7th Wave of @JAM EXPO 2018 Performers Announced!

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Iketeru Hearts celebrated their 2nd anniversary with a festive collaboration 3-man live performance with Afilia Saga and Erabareshi at Shibuya Duo Music Exchange on September 7, 2016!
The Opening Act truly was a special tribute to the past. All members of Iketeru Hearts showed up on stage, along with Afilia Saga members Alice Rozen, Nana Drop Bijou, Momoko Little Berry, Myuna Shulita and Love Berry Janne, all of them wearing the Stand Up! Hearts polo shirts and skirts! They performed the upbeat “NEXT STAGE”, followed by the cool “Triangle Wave”, reminding everyone of their time as trainees (Stand-Up! Hearts). Even if they are now part of different groups, all the girls on stage indeed started their idol activities after the same audition!
Bakusute Sotokanda Icchome’s sub-unit Erabareshi then started the main show as the first guest, with their first single title song “Ai no Fushigi” and second single coupling song “Teke Teke Watashiryuu”. After electrifying the fans with their energy, leader Yuri Asakura wished Iketeru Hearts a happy anniversary. All members agreed on the idea of celebrating their own second year of activities along with Iketeru Hearts and Afilia Saga too! Erabareshi ended their performance with second single “Miss Rabbit”, sporting their “Alice in Wonderland” themed outfits, followed by the downtempo “Erabareshi Futari ni Naritai”, and a very upbeat “Checker Flag Love”.
It was then time for the stars of the night to perform! Iketeru Hearts appeared on stage wearing the outfits from their second single “Sekai he Habatake!”. They started with their iconic major debut single “Let’s Stand Up!”, causing youngest member Nijika to tear up after only ten seconds in!
Leader Yuyu Arata took some time to thank the fans in a first introduction MC, for supporting them in the new challenges they faced throughout the year. From a major debut to performing abroad – not only once but twice! -, a lot of things sure happened in a year for the group!
After performing the darker coupling song “Shishin Kakutei”, Iketeru Hearts made the audience dance on the upbeat and fun “Shrimp Girl”, followed by “Happy End”, the ending theme for video game “Punchline”.
The members then discussed about all the cherished memories they have that are linked to their old Stand Up! Hearts costume, and how much they have grown. It was the perfect timing for a very special video which surprising the girls by announcing their long-awaited first one-man live for January 9, 2017 at Shibuya WWW!
“We thought it was going to announce our upcoming performance in Singapore! What is this!?” yelled Nijika, too shocked and happy to cry any more, as Madoka Usami and Yuno Yurano burst into tears.
It was a perfect fit to then go forward with coupling song “Believe in my dreams”. They ended their segment with second single “Sekai he habatake!”, the audience happily singing along with their idols.
Undeniably most well-known act of the night, Afilia Saga came to the stage for the last part of the show, performing “Spark in my heart – Sekai ga owaru to shite mo”, followed by their 15th single title song “Embrace Blade”.
After introducing themselves, Alice Rozen had a moment to talk about her upcoming graduation at @JAM x Natalie Expo 2016 on September 25th, thanking the audience for their support. Fellow senior members Maho Sotto Voce and Kohime Lit Pucci lightened up the mood by joking around. “So many members left to pursue great new dreams but somehow, Maho and I are still here unable to figure out what to do with our lives!” Kohime said, making everyone laugh.
They finished their performance by running through four songs in a row, from “Sepia” to their 17th single “Lost in the Sky”, followed by the high energy “JUMPING” and “Venus to Aoki Nanatsu no Umi”.
The final MC reunited Afilia Saga with their little sisters, minus underaged member Nijika. Afilia veteran Yukafin Doll mentioned tender memories of Iketeru Hearts’ first anniversary, spent all together as well, feeling very proud to see how far they have gone in only one year. However, Yukafin had the last word of the night by declaring that because the youngest group debuted by covering Afilia Saga songs, Afilia will definitely not lose to Iketeru Hearts!
But the fans decided it was not enough, and started a heated encore call to bring their idols on stage again. Iketeru Hearts returned one last time, thanking everyone again for the wonderful celebration, and performed a 7-member version of “Sekai he habatake!”, showing they still had energy stored!
Iketeru Hearts’ third single “Lumicagen” is produced by Akihabara Backstage Pass founder Shikura Chiyomaru and will be released on November 16th: make sure you don’t miss it!
Photos by Nathan Gey
Set List
Stand Up! Hearts (Opening Act)
00. Triangle Wave
01. Ai no Fushigi (アイノフシギ)
02. Teke Teke Watashiryuu (テケテケ私流)
— MC —
03. Miss Rabbit (ミスラビット
04. Erabareshi Futari ni Naritai (エラバレシ二人になりたい)
05. Checker Flag Love (チェッカーフラグラブ)
Iketeru Hearts
01. Let’s Stand Up!
— MC —
02. Shishin Kakutei (私信確定)
03. Shrimp Girl (ショリンプガール)
04. Happy End (ハッピーエンド)
— MC—
VTR: First one-man live announcement
05. Believe in my dreams
06. Sekai he habatake! (世界へはばたけ!)
Afilia Saga
01. Spark in my heart – Sekai ga owaru toshite mo (Spark in my heart 世界が終わるとしても)
02. Embrace Blade
— MC —
03. Sepia (セピア)
04. Lost in the Sky
06. Venus to aoki nanatsu no umi (ヴィナスと蒼き七つの海)
— Final MC —
Iketeru Hearts (Encore)
00. Sekai he habatake! (世界へはばたけ!)
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Related Links
Iketeru Hearts Official site: http://stand-up-project.jp/hearts/
Iketeru Hearts Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/iketeru_hearts
Afilia Saga Official site: http://afiliasaga.jp/
Afilia Saga Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/AfiliaSaga
Erabareshi Official site: http://leido.co.jp/erabareshi/
Erabareshi Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/_erabareshi_
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