AKB48’s First Single in Half A Year Will Be Released on September 18! The Center Is Moeka Y...

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PEACH JOHN, a Japanese lingerie brand released the promotion video and AKB48 Haruna Kojima, and fashion models Kana Ohya and Maggy appear! They’re having girls’ party on the video ; eating sweet cakes, drinking champaign, and taking selfies for their memories.
So far, so good. However, suddenly they take off their clothes and appear in lingeries!!!!!
We can see that the girls are all cute and the PEACH JOHN’s lingeries are cute as well, but why on the earth they only wear the lingeries!? Too unreal….! But still, they’re cute.
Related Link
PJ Girls Special Website : http://www.peachjohn.co.jp/pj/special/pjgirl/#pj_girl
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AKB48[Exclusive Program] Tokyo GIrls’ Update TV #006 : SBY in Shibuya109 & Pikarin’s Cosplay
Lots of Bargains! Find All Kinds of Second-Hand Anime Goods, We Infiltrate the Annex of Lashinbang in Akihabara!