Hi everyone!
I think many of you know this already, but every week, there are at least 5 premium articles uploaded on Tokyo Girls’ Update.
As for the other articles, you can read the whole thing by logging in.
As for the reason why we have started to run the site like this, please read the 2 articles below.
We want to take time writing articles, using original pictures as much as possible, creating information that you can’t reach just by search, and sharing these high quality reports with fans world wide.
Today we’d like to introduce the series we have been uploading on TGU.
There are articles you can read without sign up so check it out!
For those of you who can’t live without idols! A wide variety here for you!
Here are writers giving us articles on idols. They even write about topics that are too maniac to write in Japan. They will give you the series including past history on idols.
Not everything needs to be positive, giving you the “real idol” series.
Akimasa Munekata in the “so-what” mode. ポジティブな事が全てではない、アイドルのリアルをお届けする赤裸々シリーズ。
Born in 1972, Akimasa Munekata is a music critic who has written for MUSIC MAGAZINE and Record Collectors for rock in Japan after HAPPY END, pop, the flow of western rock and pop after Beach Boys, world music, and folk music. Recently, he has hopped on the bandwagon and begun writing about idols as well.
Yasuhiro Okada Editor/Writer – Co-author (with Shinshi Okajima) of “Group Idol Shinkaron” (Evolutionary Theory of Idol Groups), one of the first books to analyze the “Idol Warring States Period” (popular media term for the current idol boom in Japan). Author of the book “Idol no iru Kurashi”(Living With Idols), a collection of interviews talking about idols from the perspective of idol fans.
Dance in the subculture
He specializes on idols, as a new sub-culture leader, he gives you the “sub-culture rondo”. The unexpected unfolding of the topic makes his articles the one and only. アイドル専門ライターであり、ニューサブカルリーダーでもある岡島紳士がメモ帳を開いて紡ぐ「サブカルチャー輪舞曲」。
Shinshi Okajima Born in 1980. Idol writer. His works (includes joint works) : “Group Idol Shinka-ron” “AKB48 Saikou Kousatsu” “Idol Gakkyoku Disc Guide” and so on. Worked as a main adviser for “Media/Idol Museum” exhibition organized by Saitama prefecture. Manager of the idol contents website “IDOL NEWSING”.
Japanese Idol Past and Present
Articles that can only be written by those who have been watching the idol scene since the 80s like Mr. Arai gives you the series which represent “Things present are judged by the things past (Onkochishin)”. There are things that could be only said by those who have seen the past! He’s the walking idol library. 80年代からアイドルシーンをウォッチしてきた荒井氏にしか書けない、まさに「温故知新」な連載です。
Toshiro Arai A producer of website “TOKYO IDOL NET”, making idol and photography for its concept. Mainly writing for TOKYO IDOL NET.
Analyzing the lifestyle of Japanese Girls from both Serious and Casual views
What is the real affection behind the word “Kawaii”?
What are the lifestyles and special ideals of the “Japanese Girl”?
These are series giving you the 21st century “Kawaii” from any different perspectives. 可愛いという言葉の裏に隠された本当の魅力とは?
Japanese Girlの固有な価値、生き様とは。
Tokyo Girls’ Wars
A university girl writer who has spent her Seishun in Chicago gives you the mysterious Japanese Girl analysis. There is always only one truth! 多感な青春時代をシカゴで過ごした現役女子大生ライターが、謎うずまくJapanese Girlの生態を徹底解剖。
Uni student. Grew up in Chicago. Always seeking ways to escape to the 2 or 2.5 dimensional world.
Everyday is your runway by Satsuki
Analysis and Hypothesis on why and how Japanese fashion culture and trends were created, with the experience within the fashion industry. ファッション業界での経験とリサーチ力で、日本のファッション文化やトレンドの理由や背景を、シリアスに紐解きます!
Satsuki Grad student in Tokyo. Born in Tokyo, raised in New York, also studied in London. My interests lies in Tokyo’s urban street cultures, girls fashion cultures, rock music and manga. Just livin’ it up 🙂
KAWAII 2.0 Theory
Now as the word “kawaii” has been floating everywhere, he gives you the new “kawaii” theory from many different layers. No more “smile and nod”. Read about the real “Kawaii” that comes from the bottom of your heart. もはや言葉だけが一人歩きしている”Kawaii”をあらゆるレイヤーから切り込んでいく新カワイイ論。
Coming soon!
KAI NAGASE Writer, Book Reviewer. Having the degree of MA. (Japanese Literature) I love Japanese Girl’s Popular Music, such as YUKI, Chara, Makoto Kawamoto, and Seiko Oomori.
2D Will Never End, the Living Treasure
A twintail girl working at Animate will be giving you the latest can’t miss Anime update! Her tremendous love towards 2D will be fluttering everywhere throughout her latest info articles. 外せないアニメ界隈の事情も、現役アニメイト店員のツインテール女子がアップデート!
Maririn I am an anime otaku who still believes in fairy tales:3 Came back from the states and now studies English as my major at university in Tokyo.
Other than this, we will be having useful tips pedias that you can use in Japan, explaining about the strange “something”, through our TGU eyes.
In order to become a premium member, you will need $4 per month, but we also have a 10 days free trial period, so please try it out and see for yourself our high quality articles.
We will be following our code of honor and updating to the world with invaluable articles!
We bring the latest news of Japanese girls' culture from Japan to all over the world! Here are hot topics about KyaryPamyuPamyu, AKB48, Hello!Project, and other cute Jpop artists. Everybody wanna be KAWAii, and wotaku in whole world, cheeeeeeeer UP!