5th Wave of @JAM EXPO 2018 Performers Announced!

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9nine had “F9GBP : Fan 9 Global Broadcasting Party” and “9nine’s Day COUNTDOWN PARTY supported by MOUSHIWAKE Co., Ltd” in commemoration of 9nine’s DAY (Sep. 9th) on Sep. 8th 2013 at Future SEVEN in Shibuya.
9nine aimed to connect with as many people as they can in this summer.
The party has been broadcasted under the concept of connecting all Fan 9, fans of 9nine, who are from overseas and distant area of Japan and who cannot join 9nine’s stage usually.
In the event, Tokyo Girls’ Update invite the fans to the Fan 9 summit. The fans from Thai, Indonesia, France, Phillipine and distant area in Japan directly chat with 9nine members via video chat system!
Every fan who joined the event was so excited, it was the first time for almost all of them to talk with 9nine directly!
MeaniE, from Thai land runs his own facebook fanclub page in thai. Hari, from Indonesia celebrate 9nine member’s birthday with cake and candle in every year. Surprisingly they collected not only CDs and DVDs of 9nine also photo book of them, it surprises Japanese 9nine fan a lot.
When fans showed the photo book of Hirona Murata via web cam, Japanese fans gave a glad of cry!
9nine members also are surprised and glad to know that fans are increasing in overseas without their notice.
They also showed their eagerness to have a live performance in overseas.
Members look their old flyer.
After the video chat, the treasured video corner was held.
The video of 9nine’s street performance in 2007 was projected and members handed out the flyer written by their own handwrite.
In the video, Kanae Yoshii was age 17 and participated in the audition of 9nine , Sayaka Nishiwaki was age 12 and singing really well on the stage, Umika Kawashima was age 13 and challeging on the first PV shooting, Hirona Murata was age 14 and participated in audition of 9nine, and Uki Satake was age 14 and got nervous to be on the first stage and danced wrong coreograph.
As last of the event, they performed live stage in 40 min.
They sang “Evolutioin No.9“, “Shoujo Traveller” and the songs like “Cross Over” and “SHINING STAR” which are loved by overseas fans.
They performed for not only the audience in front of the stage, also the fans sitting behind the display.
Every fans on line and off line really enjoyed the live.
They also revealed first act of “JUST A koi” the cool performance match with the taste of the song involves a lot of fans’ heart.
In the COUNT DOWN PARTY event, they countdownt to the 0:00 of Sep 9th (9nine’s Day), and when it became 0:00, the video interview of 9nine showed.
They confess their real feeling for 9nine.
Hiroro saids ” I want to get 1st prize on ORICON and sing with full of audience in BUDOKAN. I have a lot of things want to do but anyway, I want to be famous!”
Charpon saids ” 9nine has kept performing for 9 years to be the group of now. I would love to make it success to hold a concert in BUDOKAN with this 5 members.”
Kanchan saids” We definitely go to BUDOKAN! I think we probably can do it!”
Ukki saids “We should have the song represent 9nine, like everyone saids “the song is 9nine’s.”
Umika saids “I want to perform on Budokan stage. Great artists have performed there, I want to dance and sing on such place.”
Usually they don’t say much about their real feeling, but this time, every member confess their real wants to be big artist.
Fans are so moved by the words of them and the some fans cried.
F9GBP have not ended on the day, the event will come back as scheduled program “Fan 9 Global Broadcasting Program” with 2.5D.
9nine will release brandnew single tied up with “Legal High,” the dorama seriese of Fuji television and have a one-man live show “be! be! be! Kimitomukohe” on Nov. 4th!
You cannot miss 9nine’s growing at a furious speed in thier 9th year!
9nine Official Youtube Channel
9nine Twitter
9nine @lespros_9nine
Umini @lespros_umika
Ukki @lespros_uki
Hiroro @lespros_hirona
Kanchan @lespros_kanae
Charpon @lespros_charpon
9nine official Facebook
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