Hatsune Miku’s Never-ending “Play”

ill, dir. by YKBX ©Crypton Future Media, INC. www.piapro.net piapro ©LOUIS VUITTON Photo: KENSHU SHINTSUBO Théâtre du Châtelet ©A4A
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It has been announced that Hatsune Miku‘s vocaloid opera “THE END” by Shibuya Keiichiro, a techno-music composer and artist, will be performed at the international performing arts festival Holland Festival at Amsterdam. They will perform as the main act on June 4th and 5th, at the Dutch National Opera & Ballet.
ill, dir. by YKBX ©Crypton Future Media, INC. www.piapro.net
Keiichiro Shibuya / Photograph by Vanessa Franklin
“THE END” is a project of Vocaloid opera that is constructed only from multi-screen 3D images and electric sounds. It first took place at the Theatre du Chatelet Opera House in Paris on November 13 and 15, 2013. The characters that appear in the screen are Hatsune Miku, animal characters, and Shibuya Keiichiro. The event puts the theme on “The End” and the world after 3.11, and makes us think about the reality and hallucination of life and death.
The Holland Festival is the oldest performing arts festival that was founded in 1947. It comprises theater, dance, opera, music movie, visual art, literature, and architecture, and last year, the festival was held for 29 days that included 56 groups and 159 performances. The sponsor is Stichting Holland Festival, and the director is Ruth Mackenzie.
Dutch National Opera &Ballet
Related links
ATAK by Keiichiro Shibuya & maria website : http://atak.jp/
Keiichiro Shibuya Twitter : https://twitter.com/keiichiroshibuy
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