Mizuki Yamashita Stars in Musical “Sailor Moon” : Nogizaka46, “Reincarnation” to the future

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“Revue Starlight -The LIVE-#2 Transition” started From October 13, 2018 at The Galaxy Theatre in Tokyo. In advance, press conference and dress rehearsal were held on October 12th.
2018年10月13日から東京・天王洲 銀河劇場にて舞台「少女☆歌劇 レヴュースタァライト -The LIVE-#2 Transition」が開幕。これに先駆け、10月12日に前日記者会見と公開ゲネプロ(本番同様の通し稽古)が行われた。
“Revue Starlight” is a mix of medias, created through a link between musicals and animes. The origin is the musical, and most of the characters were dubbed by the actual casts from the musical. On September 2017, “Revue Starlight -The LIVE-#1” was held. It was staged again on January the next year. In addition, the main casts formed a group called “Starlight Kukugumi” and released CDs.
「少女☆歌劇 レヴュースタァライト」は、ミュージカルとアニメがリンクしながら展開されるメディアミックス作品。ミュージカルが原点となり、ミュージカルの主要キャストがそのままアニメやゲームの声優を務める。2017年9月に初演「少女☆歌劇 レヴュースタァライト -The LIVE-#1」が上演、2018年1月に再演された。また、メインキャスト9名によるユニット「スタァライト九九組」としてCDリリースやライブ活動を行っている。
The Seisho Music Academy is a traditional musical school with 100 years of a long history. In this school, 9 students from the 99th Graduating Class are making efforts to get the main role, which is called the “Star”.
“Revue Starlight -The LIVE-#2 Transition” has many factors from the anime broadcast from July to September 2018.
今回の舞台「少女☆歌劇 レヴュースタァライト -The LIVE-#2 Transition」は、2018年7月~9月に放送されたテレビアニメのエッセンスをふんだんに散りばめた作品となっている。
In the pre-interview, Karen Aijo played by Momoyo Koyama, Hikari Kagura played by Suzuko Mimori, Maya Tendo played by Maho Tomita, Junna Hoshimi Hinata Sato, Mahiru Tsuyuzaki played by Haruki Iwata, Nana Daiba played by Moeka Koizumi, Claudine Saijo played by Aina Aiba, Futaba Isurugi played by Teru Ikuta and Kaoruko Hanayagi played by Ayasa Ito appeared. Each of them talked about their enthusiasm towards the new musical.
Front row left to right: Haruki Iwata, Suzuko Mimori, Momoyo Koyama and Hinata Sato / Rear row left to right: Maho Tomita, Aina Aiba, Moeka Koizumi, Teru Ikuta and Ayasa Ito
When a question related to connecting the anime to the musical was asked, Mimori said, “There are many people who learned about Starlight after watching the anime, and this musical is based on that anime, so anime fans can also enjoy watching the show. To make them feel that ‘Starlight is so good!’, I hope we can build a bridge between the anime and the musical.”
After the interview, the dress rehearsal was held for the musical part and the live part.
The 9 who played “Starlight” on the 100th school festival of the Seisho Music Academy were living their school life with a refreshed feeling. They were working hard to become the “Star” for the next year’s school festival. Meanwhile, students from their rival school, the Seiran Arts School came to the Seisho Music Academy through a so-called “exchange program”. However, their purpose was to take away the “Starlight”, so some lost their confidence when they saw the absolute ability of the Seiran Arts School. The battle, which is called the “Revue” starts in order to gain “Starlight”.
One of the special features of the musical is the sword battle scenes. Each student has a weapon such as a sword and an arrow. During the “Reveue”, they fight beautifully and strongly, using their weapon. With great stage works, it’s even more impressive than #1.
舞台「少女☆歌劇 レヴュースタァライト」の見どころの一つとして、殺陣がある。一人ひとりに剣や弓といった武器が決まっており、「レヴュー」(バトル)シーンでは各自の武器を使い、華麗に、そして力強く戦う。映像演出も加わって圧巻のステージとなっており、その迫力は#1からさらにパワーアップしていた。
Another feature is the synchronization of casts and characters as the musical and anime are connected. The feelings of characters are expressed delicately. The power of expression has increased from #1 as well. Casts are growing with the characters.
In the live part, it became allowed to use the penlights at the audience seats, increasing the sense of unity. In addition to the performance of the 9, new casts and ensemble casts were added. 8 songs were performed including the theme song, “99 ILLUSION!”, released on October 10th.
ライブパートでは、客席でのペンライトの使用が可能となり、会場の一体感が増す。9人揃ってのパフォーマンスはもちろん、新キャストやアンサンブルも交えた組み合わせなど、ライブパートもパワーアップ。本公演のテーマソングとして10月10日にリリースされた「99 ILLUSION!」を含む8曲をノンストップで披露した。
Through both the musical and live parts, the passion of each cast fulfilled the stage. The musical was full of the Stage Girls’ dreams. On the final day on October 21st, it will be broadcast live at the movie theaters all over Japan. Even for those who missed seeing #1 or watching the anime, the musical will definitely be satisfying, so check it out!
Stage Information
“Revue Starlight -The LIVE-#2 Transition”
October 13, 2018 (Saturday) to October 21, 2018 (Sunday)
The Galaxy Theatre (Tokyo)
“Revue Starlight -The LIVE-#2 Transition Live Viewing”
October 21, 2018 (Sunday)
Start – 6:00pm
For more information: https://liveviewing.jp/contents/revuestarlight-thelive2/
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Related Links
Shoujo☆Kageki Revue Starlight Official site: https://revuestarlight.com/
Shoujo☆Kageki Revue Starlight Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/revuestarlight
Shoujo☆Kageki Revue Starlight Official YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpcs9GP_NIBxzDfNTWolNPw
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