Houkago Princess Are Conflicted Ballerinas in the MV for “Sayonara Duarena”!

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The stars and planets aligned as Houkago Princess held “LIVE〜PRINCESS STORY〜”, their first one-man live at Zepp Diver City on September 22, 2016.
2016年9月22日、9人組アイドルグループの放課後プリンセスが初のワンマンライブ「LIVE~PRINCESS STORY~」を東京Zepp Diver Cityで開催。この日は、昼「~Twinkle~」と夜「~Miracle~」の2公演が開催された。
Taking the stage for “~Miracle~”, the second of their 2 performances of the day, Houkago Princess was met by the enthusiastic shouts and waving penlights of their fans. Starting off with “Kiete, Shirayukihime” and “Manatsu no Yoru no Yume”, the heat inside Zepp Diver City began to boil over as the members paraded down the walkway to the stage in the middle of the floor area.
After a quick greeting and self-introduction, the live continued as a harpsichord melody ushered in “Junpaku Antoinette”, the members kicking up their heels and pirouetting across the stage. Changing directions quickly with the rock/dance mixture of “Dream Door”, the members raised their fists high above their heads, kicking and bouncing along to the throbbing rhythms before retreating offstage.
挨拶と自己紹介をした後、「純白アントワネット」のチェンバロのメロディが流れると共に高いヒールでステージ上をピルエットするメンバーのダンスでライブが続行した。次の曲「Dream Door」ではガラッと雰囲気を変え、拳を高く上げ激しくリズムを取るかっこ良いパフォーマンスで会場を魅了した。
After a short video showing clips from Houkago Princess’ MVs and photos from past events, Nana Odagiri, Miran Yamaguchi, Maika, Saori Kizuki, and Sasara Sekine returned to the stage wearing black lacy crop tops and flowing tan and black pants, putting on a display of their athleticism and grace with a dance performance which transitioned into “Ito 4 kute BALLOON”.
With the coronation of Marina Nagasawa, Mayumi Kojima, and Sasara taking place at the end of the evening, it was sadly the final night that Houpuri Youth would be active as well. Cadet member Nina Horii joined them onstage for their final performance of “Smile x 3 〜Egao Zutto Saita mama de〜”. Even though they vowed not to cry, sealing it with a huddle and a shout of “xiaolongbao!”, Marina found it unable to keep the tears from coming.
午後になると放課後プリンセスになるために候補生から正式昇格した長澤茉里奈、関根ささら、小島まゆみの戴冠式が行われた。今回のステージで活動に終止符を打った放プリユースから堀井仁菜を含め「Smile x 3 〜笑顔ずっと咲いたままで〜」を披露。放プリユースが気合入れのためいつも行う「小籠包!!」の掛け声に、長澤は堪え切れず涙を流した。
The rest of the members returned to sing “Chou HAPPY BIRTHDAY” (Houkago Princess’ birthday song) for Mayumi as she walked out to the stage in the middle of floor and took in the sight of all the pink lights waving just for her. Marina and Sasara embraced Mayumi from both sides as tears of happiness welled up in her eyes while the song came to a close.
残りのメンバーが加わったところで9月26日に誕生日を迎えた小島まゆみのため「超HAPPY BIRTHDAY」を披露し、小島がセンターステージではしゃぐ中会場はピンク色のペンライトで包まれた。曲の終り頃には小島に歩み寄る長澤と関根もうれし涙で溢れていた。
With the rest of the group offstage once again, Maika stood alone under a spotlight as the floor area was filled with purple penlights, her voice reverberating as she sang “My love song”. Having written the lyrics, Maika became immersed in the music, her voice soaring as she hit the high notes and knelt gently at the center of the stage.
メンバーが舞台裏へはける中、舞花のみ一人ステージ上に残りスポットライトと紫色に包まれた会場で「My love song」を美しく熱唱した。自身で作詞も担当したこの曲で、舞花は曲の世界に入り込み高音を伸ばしながらゆっくりとステージの真ん中にしゃがみ込んだ。
After another video which continued the review of Houkago Princess’ story with clips of “Kiete, Shirayukihime”, “Junpaku Antoinette”, “Seishun Mermaid”, and their newest single “Himitsu no Tiara to Gelato”, the members returned in their Audrey Hepburn-esque outfits. As soon as the opening notes of “Baka da ne” shot out from the speakers, the voices of the fans called out loudly as Houkago Princess teased them playfully. After spinning and waltzing through “Seifuku Cinderella”, the members took a break to introduce their newest song “Himitsu no Tiara to Gelato”. This was by far one of the most impactful performances of the evening as midway through the song, the members pulled on their outfits while twirling, revealing shimmery flowing evening gowns, ending with them placing tiaras on each other’s heads.
Below is a video of the performance from that night!
From there, Houkago Princess turned back the clock with “Kimi-pedia”, waving their penlights to “Ichigo Ichie”, and the anthemic “Kojiki Shika!”. Quickening pulses with the inescapably cute “Watashi no Migite Anata no Hidarite〜Gyutteshitai〜”, Houkago Princess closed out the main portion of the concert with their classic “Juliet〜Kimi wo Suki na 100 no Riyuu〜”.
後半戦に突入し、インディーズ曲の「キミペディア」に続き、「イチゴいちえ」や「古事記しか!」を披露した。キュートすぎる楽曲「私の右手 あなたの左手~ぎゅってしたい~」で会場中のファンがキュンキュンした後、放課後プリンセスの人気曲「ジュリエット~君を好きな100の理由」でコンサートのメインが終了した。
After a few minutes of encore calls, the fans began counting down to 8:00pm along with a clock that appeared on the screen at the back of the stage. The first announcement was that Houkago Princess would have 2 teams: Twinkle (Nana Odagiri, Maika, Saori Kizuki, Miran Yamaguchi, Sasara Sekine) and Miracle (Marina Nagasawa, Mayumi Kojima, Himari Shirosaki, Saho Michishige, and Nina Horii). The second announcement was news of a Tokyo/Osaka/Nagoya/Fukuoka tour to begin in March of 2017.
アンコールのコールがかかると、ファンはスクリーンに映った午後8時への時計と共にカウントダウンを始めた。そしてその後、二つの重大発表が。一つ目は放課後プリンセスが “Twinkle”(小田桐奈々、舞花、山口みらん、関根ささら)と “Miracle” (長澤茉里奈、小島まゆみ、城崎ひまり、道重佐保、堀井仁菜)の二チームに分かれて活動をするということ、二つ目は2017年3月から東京、名古屋、大阪、福岡を巡るツアーを開催するという内容だった。
Returning for the encore to the sound of harps, Houkago Princess were met with waves of kechas as they began “Seishun Mermaid”, shards of light sparkling off of the mirror ball hanging from the ceiling like the stars in the night sky. Himari Shirosaki commented about the tour taking the group to her home ground in Osaka, prompting the others to start talking about its specialty food takoyaki. Marina Nagasawa reminded fans that she and Saori Kizuki would be holding their birthday event at TSUTAYA O-WEST on October 11th.
再びアンコールに戻り「青春マーメイド」でハープの音色が鳴り始めると会場はケチャの嵐に包まれた。天井から吊るされたミラーボールはキラキラと会場を照らし、まるで夜空に広がる星のようにも見えた。城崎ひまりはコメントで、「このツアーで放課後プリンセスを自分のホームグラウンドの大阪に連れて来られる事が嬉しい」と語り、長澤茉里奈は10月11日にTSUTAYA O-WESTでバースデーイベントを行うことを告知。
Miran Yamaguchi moved to center stage, the pounding rhythms of “FORZA! OLE!” got the audience heated up as they pumped their fists and called out “ole! ole!”. Leading the singalong, excitement reached fever pitch, peaking with a loud “ore mo!” shout. Thanking the fans for supporting her song, Miran expressed her wishes to perform it soon and often in the future.
山口みらんがステージのセンターへ移動すると、放課後プリンセスは「FORZA OLE!」を初披露。力強いリズムが会場を盛り上げ、観客は拳を上げながら「OLE! OLE!」とコールをした。曲が終わるとみらんは感謝を表しながら、すぐにまたこの曲をファンの前で披露したいと語った。
Nana Odagiri summed up Houkago Princess’ first Zepp Diver City solo concerts saying it was one of the dreams come true that they had been working hard for while worrying if they would be able to make it a success. With their new 9-member lineup, she mentioned how they are also aiming to stand on the stage of Nippon Budokan as well. Maika added, “We’ve just begun”, before asking the fans for their support to bring them along. Running back out the stage in the middle of the floor, an explosion of streamers fluttered down as Houkago Princess put an exclamation point on their first Zepp Diver City one-man live with “Gachi Only you”.
最後に小田桐奈々が、「成功するかとても不安だったけど、この日まで一生懸命頑張ってきて一つの目標が叶った」と放課後プリンセス初のZEPP DiverCity単独コンサートを締めた。また、9人体制になった放課後プリンセスは、今後日本武道館公演を目指す、と新たな目標を宣言。舞花は「私たちはまだ始まったばかり」と今後もファンに支えてもらえるように頑張る、と語った。メンバーが中央ステージへ走って戻ると、大きなスチームが勢いよくステージから上へと発射し、お客さんへの感謝の気持ちを表すような曲「ガチOnly You」を歌い上げた。
After the concert, the coronations of Marina Nagasawa, Sasara Sekine, and Mayumi Kojima took place. Each of them shared their feelings about being surprised at Tokyo Idol Festival 2016 where their promotions were announced and their hopes for “Himitsu no Tiara to Gelato”. When asked what kind of princess they want to become, Sasara exclaimed, “A strong one!”. The rest of the members appeared on the stage and crowned the newest “afterschool princesses”, posing with them as the fans were allowed to photograph the momentous occasion. Nana read a letter she had written, congratulating Marina, Sasara, and Mayumi, causing them to shed more tears of happiness as she praised their efforts and expressed her expectations as they would begin Houkago Princess’ new chapter together.
コンサートが終わると、長澤茉里奈、関根ささら、小島まゆみの戴冠式が行われた。それぞれがTokyo Idol Festival 2016での思い出を共有し、「秘密のティアラとジェラート」の曲に込められた想いなどを語った。将来どのようなプリンセスになりたいか聞かれると、ささらは「強いプリンセス!」と答え、先輩メンバーが新しい“放課後プリンセス”たちの頭にティアラを乗せた。新しいメンバーを含めて集合写真を撮り終わった後、小田桐は長澤、関根、小島宛に書いた手紙を読み、三人は彼女の言葉と放課後プリンセスの新しい物語に参加できることに涙を流した。
Comments by Maika/舞花コメント
Houkago Princess having their first one-man live at Zepp Diver City, and 2 performances in one day on top of that, had me spending every day leading up to it filled with anxiety and anticipation at the same time. Seeing that so many Houkago Princess fans had come when I stood on the stage, I was able to enthusiastically take on the challenge while thinking, “Alright! Let’s paint Zepp Diver City in the colors of Houkago Princess!”
放課後プリンセス初のZepp Diver Cityでのワンマンライブで、しかも1日2公演ということで不安と期待が隣り合わせな日々を過ごしていました。でもステージに立ったらたくさんのファンの皆さんにお集まり頂いていて、「よし、ZEPPを放課後プリンセス色に染めるぞ!」という意気込みでステージに挑むことができました。
We had a performance before 4:00pm where we wore seifuku and the one after 4:00pm showed us in our princess outfits so they were both different. Having a walkway allowed us to feel closer to the encouragement and smiles of the fans as we took on many new challenges during the performance. Arriving at this moment at Zepp has been a journey that began over a year ago when we made our major label debut and I had been wondering what it would actually feel like. I became overwhelmed with emotion and it felt like tears were going to start flowing but at the same time I also thought Houkago Princess still has a lot to keep working on.
Ever since I joined Houkago Princess, I had a dream of performing a song that I had written the lyrics for so, I’m really happy that I was able to sing “My love song” during our biggest one-man live. “My love song” expresses the feelings of a mermaid thinking about their special someone and so during the intro there is the sound of waves crashing but, at the same time all the fans switched their penlights to my color, violet! Seeing that, I was really able to pour my feelings into the song. Such an experience like that is something that will remain with me forever; it’s a time I treasure deeply.
放課後プリンセスに加入した当時から自分の作詞したソロ曲が欲しいという目標があり、その目標が達成できたのが『My love song』という曲で、その曲を過去最大規模のワンマンライブで披露できて本当に嬉しかったです。『My love song』は大切な人を想い続けるひたむきな人魚の気持ちを歌っている曲で、イントロに波の音が入ってるのですが、会場に流れた瞬間にファンの方のサイリウムが私の担当カラーである紫色に変わったんです! その景色がまるで海のようで、より気持ちを込めて歌うことができました。この経験は一生心に残る、宝物な時間となりました。
With the new formation of Houkago Princess, our first tour being set, and our new single “Himitsu no Tiara to Gelato” releasing on October 12th, our evolution will not stop! Our goal of performing at Nippon Budokan is not a matter of “when” anymore but, something we will “absolutely” become a reality as we continue to work hard!
新生放課後プリンセスになり、初のツアーが決定したり、10月12日に新体制初シングル『秘密のティアラとジェラート』が発売したり、放課後プリンセスは進化し続けています! 結成当初から変わらない武道館公演を『いつか』ではなく『絶対』に達成できるように頑張っていきたいと思っています。
01 Kiete, Shirayukihime
02 Manatsu no Yoru no Yume
03 Junpaku Antoinette
04 Dream Door
05 Itoshikute BALLOON
06 Smile x 3 〜Egao Zutto Saita mama de〜
08 My love song
09 Baka da ne
10 Seifuku Cinderella
11 Himitsu no Tiara to Gelato
12 Kimi-pedia
13 Ichigo Ichie
14 Kojiki Shika!
15 Watashi no Migite Anata no Hidarite〜Gyutteshitai〜
16 Juliet〜Kimi wo Suki na 100 no Riyuu〜
E1 Seishun Mermaid
E3 Gachi Only you
01 消えて、白雪姫
03 純白アントワネット
04 Dream Door
05 いと4くて BALLOON
06 Smile x 3 〜笑顔ずっと咲いたままで~
08 My love song
09 バカだね
10 制服シンデレラ
11 秘密のティアラとジェラート
12 キミペディア
13 イチゴいちえ
14 古事記しか!
15 私の右手 あなたの左手~ぎゅってしたい~
16 ジュリエット~君を好きな100の理由~
E1 青春マーメイド
E3 ガチOnly You
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Related links
Houkago Princess Official site : https://houpri.fanmo.jp/
Houkago Princess Official Twitter : https://twitter.com/CB__official
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