@JAM EXPO 2018 Announced with Host Yufu Terashima!
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Neggico announced that they will release a new single “Mujun Hajimemashita”(Release Date:29th March).
This title song is compose by Yu Sakai and its lyrics are written by Asako Toki. Connie no doubt arranged the song and NEGiBAND plays the instruments. It seems to be very gorgeous and great pop song! Also, limited edition type-B includes “Space Necojaracy” remixed by famous rapper Yakenohara and “Oyasumi” remixed by Yuuri Miyauchi.
Negicco soon travels around a nation from Niigata on 14th Febtruary and its tour final concert wii be held at Nakano SanPlaza on 27th April. Can’t wait to see Negicco performance with NEGiBAND!
Related Links:
Negicco Official:http://negicco.net/
T-Pallet Records Official:http://tower.jp/label/t-paletterecords
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