Rurumu Kanae Higashi’s Little Room and New Possibilities on Kawaii

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Kanae Higashi has worked on the costumes of numerous idols and musicians, such as Dempagumi.inc and Seiko Oomori, each time elaborating on the worlds that they express, and she is also the designer behind handmade knitwear brand Rurumu. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that without a doubt she is one of the most important creators in today’s Japanese girls’ culture scene. By using a unique expressive style to articulate the hidden inner feelings of a girl dressed completely in knitwear, called “outo couture” (similar to the pronunciation of “haute couture”, meaning “vomit couture”), she has opened up a new domain of expression never before seen until now.
Kanae Higashi
This new stage of expression is one that Kanae Higashi had slowly been heading toward. In August of 2015 she put on a solo exhibition, muse, where she showed the yet unseen possibilities of fashion with her two video works, “dress for me” and “Expiation in a dream”. Like with the female raw emotion that results from the clash of hidden madness and sexual urges, it could be described as a single piece of composite art expressing the writhing of raw human desire.
そんな東佳苗が次に向かった表現手段は映像だ。2015年8月に個展museを開くと、そこで彼女は「dress for me」と「Expiation in a dream」という二つの映像作品によって、これまでにないファッションの可能性を示した。それは例えば、女の子たちの〈隠れた狂気〉と〈性の衝動〉がぶつかり合いつつ〈生の情動〉を産み出すことで、生々しい人間的な欲求の蠢きを表現するというような、ひとつの総合芸術と呼びうるものだった。
dress for me
Reflecting on her solo exhibit, Kanae Higashi commented, “Until this point, Rurumu had only been regarded as cute, but I felt that each time this word only grazed the surface of it. I hate the recent trend of categorizing things as ‘dreamy cute’ or ‘dark cute’. Previously I attempted dispel this superficial notion through radical means of using a male or someone sexy like Mitake as a model.
Moving from fashion to film as a new means of giving her ideas concrete shape, she added, “I was limited by what I could express through fashion. But with film, there is music and movement. Through it, I feel I was able to establish the kind of drama hidden deep inside my models, who I call muses, in a way that is easily understood.”
And so, for the first time Kanae Higashi accepted the challenge of becoming a film director. “Heavy Shabby Girl”, starring miss iD 2015’s Rei Kuromiya and Raimu, and Seiko Oomori’s new song “Gekiteki JOY! Before-After!” as its theme, was screened at the 2015 Shibukaru Festival where it made big waves.
そして、今回、東佳苗は映画監督に初挑戦を果たした。主演にmiss iD 2015の黒宮れいと来夢を迎え、劇中歌に大森靖子の新曲「劇的JOY! ビフォーアフター」を使用した「Heavy Shabby Girl」は2015年のシブカル祭。で上映されると、大きな話題を呼んだのだった。
You could say that the short film Heavy Shabby Girl is just an extension of the screened features that showed at the muse exhibition. In “Expiation in a dream”, the story progresses as women, recall their “experiences that one summer” as they tried to make money through a club of darkness. What exactly was the concept behind this work? “What I wanted to do with “Expiation in a dream” was to carve out the here and now of the girls. They’re not the usual girls you usually see in fiction with a filter over them. I wanted to paint these modern girls in a realistic way, with the extreme and the delicate parts they possess. Unknowingly adding one tiny sin to another as they go their adolescence, I wanted to have it show them in the here and now.”
短編映画「Heavy Shabby Girl」は、個展「muse」で上映された「Expiation in a dream」の延長線上にある作品といってもいいだろう。「Expiation in a dream」は闇サークルの活動によって金を稼ぐ女の子たちの「ひと夏の経験」を、大人になった彼女らが回想することで、ストーリーが進んでいく。この作品に込めた、東佳苗のコンセプトは何だったのだろうか。「私が『Expiation in a dream』でやりたかったのは女の子の〈いま〉を切り取るっていうことだったんですね。よくあるような、フィルターが一枚かかった虚構のなかの女の子ではなくて。現代の女の子のリアルっぽさ、彼女たちが持つ、極端な部分とデリケートな部分を描きたかったんです。思春期に知らず知らずに小さな罪を重ねてしまうような、そんな女の子たちの〈いま〉を表現できれば、と思って作りました。」
Expiation in a dream
There is magic in threaded into Rurumu’s knitwear. Its wear and tear reveals the unraveling of the emotions that girls experience. Using the characters that appeared in Rurumu costumes in “Expiation in a dream”, Kanae Higashi tries to bring out the sense of spirituality hidden deep inside modern girls. Once you peel back the layer of cuteness on the surface, there is madness and wild desire. She was successfully able to convey a fantastic sense of realism in the work.
縷縷夢兎のニットには魔法がかかっている。それは着れば着るほど女の子の感情があらわになっていくのだ。東佳苗は、「Expiation in a dream」でもやはり登場人物に縷縷夢兎の衣装をまとわせながら、現代の女の子たちの内奥に隠された精神性をあばき出すことを試みた。「可愛いさ」という表面の皮を剥ぎ取ったところに垣間見える、狂気や荒々しい欲望。東佳苗は、それらを幻想的なリアリズム表現のなかで映し出すことに成功したのだ。
Among the girls that appear in her work, is model Raimu, called Yume in the film, whose presence is able to capture the audience’s attention. She has an older sister who is the leader of the darkness club, but she leads a lonely existence within it. She is troubled with conflict, but it is never exactly described what exactly that conflict is. She shuts all her pain and worry inside of her. Explaining this without words, and only using fashion and visual image representation was new ground for Kanae Higashi.
Raimu again appears as the role of Hime Tsubaki in “Heavy Shabby Girl”. Her fellow models immerse themselves in a rich lifestyle, as if it were their only reason for living, however Hime Tsubaki, who goes along with them, doesn’t fit in.
「Heavy Shabby Girl」では、再び来夢が椿姫という役で出演する。モデルの仲間たちがリッチな生活にどっぷり身を浸かり、それじたいを自分の生きがいとしている一方で、彼女らと行動をともにする椿姫は、しかし、周囲になじまない。やはり、ここでも彼女は孤独な存在として映し出されるのだ。
Heavy Shabby Girl
Again, her lonely existence is shown, while Rei Kuromiya plays Nozomi Yoshida. The film opens with a shocking scene showing Nozomi, decked out in Rurumu costume, with a homeless man (Minoru Torihada). Nozomi’s life has is extremely broken. Her oldest sister is a sex worker, and uses the money she makes to buy large amounts of high-end fashion brand items. Her other older sister is completely okay with having sex with her boyfriend in front of Nozomi. Her only refuge in the house is her small, dirty bathroom. The scene of her greedily devouring instant yakisoba in the bathroom is a masterpiece, and provides a glimpse into the sort of destructive impulses she’s been holding onto, but what this scene really symbolizes is a girl spitting up the emotions she’s held inside of her without restraint.
Hime Tsuyuki who already has plenty and Nozomi who does not hesitate to display her destructive feelings while living in poverty. Kanae Higashi, who has confidently tackled this theme, says, “I think that dreams and money are two problems that I currently face. I think many people are suffering from the struggle to realize their dreams or make money in order to become wealthy. For example, I’m a fan of the Chilean director Jodorowsky, and seeing his master work DUNE, I understood that he suffered from the same issues. Even if you have a great idea you would like to realize, without money you can’t. Jodorowsky suffered from this problem until the very end. When I saw this image of him, I decided I wanted to make something that centered around this theme, one with a girl with a dream but no money, and another girl with money but no dreams. Painting the extremes of these two lifestyles was the beginning.”
The short film “Heavy Shabby Girl” is the prologue to a longer feature. After this, Kanae Higashi has envisioned making a sequel. One can only wonder if the next time she combines fashion, art, and film result in a work that shakes the Japanese film industry from the ground up.
「Heavy Shabby Girl」は短編であり、長編へのプロローグとなっている。このあと、東佳苗は続編を構想しているのだ。ファッションとアートと映画が、彼女の手で再び結びついたとき、おそらくそれは日本の映画界を根底から揺れ動かす作品に仕上がるだろう。
It should be noted that for the screening of “Heavy Shabby Girl” at Shibuya UPLINK, Kanae Higashi decorated the venue herself. Being able to see the work in Rurumu’s fantastical space made for an extraordinary experience that the audience could share in together.
なお、今回、渋谷のUPLINKで開かれた「Heavy Shabby Girl」の上映会では、会場が東佳苗によってデコレーションされている。まさに縷縷夢兎の幻想的な空間で作品を観られるという、非常に贅沢な体験を観客同士で共有出来るものだった。
Translated by Jamie.K
Related Links
Heavy Shabby Girls information on UPLINK : http://www.uplink.co.jp/movie/2015/41432
Rurumu Official Tumblr:http://rurumu-usagikanae.tumblr.com
Kanae Higashi Official Twitter:@usagi_kanae
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