“Ghost In The Shell’s” Mamoru Oshii’s Action-Thriller Film “Tokyo Mukokuseki Shoujo” On Screen This Summer

©2015 Toei Video
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From one of the worldly renowned animation movie director of “Ghost In The Shell” and “Urusei Yatsura,” Mamoru Oshii’s new movie will be screened from July 25th, 2015, titled, “Tokyo Mukokuseki Shoujo (Tokyo Stateless Girl).” The movie is based on an indie-short film by director, Kentaro Yamagishi. The film was entered in Hard Boiled Yokohama Action Movie Competition in 2012, and awarded for Special Recognition Award. Oshii was one of the judges at the competition, praised Yamagishi’s work.
The main protagonist is acted by Nana Seino, young upcoming actress who has been highly acclaimed by movie director, Shion Sono, who she has been a heroine for the movie “TOKYO TRIBE.” And for director Oshii, it is his first time to film the violent and sexual scenes, to depict the teenage, school-girl’s anxiety. Oshii was sticking more with the actors’ bodily and facial expressions and using the least of computer graphics and animation for this film. He also commented about Seino that she has the utmost potential as an actress, and her menacing expression is one of the highlights of this movie. Seino also comments, “Throughout the movie, I was acting with expressions, it looks somehow strong, but it’s also painful. Since there were hardly any lines, it was difficult for me to express those reciprocal emotions.”
The movie was reviewed as the last 15 minutes being unexpeced. We should check it out!
Official Site: http://mukokuseki-movie.com/
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