nattanjanai” required the members to show their skills of expressing adult-like emotions. “KEEP ON Joushoushikou”, with choreography inspired by Michel Jackson, is a standard piece of their concerts. The figure of Yanagawa dancing dynamically with her small body reminded me of Miyamoto a few years earlier. It is no coincidence that she lists Miyamoto as the member of Hello! Project that she respects. Following the examples of Miyamoto and of course Tsugunaga, Yanagawa is on track to grow up to be an excellent idol.
その後もJuice=Juiceは高いレベルで安定した歌唱力と一糸乱れぬダンスで次々と曲を畳み掛けていく。大人っぽい表現力が求められる「カラダだけが大人になったんじゃない」、マイケルジャクソンにインスパイアされた振り付けが特徴的な「KEEP ON 上昇志向!!」はライブでは定番のナンバーだ。梁川が小さな体でひときわ大きく踊っている姿がいつの日かの宮本の面影と重なる。彼女が憧れの先輩として宮本の名を挙げるのは偶然ではないだろう。宮本の、そしてもちろん嗣永の背中を追って、梁川がこれからどのようなアイドルになるのか楽しみで仕方ない。
Photo by Natan Gey
“Magic of Love (J=J 2015ver.)”, the cover and rearrangement of the Taiyou to Ciscomoon song has become one of Juice=Juice’s masterpieces. Each member including Sayuki Takagi, one of the best singers in Hello! Project, rose to the challenge, bringing the song to its full effect. Filling in gaps of absence of Miyamoto, the group showed the strength as the group, especially, Akari Uemura who covered the many parts that Miyamoto usually sings. It was something which made me feel that she is as reliable as the other members from the same generation.
太陽とシスコムーンの「Magic of Love」は、もはやJuice=Juiceの代表曲と言っても過言ではないだろう。今やハロー!プロジェクトでもトップクラスの歌唱力の高木はもちろん、そろぞれが高い歌唱力を持ち合わせていなければ成立しない難易度の高い楽曲である。また宮本の不在の大きな穴をメンバー全員でカバーする姿にグループとしての強さを感じた。特に植村が宮本のパートを担当することが多く、同期としての頼もしさすら感じられた。「どうもありがとうございました!Juice=Juiceでした!」とリーダーの宮崎が挨拶し、このステージの幕は閉じた。
Photo by Natan Gey
The announcement that Dambara and Yanagawa were to join Juice=Juice aroused much controversy among Hello! Project fans. Since their major debut, Juice=Juice has struggled with 5 members, Yuka Miyamoto, Tomoko Kanazawa, Sayuki Takagi, Karin Miyamoto, and Akari Uemura. Completing an extremely long 225 concert tour, they even made it to the stage of Nippon Budoukan in November of 2016. It would be understandable that their fans would want them to continue to practice singing and dancing and finally disband the group as ℃-ute did on June 12, 2017.
Then, did the current form of Juice=Juice compare unfavourably with the 5 members? It could never be. Danbara has the overwhelming skill of singing and Yanagawa posesses the distinct personality brought from Momochi-ism. Juice=Juice must reach the advent of new era with these 7 members. Juice=Juice begins their world tour from September of 2017 with another concert at Budoukan in November, which should prove their renewed strength as a group. In addition, the good news is that ace member of the group, Miyamoto has recovered from her functional dysphonia. Looking away from the current Juice=Juice, the group may leave everyone else behind with their rapid growth.
Miyamoto often said that Juice=Juice must support Hello! Project aside from the hierarchy among its groups. However, it is not so far to suggest that Juice=Juice now casts a large figure among all idol groups.
Photo by Nathan Gey
Set list:
01 Fiesta! Fiesta!
02 Goal~Ashita wa Acchi Dayo~
03 Karadadakega Otona ni Nattanjanai
04 KEEP ON Joushoushikou!!
05 Magic of Love
Show Details:
Date and Place:
September 14th (Thursday) – 229
229 THE VENUE – 229 Great Portland Street, London. W1W 5PN
Age restrictions : 16+
Date and Place:
September 16th (Saturday) – La Boule Noire
La Boule Noire – 120 boulevard de Rochechouart, 75018 Paris
Date and Place:
September 17th (Sunday) – FZW
FZW – Ritterstr. 20, 44137 Dortmund
Ticket Prices:
Premium Pass: 69 Euros
General: 29 Euros
* Ticket sales will start Friday, June 9th at 8pm (CEST) at:
www.me-shop.net (Premium Pass only)
www.konticket.de (General admission only)
Event Name: Japan x Malaysia Friendship Concert 2017
Date and Place:
September 23rd (Saturday)
Sunway Lagoon Surf Beach, Kuala Lumpur (http://www.sunwaylagoon.com/)
Ticket Release Date: Friday, July 28th
Ticket Sales Website: www.airasiaredtix.com
Ticket Inquiry: info@toyboxprojects.com
Official Facebook: www.facebook.com/FriendshipConcertJAKARTA, INDONESIA
September 24th (Sunday)
October 1st (Sunday)
Related Links
Juice=Juice Official Site:http://www.helloproject.com/juicejuice/
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