TIF 2019: Kobushi Factory Beats the Heat With Their Powerful Punch!

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Hi guys! How are you doing? It’s so hot here again today in Japan. How’s over there?
The Idols adored by idols, “Haropro” released the new MV of their latest group Juice=Juice. The song name is “Romance no Tochu.” We TGU editorial team would like to say at loud, “Everybody! Since the group was just born, it’s the best time to be “J=J wota!!” “Be the one who raises J=J!!”
There also are live movies performed by “Berryz Kobo” and “S/mileage” at the time of the summer live tour “Hello!Project 2013 SUMMER COOL HELLO!”
And check the solo performance by Fukumura Mizuki ( Morning Musume.) She performs one of the Musume’s classic songs Ai araba it’s all right!!!!
In addition, girls all over the world who want to be kawaii more, this week’s harosute is just for you!! Concise hair arranges lesson by ºC-at Suzuki Airi gives you a cutie hair styling. So boys and girls on this planet, enjoy the wonderful moment presented by Hello! Project.
28th MC Katsuta Rina from S/mileage ( this week she is less nervous than last week )
written by Yuji Hara
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