Batter Up! SILENT SIREN Bake Cakes for Baseball Players in the MV for “Just Meet”!

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Silent Siren announced the details of their live concerts in Taiwan and Hong Kong scheduled to be held in October 2016. This live concerts are a part of their world tour “SILENT SIREN S WORLD TOUR 2016”. About the venue, time, and the ticket purchase, please check the information below written in Chinese!
With “SILENT SIREN S WORLD TOUR 2016”, they will perform at 6 cities in 5 countries; starting from Jakarta (Indonesia) and ending at Hong Kong.
World Tour 2016 schedule
September 9th, Jakarta (Indonesia)
September 24th, Shanghai (China)
September 30th, Los Angeles (USA)
October 2nd, San Francisco (USA)
October 8th, Taiwan
October 10th, Hong Kong
Except Taiwan and Hong Kong’s performances, the other details of “S WORLD TOUR 2016” are not announced yet. Stay tuned for further information coming up!
Currently they’re taking nation wide Japan Tour 2016, ending with the performance at Yokohama Arena on July 18th. If you have plan to come to Japan during that time, why not going there? It is the first time for them to perform at Yokohama Arena, such a quite large venue!
Related links
Silent Siren official site : http://silent-siren.com/
Silent Siren Japan Tour 2016 website : http://ss-sss.net/
時間:18:30 進場 / 19:00 開場
場地:The Wall公館(台北市羅斯福路四段200號B1)
票價:預售 NT$1,600 /現場 NT$1,800(全場站立席不設座位,憑序號進場)
全台全家便利商店 Famiport & FamiTicket全網購票網
日期 Date: 2016年10月10日 (星期一/Mon)
地點 Venue: 香港九龍灣國際展貿中心 Music Zone@E-max
時間 Time: 20:00 開演
票價: 全企位 (憑序號進場) Cat A: HK$480 | Cat B: HK360
開售日期Ticket Public Sales Date:
2016年7月7日(星期四/Thurs)上午10 點
售票系統 Ticketing System : Cityline 購票通 http://www.cityline.com
演唱會詳情 Concert Info : http://puffinent.wix.com/puffinent-2015 or info@puffinent.net
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