
E-girls Releases New School Uniform Dance Video for “Diamond Only”

E-girls Releases New School Uniform Dance Video for “Diamond Only”

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Nothing can stop the momentum of E-girls.

Their new single “Diamond Only” is set for release on February 26 as their first single in 2014. Prior to the CD release, the group has released adorable “School Uniform Dance Video” for the title track “Diamond Only.”
In this video, E-girls show their brisk dancing skills, the result of training as athletes. This is one of the popular series of music videos where members who are students, play main roles.

You will definitely understand the power of Japanese girls from this video. E-girls receives tremendous support from people of all ages and is another addition to “Cool Japan”, unique dance moves, and club scene.

Check out E-girls and their unstoppable momentum in this latest footage!

School uniform dance, Diamond Only

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Diamond Only / E-girls

Diamond Only / E-girls

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