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Juice=Juice LIVE AROUND 2017 ~World Tour→J=J Day Special~ was held at Zepp Divercity Tokyo on October 10, 2017.
2017年10月10日、 Juice=Juice LIVE AROUND 2017 ~World Tour→J=J Day Special~がZepp Divercity Tokyoにて開催された。
Juice=Juice has had turbulent days recently. Nanami Yanagawa and Ruru Danbara were announced to be joining the group on June 26, 2016, causing much confusion among fans at the time. Nevertheless, the additions of Yanagawa who inherited “Momochi-ism” and Danbara who won the best performance award at Kenshusei Happyoukai twice brought great expectations that the group would leap forward.
Despite mixed feelings, the fans gathered at Osaka Orix Theater to confirm the possibilities of the group with the two new members. As a result, they were left stunned by the overwhelming performance of the new track “Fiesta! Fiesta!” which drove any lingering doubts. However, Karin Miyamoto was soon after placed on hiatus due to functional dysphonia. Although she came back as quick as a blink, the group set off on their world tour soon after her recovery. As such, Juice=Juice had been hidden away from many of their fans in Japan.
アンビバレントな感情を抱きながらも、新体制の真価を確かめようと大阪オリックス劇場のハロコンに訪れたファンは衝撃を受けたに違いない。新曲「Fiesta! Fiesta!」の圧倒的な熱量に当てられて、新体制への憂いが一瞬で消え去った瞬間だった。しかしながら、その直後にセンターを務める宮本が機能性発声障害の為に活動休止。驚愕の早さで復帰を果すものの、すぐにワールドツアーへと旅立ってしまった為、多くのファンにとって新体制のJuice=Juiceはベールに包まれたままであった。
At long last, the time came. About 2,000 fans gathered at Zepp Divercity Tokyo to celebrate “Juice=Juice Day” (October 10). Wearing gorgeous silver sequined dresses, the members appeared on the stage with a strong dance track. The performances of Yanagawa and Danbara did not look like that of newcomers but, as if they had become members of Juice=Juice in the truest sense of the word.
そして訪れた10月10日。Juice=Juiceの日でもあるこの日を祝おうと会場のZepp Divercity Tokyoには約2000人のファンが平日にも関わらず駆けつけた。激しめなダンストラックにのって、シルバーのスパンコールが煌びやかな衣装を身にまとったメンバーが登場した。梁川と段原のパフォーマンスに新メンバーらしさは全く見当たらない。紛れもなくJuice=Juiceの一員としてステージで存在感を放っていた。
Followed by the dance track, Juice=Juice rushed into a trio of songs:”Fiesta! Fiesta!” by which the audience was shocked at Summer Hello! Project concert,”Hadaka no Hadaka no Hadaka no KISS” with Latin rhythm, and “Datejaniyo Uchi no Jinsei wa” which had become more powerful with the growth of Miyazaki and Akari Uemura as singers. The clear but strong singing voice of Miyamaoto rang through the concert hall, which brought comfort and relief to the audience.
この流れに乗って、序盤から畳み掛けていくJuice=Juice。夏のハロコンでファンの度肝を抜いた”Fiesta! Fiesta!”、ラテンのリズムをそのままに”裸の裸の裸のKISS”、植村と宮崎の歌唱力の向上によって迫力の増した”伊達じゃないよ うちの人生は”と一切手を緩めようとしない。宮本の力強く、透明感のある歌声が会場に響き渡り、勝手な心配は杞憂だったことに心の底から安心した。
After the intense performance by way of compliment, Juice=Juice changed the mood to cute. The audience shouted with joy when Miyamoto said “Je t’aime bien” for the last line of “Ça va? Ça va?”. The members changed costumes during “Tick Tack Watashi no Shun” and rushed right into “Jidanda Dance”. The atmosphere became festive as the members and audience danced comically and fearlessly together.
挨拶代わりの激しいパフォーマンスの後は、存分にJuice-Juiceの可愛らしさを堪能することができた。「Ça va? Ça va?」の最後に宮本が「Je t’aime bien」と観客に言い放ち、観客を沸かせた。「チクタク 私の旬」の曲間に衣装を変え、「地団駄ダンス」へ。観客が羞恥心を捨て、法被を着たメンバーと一緒にコミカルな振り付けを踊る姿はまさに祭であった。
The members looked back at the world tour seeing photos from their overseas performances. The members shared an episode where a French woman told them that they were showing off their legs too much, causing the fans to cheer and Takagi jokingly calling them “perverts”. The atmosphere in the venue was relaxed and playful.
In order to quiet any remaining dirty fans, Juice=Juice rushed to intensify the performance. Yanagawa proved how she has grown up in a short time during “Watashi ga Iumae ni Dakishimenakyane”. Although she had shared how she felt her way of singing was terrible during a recording of “Fiesta! Fiesta!”, any doubts were put to rest as she confidently sang along with the other members. Her possibilities as an idol is still unknown, so fans might have high expectations from Yagawa and her future.
そんなスケベたちを黙らせるべく、後半も曲を畳み掛けていく。「私が言う前に抱きしめなきゃね」では短期間ながら梁川が成長していることが感じられた。梁川が「Fiesta! Fiesta!」のレコーディングの際に「発声方法が良くないんだと思うんですよ」と不安そうに語っていたが、Juice=Juiceらしい声を張る歌い方が身につきはじめているようであった。ビジュアルもパフォーマンスもまだまだ未知数、だからこそ彼女に期待したくなる。そんな期待を感じさせるパフォーマンスであった。
To answer the encore by the audience, the members appeared in flower-print dresses with frilly skirts in their member colors. They performed “Ijiwaru Shinaide Dakishimeteyo” and “Magic of Love (J=J 2015ver)”. The audience was surprised with the announcement that the group will hold a South America tour. Singing “Wonderful World (English Ver)” and “Mirai he, Saa Hashiridase”, “Juice=Juice Day” drew to a close.
観客のアンコールに応えるべく、花柄のドレスにメンバーカラーのパニエを身にまとい登場。「イジワルしないで抱きしめてよ」、「Magic of Love (J=J 2015Ver)」を披露。南米でのワールドツアーを追加発表し、観客を驚かせた。「Wonderful World」の2番を英語で歌い、「未来へ、さあ走り出せ!」でライブを締めくくった。
The rapid improvement of Juice=Juice in the short time since the reformation of the group was surprising. However, it was also true that they performed better as the 5 members who experienced 220 concerts in 2 years. It is not a dream that they aim to become the idol group with the best performance among others with the growth of Yanagawa and Danbara, and combination of 7 members. As one of the checkpoints, they will be returning to the Nippon Budokan for another solo concert in November of 2017. Based on their performance at Zepp Divercity, expectations are high for what Juice=Juice will reveal on that day.
Related Links
Juice=Juice Official Site:http://www.helloproject.com/juicejuice/
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