
TIF 2019: Kobushi Factory Beats the Heat With Their Powerful Punch!

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Juice=Juice held “Juice=Juice LIVE AROUND 2017 FINAL at Nippon Budokan ~Seven Squeeze!~” their second solo concert at the legendary venue on November 20, 2017.
Juice=Juiceの2度目の単独武道館公演「Juice=Juice LIVE AROUND 2017 FINAL at 日本武道館 ~Seven Squeeze!~」が11月20日に行われた。
It was the finale of their national tour “Juice=Juice LIVE AROUND 2017” which packed in 70 concerts over the course of 44 days. During that time Juice=Juice also went on a world tour in different 7 countries: Mexico, England, France, Germany, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Taiwan. Additionally, they would be embarking on a South American tour which would take them to Peru, Chile, and Brazil in December.
国内ツアーである「Juice=Juice LIVE AROUND 2017」では44日程で70公演を行った。今回レポートする公演はこのコンサートツアーの最終公演にあたる。9月からは国内ツアーと並行してワールドツアーも行い、メキシコ、イギリス、フランス、ドイツ、マレーシア、インドネシア、台湾の計7ヵ国でライブを敢行した。また12月には南米ツアーとしてペルー、チリ、ブラジルでの公演が決定している。
Since the huge triumph of their first Budokan concert in 2017, Juice=Juice has experienced the addition of new members, the hiatus of Karin Miyamoto, and the world tour. Amidst all the excitement, leader Yuka Miyazaki surprisingly announced that the group would have their second Budokan concert in November. Hearing the news, new members Nanami Yanagawa and Ruru Danbara burst into tears while the original members were also visibly shocked.
The return to the Budokan came much sooner than expected. I was probably not the only one who was worried about whether or not the current form of Juice=Juice could surpass the overwhelming performance, amount of heat, and sensations given off during the previous Budokan concert. Still, what came to mind was that they could surpass what they used to be with the experiences that they have from overcoming many obstacles before.
Appearing at center stage with the introduction of “Wonderful World (English Ver.)”, the members wore pure-white costumes, the scene seeming to overlap that of the Budokan concert a year earlier. It strongly reminded me that this moment is the newest in their “Tsuzuiteiku Story”.
「Wonderful World(English Ver.)」の前奏と共にセンターステージに現れたJuice=Juice。純白のパンツスタイルの衣装でこの曲を歌う7人に、昨年の武道館公演での姿をどうしても重ねてしまう。今この瞬間が「続いていく Story」の最新の1ページであることを意識せざるを得なかった。
The group updated their story at a quiet pace, performing “Umaretate no Baby Love” and “Ijiwarushinaide Dakishimeteyo”. Orange and medium blue penlights showed the venue more vividly than before. Seeing the view, Yanagawa and Danbara seemed to become sharper as they claimed their appointed places, putting at ease any lingering sense of discomfort with the current Juice=Juice. They have fought with an overwhelming level of performance since their debut and the 7 young women on the stage embodied that fighting spirit.
「生まれたてのBaby Love」と「イジワルしないで抱きしめてよ」を立て続けに披露し、物語をすさまじい勢いで紡いでいく。オレンジとミディアムブルーが新たに加わり、より鮮やかに彩られた武道館はますます熱を帯びていく。梁川と段原はその光景を目の当たりにし、「自分の居場所はここだ!」と主張するかのように動きに鋭さを増していく。もはや7人体制のJuice=Juiceに違和感など感じることはできないだろう。打ちひしがれるほどの圧倒的なパフォーマンス力で戦ってきたのがJuice=Juiceであり、目の前で歌い踊る彼女たちはそれ以外の何者でもなかった。
The voice of Eric Fukusaki resounded through the venue, announcing the long-anticipated performance of “Fiesta! Fiesta!”. This song can be said to be the tipping point since its debut at the summer 2017 Hello! Project concert, quieting the negative opinions towards Juice=Juice and the addition of the new members. The lyrics “Jounetsu wo Tokihanatou (Let’s unleash passion)” sung by Danbara who had worked hard as Hello! Project kenshusei for about 4 years moved the hearts of the audience. As the singing voice of the one who had come to be known as the songstress in Hello! Project echoed thorough the venue, I shuddered with excitement.
エリック・フクサキの歌声が会場に響き渡り、誰もが待ち望んでいたであろう「Fiesta! Fiesta!」へ。新体制のJuice=Juiceへの否定的な意見を瞬時に覆した、まさに現在のグループの転機とも言える曲である。ハロプロ研修生として約4年間も影で努力を積み重ねてきた段原が歌う「情熱を解き放とう!」という歌詞にはただならぬ想いを感じてしまう。「我が軍の歌姫」とさえ呼ばれた彼女の歌声がアイドルの聖地・武道館で響き渡った瞬間に、感動で身震いしてしまったのを覚えている。
The latest tune “Tokyo Glider” is a funk tune created through a collaboration with Hiroshi Matsui also known as ROYAL MIRRORBALL. Lasers gaudily set the mood for “CHOICE & CHANCE” and “Jidanda Dance” on the center stage.
新曲「Tokyoグライダー」はROYAL MIRRORBALLとしても知られる松井寛が編曲で参加しており、これまで様々なファンクな楽曲を歌ってきたJuice=Juiceらしい楽曲となっている。「CHOICE & CHANCE」で派手にレーザーを武道館中に撒き散らし、センターステージに移動して「地団駄ダンス」を披露した。
Miyamoto, Yanagawa, and Danbara surprised the audience by jumping up from the stage and Juice=Juice performed “THE Power” (℃-ute Cover). “Senobi” settled down the audience and the group rushed into their other new track “Never Never Surrender” as the sounds of bag pipes and EDM mixed together.
ダンストラックで宮本、段原、梁川の3人がジャンプアップしステージに登場して会場を驚かせると、℃-uteの「THE Power」のカバーを披露した。「背伸び」で会場を一旦落ち着かせると、新曲の「Never Never Surrender」へ。バグパイプのサウンドとドロップなどのEDM的な要素が要素が融合した楽曲となっている。
After a look back at the world tour via a short movie, the members performed “Ça va? Ça va?” and “Ai・Ai・Gasa”. The projection mapping helped the songs to create the atmosphere and the audience felt like they were watching a musical. While singing the updated lyrics to “GIRLS BE AMBITIOUS 2017” the members asked the audience to make waves that washed through the Budokan.
ワールドツアーを映像で振り返った後は「Ça va? Ça va?」と「愛・愛・傘」を披露した。プロジェクションマッピングで会場に映像を投影することにより、まるでミュージカルのワンシーンを見ているかのような錯覚に陥った。歌詞を刷新した「GIRLS BE AMBITIOUS 2017」では観客と一緒にウェーブを起こし、文字通り会場全体がひとつとなった。
The group rushed into a quick succession of 7 songs ranging from “Gin-iro no Telepathy” to “Kono Sekai wa Sutetamonjanai” and the concert reached its climax. The overwhelming performance, the emblematic aspect of the group, swept up the audience with huge enthusiasm. Answering the encore, Juice=Juice again appeared in front of the about 8,000 in attendance and performed “KEEP ON Jyoushoushikou!!” and “Goal~Ashita wa Acchidayo~”. The members then thanked the audience for making the concert a success.
「銀色のテレパシー」から「この世界は捨てたもんじゃない」まで7曲連続で駆け抜け、コンサートは最高潮の盛り上がりを見せた。Juice=Juiceの真髄とも言える圧倒的なパフォーマンス力を武器に観客を熱狂の渦に巻き込んでいく。観客からのアンコールに応えるべく再びステージに現れたJuice=Juiceは、「KEEP ON 上昇志向!!」と「Goal~明日はあっちだよ~」の2曲を披露して最後のMCでファンへ感謝の言葉を述べた。
Ruru Danbara
Since I was a Hello! Project Kenshusei and an apprentice in Hiroshima, my dream was to stand on the stage of Nippon Budokan. Today, my dream came true with this awesome situation. It’s really like a dream and I am so happy to be on this stage (crying). I remember that I had many concerts after joining the group. I went around Japan and other countries and saw many Juice=Juice Family around the world. They thanked me for joining the group, which made me feel so encouraged. Making my dream come true one by one and seeing this awesome scene, I really thought that I have done my best without giving up. I will work hard in Juice=Juice for years to come, so please cheer for me! Thank you!
Nanami Yanagawa:
The reason that I could stand on the stage of Budokan shortly after joining of the group is because the current members have built up the reputation and fans have cheered for us so much. I thank you so much. Many things happened this year and many things changed around me, which made me feel complex feelings. I usually do not get nervous but I have been nervous for 2 weeks before the concert. However, seeing the audience cheering me on and medium blue colored penlights encouraged me. We have to bring a smile to the audience but actually you all make me smile, which I want to thank you for the most. I will keep working hard to see such a beautiful scene and to make my dreams come true.
Tomoko Kanazawa:
Juice=Juice used to be 5 members and I really loved the formation. So, at first, I mean at the very very first, I do not want to accept addition of new members. I am really sorry for saying that in front of the new members. However, hearing the new members saying that I will work hard for Juice=Juice with hopes and dreams, my mind was changed totally. Soon I became happy to perform with the new members. Only 5 months have passed since the two joined the group but they are so excellent. I thought that it would be wonderful to stand this stage so soon after they joined and I could not compete with these two. But still, I will do my best not to be defeated by them, so I would be happy if you keep your eyes on us. Thank you for the wonderful concert!
金澤朋子「もともとJuice=Juiceは5人だったじゃないですか。5人だった時のJuice=Juiceがすごく大好きで。なので最初ね?、最初ね?、本当に最初ね? 最初に新メンバーが入るかもしれないって話をチラッと聞いた時に正直嫌だなって思ってる自分がいたんですよ。新メンバーを前に本当にごめんなさい。なんだけど、入ってくるって話を聞いて、2人が実際に私たちと会ってくれて、お話とかもしていく中で、前向きで夢に向かってキラキラしてて、Juice=Juiceで一生懸命頑張っていきますって言葉を聞いた時に、なんて頼もしい子達なんだろうって。すぐに、この子達と一緒に活動出来ることが嬉しいなって気持ちが変わって。一緒に活動し始めて5ヶ月とかですか?それくらいしか経ってないですけれど、本当に2人とも優秀でね。こんなにあっという間に日本武道館でパフォーマンスが出来るっていうことは素晴らしいことだと思いますし、2人の努力には頭が上がらないなって思うんですけれど。これからも新メンバーの2人にも負けないように一生懸命頑張っていきたいと思いますし、みなさんもぜひJuice=Juiceから目を離さないでいてくれたら嬉しいと思います。今日は本当にとっても幸せな時間をありがとうございました!」
The last song to conclude the concert was “Romance no Tochu”. Although experiencing the Budokan concert, which every idol once dreams of, and even a world tour, Juice=Juice is still on the way to romance. New members Yanagawa and Danbara are the hope and future of the group, their additions promising that Juice=Juice would surpass what it used to be and the possibility of them earning the title of “Hello! Project’s No.1 Performance Group” just as ℃-ute was. This concert is just a prologue of Juice=Juice’s Tsuzuiteiku Story.
Set List
01 Wonderful World (English Ver.)
02 Umaretate no Baby Love
03 Ijiwaru Shinaide Dakishimeteyo
04 Fiesta! Fiesta!
05 TOKYO Glider
07 Jidanda Dance
08 The Power
09 Senobi
10 Never Never Surrender
11 Ça va? Ça va?
12 Ai・Ai・Gasa
14 Gin-iro no Telepathy
15 Karada dakega Otona ni Nattanjanai
16 Hadaka no Hadaka no Hadaka no Kiss
17 Watashi ga Iumae ni Dakishimenakyane
18 Datejanaiyo Uchi no JInsei wa
19 Magic of Love (J=J 2015 Ver.)
20 Kono Sekai wa Sutetamonjanai
E1 KEEP ON Joushoushikou!!
E2 Goal~Ashita wa Acchidayo~
E3 Romance no Tochu
Here is the live report for Juice=Juice’s first Budokan concert!
Related Links
Juice=Juice Official site: http://www.helloproject.com/juicejuice/
Juice=Juice Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/JuiceJuice_uf
Juice=Juice Official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/JuiceJuice.Official
Juice=Juice YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/juicejuicechannel
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