Japanese Railway Gets Spark With New Pikachu Train

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Pokémon, the Japanese media franchise that took the world by storm, and Pokémon’s official shop “Pokémon Center” has collaborated with one of the Tokyo fashion icon Alisa Ueno’s brand FIG&VIPER!
To read the Tokyo Girls Update exclusive interview with Alisa Ueno where she spoke with us about wanting to spread Tokyo culture abroad more widely, click here:
前回Tokyo Girls Updateが行ったインタビューで、
By collaborating with Pokémon, which is synonymous with Japanese popular culture, Ueno wanted to take on the challenge of creating a new trend. Also, as with millions of others all over the world, Ueno loved Pokémon from a very young age (the first Pokémon game was released in 1996), so this was a dream come true collaboration for her. These are no ordinary Pokémon T-shirts though, featuring crop tops and sleeveless shirts in the collection, the designs remain true to the FIG&VIPER that is at the forefront of the Neo Gyaru movement.
The Pokémon collection is scheduled to be on sale at Pokémon Centers and FIG&VIPER shops throughout Japan for the first half of September, so definitely check them out if you are in Japan at that time.
Checkered Pattern Crop Top 7344yen
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