AKB48’s First Single in Half A Year Will Be Released on September 18! The Center Is Moeka Y...

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“Idols need to shine the most when they are on the stage.”
As I’m writing this article, I remember what an idol once said to me while we were talking. Wearing regular clothes on stage won’t make you stand out, and if you bury yourself in costumes similar to other idols and concerts, you won’t gain very many “oshi”, or fans.If you compare idol costumes to weapons, if they aren’t used (or worn) to the best of your ability, they become useless.
Until I actually went to see idols in action, the image I had of idol costumes was that they were frilly, girly, and poppy.However, the reality is that in order to survive the “Idol Wars”, you can’t easily stand out if you just look cute.
This time we’ll take a look at idol costumes that have helped capture their music or world view, and those that have survived, from colorful stage costumes that stand out to uniquely cool costumes, along with others.
これが日本の最強アイドル衣装! 制服をモチーフにアレンジされた衣装
With their own theater in Akihabara and their concept of “idols that you can meet”, AKB48 has continued to lead the idol industry since 2005. Since Akihabara idol culture became established, their tartan plaid blazers, leather boots, and so on have come to represent idol costumes. AKB48 changes costumes with every new single, and we can never take our eyes off of them.
【BELLRING Girls Heart】
Their costume is a one-color, black schoolgirl uniform with wings.The phantasmagoric idol unit, nicknamed “Beruha”, showcases a variety of music genres including psychedelic and grunge rock among others. They may be seven, cute, innocent-looking girls, but their concerts, more than anything, along with their fans and the members themselves, leave a hard impression. The image of them flapping the black wings of their disturbing-looking costumes, while sweat runs down their foreheads, is a cool one that resembles a group of crow or fallen angels.
【Moso Calibration】
This six-member unit, nicknamed “Mokyari”, debuted on Akihabara’s Dear Stage in March of 2013. Recently their collaboration with the “absolute area” wearable expansion device, the “light-up skirt”, attracted all kinds of attention and became a hot topic. With each of the group’s six members wearing a light-up skirt, they’ve created a new sensation by lighting up the “absolute area” (a term used to describe the area of thigh showing where skirts end and knee-socks begin). Their costumes consists of six skirts that display different colors with the use of a wireless signal, lighting up not only the inner, but the outer part of the skirt, with adjustable strength.
【Maneki Kecha】
Nicknamed “Manekecha”, these new idols debuted in August of 2015 and are produced by the Japan Twintails Association, an organization launched to spread the appeal of twintails and centered around the concept of making the hearts of twintailed girls living in Japan more beautiful, as well as lifting their spirits. Packed with personality, they wear emblems with the words “Go go go go go”, “Harajuku”, etc., headbands with Sailor Moon wands, and skirts with Barbie dolls hanging off of them. Their poppy and cute costumes reflect teenage fashion that’s currently “in”, and are very attractive!
ツインテールで日本の女性を、この国に暮らす人々全ての心を もっと美しく、もっと元気にをコンセプトにツインテールの魅力を広めることを目的に設立された団体「日本ツインテール協会」がプロデュースする2015年8月に発足された新人アイドル通称「まねケチャ」。「ゴゴゴゴゴ」や「原宿」などと書かれたワッペンやセーラムーンのステッキがついたカチューシャ、スカートが吊るされたバービー人形等個性満載。ティーンエイジャーファッションの「今」を詰め込んだようなPOPでかわいい衣装が魅力的!
【Jyu Jyu】
Jyu Jyu is a mysterious two-member unit with a “cursed” concept. They conjure up a splendid, dark world in gothic lolita costumes that give them the visual look of white, ephemeral dolls. It won’t be long before Japan’s unique gothic lolita fashion will be making its way through the idol world.
【Yurumerumo! (You’ll Melt More!)】
Yurumerumo!, nicknamed “Mo!”, is a six member new wave idol unit, featuring styles that match each member’s color. With casual matching styles like wearing pins or paint, each member shows off their own personality with their own casual, statement designs. In addition, they’ve announced a collaboration with fashion designer Hiroshi Tanida, who has worked with Tokyo Collection and in Paris, and they’ll unveil their newest costumes at their live at Harajuku Astro Hall in Tokyo on November 12th.
【Maison book girl】
Springing forth with their own unique world with songs that combine contemporary music with idol pop as one of their weapons, is this four member idol group, nicknamed “Bukuga”. They released an album in September 2015, and their new costumes are the work of Hachi and Rei Nakanishi from the fashion brand BALMUNG. Their cool image breaks away from the general idol image, and their audiences can’t tear their eyes away from their attention-grabbing, large silhouette dresses. Additionally, Hachi (BALMUNG/Ohm) x Maison book girl items will be sold at the Shibukaru Festival exhibition, taking place from the 6th at Ikebukuro Parco.
現代音楽とアイドルポップスを融合させた楽曲を武器に独自の世界観を貫く4人組アイドル通称「ブクガ」。2015年9月にアルバムをリリースし、新衣装はファッションブランドBALMUNGのHachiとRei Nakanishiが手掛けたものとなっている。世間一般のアイドルのイメージとはあけはなれたクールな印象、そして見る人の目を引くビッグシルエットのワンピースに目を奪われる。尚、6日より池袋パルコで行われるシブカル祭展示にてHachi(BALMUNG/オーム)×Maison book girlの商品が販売される。
The previously mentioned idols are just an example, but each time a new idol is born, numerous other new costumes are created as well.More and more, idol fashion continues to transform.Among the many idols out there, who shines depends on personality, but other factors are also important for surviving the battle.
Looks matter, of course, but catchy songs, attention-grabbing personalities, and appealing costumes can also be used as “weapons”. To survive the “Idol Wars”, costumes are likely to a defining point for who sinks and who swims.
Related links
AKB48 official site : http://www.akb48.co.jp/
BELLRING Girls Heart official site : http://bellringgirlsheart.com/?aid=335
Moso Calibration official site : http://mosoclbr.com/
Maneki Kecha official site : http://www.maneki-kecak.com/
Jyu Jyu official site : http://jyujyu.info/
Yurumerumo! official site : http://ylmlm.net/
Moso Calibration official site : http://mosoclbr.com/
Maison book girl official site : http://www.maisonbookgirl.com/
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