Bob Cut is Justice, Or is it Determination? NICE BOB! Photo Report
ボブは正義か、それとも執着か?「NICE BOB!」タイアップポートレートSponsored Links
On April 15, 2017 there was a special event “NICE BOB!” at TwinBoX AKIHABARA which featured several idols who sport the short hairstyle. Appearing were members of Idol Chōhōkikan LEVEL 7, Ichigo Milk Iro ni Somaritai., Cupidolic, and RipukA – HOT HEAT HEAT (a group which unfortunately disbanded on April 30th). To see such an assembly of young women with 1 thing in common was indeed a rare occurrence!
4月15日(土)TwinBox AKIHABARAにてボブカットのメンバーがいるグループだけを集めたイベント「NICE BOB!」が開催された。出演グループは、アイドル諜報機関LEVEL7 / いちごみるく色に染まりたい。/ クピドリック / RipukA -HOT HEAT HEAT-(4/30に惜しまれつつ解散)の4組。ボブという共通点無しでは滅多に見られない、珍しい組み合わせとなった。
A bob cut is a hairstyle that typically features a fringe that frames the face with the hair in the back cut straight across at the jaw level. During the event, each of the members spoke about their admired celebrities with bob cuts, the moment they got a bob cut, the particular problems of having a bob cut, as well as sharing their deep thoughts about their hometowns.
The event focusing on that one theme was organized by idol culture photography specialty site TOKYO IDOL NET with cooperation from Fuji Film. The special “Bob Style” photos of each of the members which were only sold that day were extremely popular.
テーマが一点突破の今回のイベントは、写真でアイドルカルチャーを発信するTOKYO IDOL NETが主催となり、富士フィルム社が協力。当日会場限定で「ボブ風」の髪型で全てのメンバーがその日に撮影した生写真も販売され、好評を博した。
Since ancient times in Japan, women’s hair was either long or put up and arranged. The act of cutting women’s hair short did not become widespread until the Taisho Period (1912 – 1926) as many women had their first “short bob” experiences, breaking away from the previously limited varieties of hairstyles. Riding the growing influence of Western culture, it had a more modern feel.
After that, in the later half of the 1990’s various “hair arrangements” trended, and since the 2000’s permed hair and “moru” (piled) styles began trending.
However, a few years later the trend began shifting as increasing numbers of women wondered if they should cut their hair into a bob or not.
Although it did not follow the rules of the previous style, on the other hand it was not a trend that had a feeling of newness either. While the bob cut became a standard style it was unusual that it also conveyed a feeling of individuality with it.
Tokyo Girls’ Update was able to photograph the idols that appeared at the NICE BOB! event. Please enjoy all the individual special characteristics of the different bob cuts!
Tokyo Girls’ Updateでは、「NICE BOB!」に出演したアイドルのうち、ボブカットのメンバーを撮影させていただいた。それぞれ個性の違うボブの良さを味わってほしい。
Ichigo Milk Iro ni Somaritai. – Miyu Kawasaki
いちごみるく色に染まりたい。 / 川崎 実祐
Ichigo Milk Iro ni Somaritai. – Sana_Ashizaka
いちごみるく色に染まりたい。 / 芦坂 早菜
Cupidolic – Momoko Shikata
クピドリック / 四方 桃子
Idol Chōhōkikan LEVEL 7 – Kurumu
アイドル諜報機関LEVEL7 / くるむ
RipukA – Minori
RipukA / みのひ〜
RipukA – Renahi
RipukA / れなひ〜
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