Support Your Idol With Confidence! Interview with Sora Tokui

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On December 9, 2017, The December Grand Milky Holmes event with Milky Holmes, Feathers, and Shuta Morishima was held at the Ryogoku Kokugikan in Tokyo.
2017年12月9日、ミルキィホームズ、フェザーズ、森嶋秀太による“大ミルキィホームズ 十二月場所”が、東京 両国国技館で開催された。
Milky Holmes is a voice actress unit from the game, TV anime, and mixed media title “Tantei Opera Milky Holmes”. The group’s four members include Sherlock “Sheryl” Shellingford played by Suzuko Mimori, Nero Yuzurizaki played by Sora Tokui, Hercule “Elly” Burton played by Mikoi Sasaki, and Cordelia Glauca played by Izumi Kitta. Additionally, Feathers, Milky Holmes’ junior unit, also features characters from the same work. Feathers is a duet made up of Kazumi Tokiwa played by Aimi and Alice Myojingawa played by Ayasa Ito. Shuta Morishima, who plays the role of Opera Kobayashi at Milky Holmes’ trainer, also made an appearance.
ミルキィホームズとは、ゲームやテレビアニメなどメディアミックス展開している作品『探偵オペラ ミルキィホームズ』から生まれた声優ユニット。メンバーは、シャーロック・シェリンフォード役の三森すずこ、譲崎ネロ役の徳井青空、エルキュール・バートン役の佐々木未来、コーデリア・グラウカ役の橘田いずみの4人。また、同じく作品に登場するキャラクターとして、ミルキィホームズの後輩ユニットのフェザーズ。メンバーは、常盤カズミ役の愛美、明神川アリス役の伊藤彩沙の2人。そして、ミルキィホームズの担当教官である小林オペラ役の森嶋秀太が出演した。
The venue where the concert was held, the Ryogoku Kokugikan, is a sports arena that hosts the Grand Sumo Tournament and fighting sports. Each of the four sides of the arena is decorated with the names of the tournament’s past winners. The center stage is set up as the arena ring, and a walkway connects the stage sets to the main stage.
Here opening time was met with an atmosphere quite different from the usual concert venue set up. Once the lights had dimmed inside the venue, Morishima and Feathers appeared on stage. As he called out, “All December Grand Milky Holmes participants please come out!” each performer came out one-by-one. In light of the kickboxing event “KING OF KNOCK OUT 2017 Ryogoku” scheduled for the following day, each performer made their appearance as if they were a competitive athlete. He introduced Aimi and Ito from Feathers with a large cheer from the crowd. Then, Mimori, Tokui, Sasaki, and Kitta followed suit. Posing for the cameras and the audience, and each striking a fighting pose, the four members of Milky Holmes took to the center of the stage. Finally, Morishita, after catching himself, Morishita kicked off the concert by uttering, “Seikai wa Hitotsu! Janai!!”
通常のライブ会場とは異なる雰囲気の中、開演時間を迎える。会場が暗転すると、メインステージに現れたのは森嶋とフェザーズ。森嶋による「大ミルキィホームズ 十二月場所 全出場者入場!」のコールと共に、それぞれ出演者が一人ずつ登場する。翌日、同会場にて開催されるキックボクシングイベント“KING OF KNOCK OUT 2017 両国” に合わせて、格闘技の入場シーンを模したのである。まずは、フェザーズの愛美、伊藤を紹介すると会場から大きな歓声が上がる。続いて、三森、徳井、佐々木、橘田が入場する。客席やカメラを煽り、格闘家さながらのパフォーマンスを繰り広げながら、ミルキィホームズの4人がセンターステージに集まった。最後に、森嶋が自らを名乗ると、「正解はひとつ!じゃない!!」でライブが開幕した。
“Seikai wa Hitotsu! Janai!!” is the opening song of TV anime “Tantei Opera Milky Holmes” that was broadcast in 2010, and the anthem of Milky Holmes. As the intro of it began, excitement soared among Milky-an (Milky Holmes fans). This was followed by “Milky A GO GO”, with its fun to sing and dance-a-along with chorus, and then “Soutennenshoku Full Power”, hitting the audience with their best songs right out of the gate.
「正解はひとつ!じゃない!!」は、2010年に放送されたテレビアニメ「探偵オペラ ミルキィホームズ」のオープニングテーマであり、ミルキィホームズを代表する曲である。イントロが流れた瞬間からミルキアン(ミルキィホームズのファンの総称)のテンションは急上昇。そして、サビでの掛け声や振り真似が楽しい「ミルキィ A GOGO」、「総天然色フルパワー」と、開幕早々、ライブの鉄板ソングが続いた。
They moved from the center stage to the main stage, they struck a pose, giving their familiar introduction of, “Good evening, everyone. We’d like to welcome all here, to the December Grand Milky Holmes. We’re Suzuko Mimori, Sora Tokui, Mikoi Sasaki, and Izumi Kitta, Yokohama’s first Tantei Milky Holmes!” Then they burst into “Glory Glowing☆DAYS” and “Prologue wa Ashita Iro”.
センターステージからメインステージへ移動すると、「みなさん、こんばんは。大ミルキィホームズ 十二月場所へようこそ。三森すずこと、徳井青空と、佐々木未来と、橘田いずみは、ヨコハマいちの名探偵ミルキィホームズです!」とおなじみの決めポーズで自己紹介。
“Now we’d like to introduce our special friends,” Milky Holmes began as Feathers appeared on the main stage. A sofa had been prepared on stage for Ito, who wasn’t able to dance because of her leg injury.Both dressed in the costumes from the Milky Holmes Feathers First Live from 2014, both girls sat on the sofa and sang, “Two of Us Muteki♪”. During the interlude, they put on a comical exchange about Ito’s injured leg that got the audience really pumped up, before Morishima belted into “ANSWER” with his clear and powerful singing voice.
「ここで私たちの大切な仲間を紹介します。」とミルキィホームズに紹介され、フェザーズがメインステージに登場。左足を負傷し、ダンスができない伊藤のために、ステージ上にソファが用意された。2014年に開催された「ミルキィホームズ フェザーズ ファーストライブ」にて着用した、当時の衣装をまとい、2人が仲良くソファに座り「Two of Us 無敵♪」を披露。間奏では、負傷した左足をネタにしたコミカルなやりとりを交えながら、会場を盛り上げた。続いて登場した森嶋は、さわやか且つ力強い歌声で「ANSWER」を歌いあげた。
This time Milky Holmes chose to hold their concert at the Ryogoku Kokugikan, a holy site for sumo, of course, and fighting sports. So in light of this, they unveiled their plans to hold a “KING OF TEOSHIZUMO(Hand Sumo)” tournament.
Hand sumo is played with two people facing each other with their legs together. Then, they push the palms of their hands together until one person loses their balance and step away or move and loses. They’ve played hand sumo a number of times on the Milky Homes variety show “Miru Miru Milky”, so its inclusion was familiar for fans.
Each match started when a gong rang during a duet song two members were singing. With four members, the member who won the most matches was declared the winner.
今回のライブが行われた両国国技館は、相撲はもちろん、格闘技の聖地としても有名である。そんな両国国技館ならではの企画として、“KING OF TEOSHIZUMO” が開催された。
First, Mimori went up against Kitta. Right after the first chorus of their duet song “Sore wa TOYS☆”, they turned to face one another. “Fight!” was yelled with the sound of a gong, and the match began! Because both girls lost their balance, a rematch was called, where Mimori came out the first victor.
Next was Tokui and Nitta’s duet song “Wonderful Combination”. Up until now Tokui had never won a match, but keeping her resolve to stay standing despite being pushed, she won for the first time
This was followed up with a match between Tokui and Sasaki, while they sang “Gimme Milky”. Because it was her first victory ever, she anticipated on winning two matches in a row, but she was defeated by Sasaki.
Then, for an exhibition match, Aimi and Ito challenged each other in a thumb war. (A thumb war is played by two people, holding opposite hands together with their other four fingers, using their thumb to try and pin their opponent’s thumb down until the count of 10.) Sitting in the same sofa on stage, they turned to face each other after performing “Seishun Beginner!”. A fierce battle began as both girls tried to pin the other’s thumb, but in the end Ito was the first one to hold down Aimi’s thumb until 10.
After that, the battled turned to hand sumo again. Sasaki and Kitta faced off in the duet song “Milky Way de Aimashou” Their match began after they gracefully sang and danced to its waltz-y rhythm. This was Kitta’s last chance, who had already lost the previous two rounds, but Sasaki came out the victor. She lost all its games, Kitta was eliminated.
The next duet song was “Moonlight Tantei S&N” by Mimori and Tokui. It was an exciting match with both girls going in for the attack, but finally Mimori won.
Then, for the last match, it was the final battle between Mimori and Sasaki, each with two wins so far. After they sang their duet song, “Isshokenmei”, Sasaki pulled off a brilliant victory.
After the fierce fight to be crowned the “KING OF TEOSHIZUMO” came to a close, the intro to the chorus of “Milky Attack” began. Without a moment for any of the excitement from the hand sumo tournament to fade, the everyone in the audience excitedly swung their towels while calling out, “Wasshoi!”
激闘の“KING OF TEOSHIZUMO” の後は、「ミルキィアタック」で再びライブがスタート。手押し相撲の興奮冷めやらぬまま、タオルを回し、わっしょい!のコールで会場全体が盛り上がる。
The next number they performed was their new song that was just released November 2017, “Reflection”. It’s a cool song that has a sprinting feel to it. Prior to the song’s start, Kitta gave a dance lesson to the audience so that Milky An could dance along. In spite of it being the first time they’d performed this song live, the performance on stage and from the audience was breathtaking.
They followed this up with another 2017 release, “Pleasure Stride”, and after that they performed a special “Ryogoku Medley” put together just for the day’s show.
同じく2017年に発表された「Pleasure Stride」と、新曲が続いた後、この日のために特別に作られた“両国メドレー”が披露された。
It started with the intro to “Fun Fun Party Night♪” and right before the vocal part switched to “Fure Fure my Yuuki”, and then continud into “Milky tea time”. “Fure Fure my Yuuki!” and “Milky tea time” are both songs from 2010 from right around the time the group first formed in 2010, and it had been three years since either of them had been performed live. They continued with a few more songs, going through 12 songs in total in around 10 minutes time. After this emotional rush of a medley through the group’s history up until now, they finished the show off by performing the original version of their 1st single in 2010, “Ame Agari no Mirai”.
「ファンファンパーリーナイト♪」のイントロからスタートし、歌唱パートに入る直前に「フレフレmy勇気」に切り替わり、「ミルキィ tea time」へと続いた。「フレフレmy勇気!」と「ミルキィ tea time」は2010年のグループ結成初期の頃の曲で、ライブで歌うのは3年ぶりとなる。その後もさまざまな曲をつなぎ、全12曲を約10分に凝縮し、駆け抜けた。これまでの歴史を振り返るエモーショナルなメドレーの後は、2010年に発売された1stシングル「雨上がりのミライ」で本編は終了した。
In response from the calls for an encore from the audience, Milky Holmes took the stage yet again. After singing, “Fighting☆Dramatic”, they talked about “KING OF KNOCK OUT 2017 Ryogoku” that was scheduled the next day. Hitting on the topic of the boxing term TKO (technical knock out), they then performed “Dream Nonai T.K.O!!!!” in special colored members gloves that had been made in collaboration with “KING OF KNOCK OUT 2017 Ryogoku”.
客席からのアンコールに応えて再びステージに登場したミルキィホームズ。「Fighting☆Dramatic」を披露した後、翌日開催される“KING OF KNOCK OUT 2017 両国”についてトークが展開された。ボクシング用語の解説をする中で、TKO(テクニカルノックアウト)の話題となり、その流れで「ドリーム脳内
T.K.O!!!!」を披露。“KING OF KNOCK OUT 2017 両国”とのコラボグッズとして作られたメンバーカラーのグローブを着けてのパフォーマンスとなった。
Feathers and Morishima joined the stage to talk about how they felt about the concert, and then left the stage, leaving Milky Holmes by themselves. Each of the members shared their thoughts about the show, looking back over 2017.
For their last songs, shouts of “Have a nice day cheerfully tomorrow!” were followed by “Bye Bye Yell!”. Everyone on stage and in the audience waved, and then the curtain fell. They ran a lap around the audience seats along the center stage, and reluctantly parted with Milky An and exited the stage.
From their fighting spirit style entrance, duet songs, hand sumo, new song performances, and a medley loaded with memorable, older numbers, it was a grippingly satisfying concert full of Milky Holmes’ best charms.
On December 31, 2017, there were a special broadcast of the new TV anime “Miru Miru Milky”. Then the group has a ton more events in store, with the release their 15th single “Reflection” in January 2018, followed by a fan club event in February.
There’s no sign of pausing from their current momentum as Milky Holmes embarks on their 9th year together in 2018!
The December Grand Milky Holmes
Set List
01 Seikai wa Hitotsu! Janai!!
02 Milky A GO GO
03 Soutennenshoku Full Power
04 Glory Glowing☆DAYS
05 Prologue wa Ashita Iro
06 Two of Us Muteki♪
08 Sore wa TOYS☆
09 Wonderful Combination
10 Gimme Milky
11 Seishun Beginner!
12 Milky Way de Aimashou
13 Moonlight Tantei S&N
14 Issho Kenmei
15 Milky Attack
16 Reflection
17 Pleasure Stride
18 Ryogoku Medley
18-01 Fun Fun Party Night♪
18-02 Fure Fure my Yuuki!
18-03 Milky tea time
18-04 Oide Spectacle!
18-05 Hyper Milky Hour
18-06 Party Party!
18-07 Milky Rock ‘n’ roll
18-08 Day by Day ~Kimi to Issho ni
18-09 Miru Miru UP↑↑
18-10 Nakimushi TREASURES
18-11 Shouri No Kizuna
18-12 Nazo! Nazo? Happiness!!
19 Ame Agari no Mirai
E01 Fighting☆Dramatic
E02 Dream Nonai T.K.O!!!!
E03 Bye Bye Yell!
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Related Links
Milky Holmes Official site:http://milky-holmes.com/
Milky Holmes Official Twitter:https://twitter.com/milkyholmes
Translated by Jamie Koide
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