PASSPO☆ Announce Disbandment, Final Flight Will be in September 2018 at Nakano Sunplaza

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PASSPO☆ has unveiled the new artworks for their new album “Cinema Trip” which will be released on February 15th, and the MV for its lead track “PlayGround” is now available on YouTube.
PASSPO☆が2月15日にリリースする、日本クラウン移籍後初のオリジナル・フルアルバム「Cinema Trip」のアーティスト写真、CDジャケット写真、リード曲「PlayGround」のミュージックビデオを一挙に公開した。
“PlayGround” Music Video
“PlayGround” is based on the theme “zombie film”, the MV is created like a film in which Mio Masui plays the leading part.
The concept of this new album is literally “Cinema Trip”.
The crew (the members) in plain clothes enjoy watching a movie in a theater on the jacket cover for Type-A, and they put on the new costume like flight attendants who invite passengers to “Cinema Trip”.
PASSPO☆ held a release event for “Cinema Trip” at LaLaport TOYOSU today, and it was the first time they perform in front of passengers (fans) with new outfits on. During the event, they also held a photo session for passengers. The photos taken by passengers can be seen with hashtag “#PASSPO新衣装” via twitter. The cool outfits reminded passengers of the group’s visual identity of PASSPO☆ which started their activities with the theme “Journey”.
また、本日豊洲ららぽーとにて新衣装初披露となる「Cinema Trip」リリースイベントが開催され、会場に集まったパッセンジャーによる「#PASSPO新衣装」ハッシュタグでのツイート拡散も行われた。PASSPO☆の初期衝動である「旅」をコンセプトにした衣装に、パッセンジャーも改めてクルーが放つビジュアルの強さを再認識した。
PASSPO☆ is about to start their nation-wide tour from this month to April. Why don’t you see the new journey invited by PASSPO☆ with your own eyes!?
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Related Links
PASSPO☆ Official site: http://passpo.jp/
PASSPO☆ Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/passpo_staff
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