
Pa-Pi-Pu-Pe-Po! AKB48 Introduce a Word Game in the New Commercial for Papico!

Pa-Pi-Pu-Pe-Po! AKB48 Introduce a Word Game in the New Commercial for Papico!

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AKB48 entertains and educates in their newest series of commercials for Papico ice cream with the “Pa-Pi-Pu-Pe-Papico Game”.

Here is the 15-second version.

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Here’s the 30-second version.

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And an alternate 30-second version.

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For those of you confused as what is going on:

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In this video, the rules on how to play the game are explained. It can start anywhere, at any time, as soon as you point at someone and say “Papico”. As soon as that happens, you have to point at someone else and say “Pipico”. The pattern continues with “Pupico”, “Pepico”, and “Popico”. The person after “Popico” then says “Nando yattemo onaji koto” (No matter how many times you do it, it’s all the same) while moving their hands like a sumo wrestler before pointing at someone and adding “Pan” to “Papico”. The 3rd round adds another “Pan” to “Pan Papico” and the pattern repeats accordingly.

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If you can’t get the hang of it, don’t worry! In this video you can see how much trouble the members had while making the previous video. After getting 3 strikes, Juri Takahashi receives a painful foot massage as punishment! If you’re wondering where the version of the commercial where the members of AKB48 are wearing yukata is, it hasn’t yet been put on Glico’s YouTube channel. You can watch it by going to the Papico site listed below to watch it for now and you can also download wallpapers of the individual members there.

Papico Official site:

AKB48 Official site:

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Related Artists : AKB48
Kai Okudara

Writer, researcher, photographer, foodie, KSDD