7th Wave of @JAM EXPO 2018 Performers Announced!

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Iketeru Hearts announced several big changes regarding their future during the finale of their ~Dreaming love Kimi no Moto he~ tour at Shibuya duo MUSIC EXCHANGE on August 19, 2017!
The new creative directors are Chiyomaru Shikura and Tom-H@ck.
Former Afilia Saga member Yukafin is the new producer.
During the encore, 4 new members were revealed. The first full-fledged performance for the 11-member Iketeru Hearts will be during their 3rd anniversary live on September 7, 2017 at TSUTAYA O-WEST. Shortly after, on October 25th, Iketeru Hearts will release their yet-untitled 5th single as well.
Here are the new members!
Risako Aise
Twitter: https://twitter.com/risako_afilia
Birthday: December 20
Aki Imai
Twitter: https://twitter.com/afilia_aki
Birthday: December 13
Shiika Koizumi
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shiika_afilia
Birthday: March 17
Leia Shiroki
Twitter: https://twitter.com/afilia_leia
Birthday: December 7
Iketeru Hearts 3rd Anniversary
September 7, 2017
Open – 6:30pm Start – 7:00pm
Presale – 3,000 yen (+1 drink minimum)
Related links
Iketeru Hearts Official site: http://stand-up-project.jp/hearts/
Iketeru Hearts Official Twitter : https://twitter.com/iketeru_hearts
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