Ultimately Cute! Check Out Sayaka Kanda’s Short Hair in TRUSTRICK’s New MV “inn...

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The music scenes always look for charisma vocalists, because music represents the generation.
A strong voice and something mysterious that attracts the audience. The singer itself represents the generation and encourages the people living at that time. In the 2010s Japan, a new unit TRUSTRICK that consists Sayaka Kanda (vocal) and Billy (guitar), has started to gather attention as a new charismatic singer.
神田沙也加×Billyによるユニット、TRUSTRICKの初のワンマンツアー「TRUSTRICK Eternity Tour 2014」のファイナル公演は、2010年代の日本における新たな歌姫の誕生を改めて予感させてくれた。
On September 15 (Monday), TRUSTRICK had their final performance of their first tour “TRUSTRICK Eternity Tour 2014” at Tokyo, Shibuya duo MUSIC EXCHANGE. The tickets were sold out and the concert hall was filled with people before the performance commenced. The tour consisted a total of four live performances, starting at Nagoya ell. FITS ALL on August 15 (Friday).
公演は9月15日(月・祝)東京渋谷duo MUSIC EXCHANGEにて行われ、大盛況のうちに終了した。チケットはSOLD OUT、会場は開演前から超満員だった。
今年6月25日に発売されロングセールスを続ける1st アルバム「Eternity」を引っ提げての今回のツアーは8月15日(金)の名古屋 ell. FITS ALLから始まった計4公演(全会場ずれもSOLD OUT)、TRUSTRICKとしては初めてのツアーとなった。
TRUSTRICK sold their new first album “Eternity” on July 25, and performed all the songs in the album and two new singles at the concert. Sayaka’s translucent and mysterious voice and Billy’s rhythm created a lovely sound that everyone listened with rapt attention. During the live, their talk invited the laughter of the audience, but once the performance started, the concert hall was filled with full attention on their music.
Sayaka expressed her appreciation towards the fans, “I’m truly grateful that I have TRUSTRICK in my life. TRUSTRICK is made definitely from the support and spirit of the people around us, and we would like to continue to create good j-pop music.”
Billy continued, “In the beginning, there was only the two of us in TRUSTRICK. Now, we have this many people coming to our live and I feel that TRUSTRICK is created by every one of you in this hall. Will you keep joining us?”
As digitization of music advances in the modern days, an artist that has a strong band sound is uncommon. By packing the music with the taste of these two people, TRUSTRICK is able to create a music that is highly original. This originality and preciseness of their output of their music has built a unity between the artist and the audience.
In the end of the concert, they announced their new single “World’s End Curtain Call –theme of DANGANRONPA THE STAGE” that will be released on November 12. This will be the theme song of a play of a popular game “Danganronpa”. Sayaka herself is also a fan of Danganronpa, and will also participate as an actress in the play. The new single will be released on November 12, and only 3868 CDs will be sold. The CD is already sold out on Amazon.
ライブ終盤では、ファン待望の新作の発売も発表された。11月12日発売となる新作は、人気ゲーム「ダンガンロンパ」の初舞台化作品「ダンガンロンパ THE STAGE ~希望の学園と絶望の高校生~」のテーマソングとなる「World’s End Curtain Call -theme of DANGANRONPA THE STAGE-」。
神田自身かねてより「ダンガンロンパ」の熱烈な大ファンであることを公言しており、「ダンガンロンパ THE STAGE ~希望の学園と絶望の高校生~」では、江ノ島盾子役として出演する。楽曲はTRUSTRICKによる完全書下ろしとなる初のシングルで、11月12日(水)に完全初回限定3,868枚での発売。すでにAmazon等では品切れ状態となっている。
TRUSTRICK is currently starting their new composition, and we would like to look forward to their new music.
DANGANRONPA THE STAGE – Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei –
Date : October 29 ~ November 3
Venue : Nippon Seinenkan Hall
Official website : http://www.cornflakes.jp/dangan/
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Related Links
TRUSTRICK official website : http://www.trustrick.jp/
TRUSTRICK special website : http://columbia.jp/trustrick/
TRUSTRICK Twitter : https://twitter.com/TRUSTRICKJP
TRUSTRICK official YouTube channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/TRUSTRICKofficial
written by Kenji Harada / translated by Serina
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